
Stripper Loyalty

layin low but staying high
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 7:28 PM
A recent PM asking me questions about how I travel on planes with weed reminded me of this story. In hindsight, I should have seen this as a bad omen about the loyalty of the DS. We are leaving Seattle with lots of weed. I hid her weed and mine to get thru security with no problems. She gets through security but they stop me to look in my bag. I'm not very worried because I did a good job of hiding it, and the TSA is not looking for drugs. Turned out to be looking at a bath bomb that I had in my luggage. DS liked these things to take a bath together before her full body massage and I had one left. Apparently it looked suspiciously like a real bomb in the X-ray. So I leave the inspection, and no DS. I wait, figuring she's in the bathroom. But no DS. I text her. 3 times. No answer. I go to our gate. She's not there. We have time before the flight leaves so I go searching for her. I find her 30 min later in another terminal. She thinks I've been busted with the drugs and the cops have my phone and are trying to arrest her. I guess it was just immaturity, but still the speed and degree with which she abandoned me were surprising. Also did not expect a woman who drives high to be so paranoid about it. Anybody else have any stories of stripper's abandoning them?


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I've been stood up a couple of times but never abandoned.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    No I keep her on a leash like this kid [view link]
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    One night in a hotel my ATF and I were shooting heroin. I overdosed & lost consciousness. She called 911, stayed with me until the EMT's arrived, took my car keys from my pants, gave the medics some story about me calling her cuz I was going to hurt myself. The narcan revived me and I went to the hospital by ambulance and after I'd been there an hour she sneaked into the ER, gave me my keys and told me where my car was in the parking lot. I signed myself out AMA, drove back to the hotel and we met up again. Loyal, creative, and resourceful.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    Once again, when I think I've done some crazy shit with strippers and alcohol, Gawker's stories really put it in perspective how tame it is to just get drunk and have strippers suck and fuck you for money.... Wow....
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Jesus, and here I am thinking I'm a rebel for smuggling Cuban Cigars and worrying if security is going to stop me because my wine opener has a sharp blade on it!!!! I can't decide who I want to aspire to be, Gawker or Shadowcat - two total badasses.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    These hoes ain't loyal.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    If you feel you would take a bullet for a stripper, remember that she will be the one shooting the gun.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I can't remember worrying about a stripper abandoning me. I do remember a time when a stripper I knew and another female suddenly got worried I could abandon them. We were just over 2 hours from our homes at the beach going to visit regular night clubs. Zthe stripper I knew while looking at me said, ok let's all agree that no one will try any shit and that we will all stay together during the night. We all agreed. No one would leave the club with someone else without each other. For some reason, I thought maybe she didn't trust me. I had multiple girls with me all night in the clubs. The two girls I arrived with kept close by. It's possible in a night club I went to with the stripper in a town where she lived, one night she saw someone she recognized and just told me she would see me later. Can't really remember if she did that or not. She was never that into me in my opinion so we didn't see each other very much more. I wasn't happy about something I can't remember and just never called her again. I never gave her my number or full name. I doubt another dancer would allow that. That was ages ago.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Gawker's ATF is a DS.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Yeah, Gawker's lady should be an inspiration to all of them. I've never really been worried about a stripper ditching me or pulling and NCNS. My experiences have been too far and few between to warrant any such worry. However, a couple years ago, one stripper who did an OTC with me was worried I'd ditch her. I had picked her up outside a fast-food place in NE Indy (a location she gave me) and drove her down to my hotel in SE Indy. After our session, she wanted to stop by the Wal-Mart next door to pick up a Straight Talk card for her phone. I figured it was just going to be a five-minute stop -- tops -- so I'd just wait in the car. She got into a borderline panic about that and told me that I was going in with her. So I parked the car and, even before we got into the building, she was holding my hand -- in what was pretty much a death grip. Like I said, it wasn't more than a five-minute stop. I drove her back to her place -- not the fast-food place, but to her actual home -- then called it a night -- after some more lap dances at another club in Indy. Yeah, I had the distinctive impression that she had been ditched before.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    shailynn - I don't think of my self as a bad ass. I'm more of a pussy cat and an old one at that.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Many dancers have a great fear of being abandoned, yet we will be the first to cut and run to save our own ass. It's just one of those things. I'm sure there's a deep psychological explanation for it, but I just worked all night and I'm too tired to try and figure it out. I'm sorry that happened to you John.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Not a big deal, and I Wasn't pissed. She was genuinely terrified, so I kind of felt sorry for her. Also she might have taken some drug that I didn't know about that made her more paranoid.
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago
    Interesting. John Smith's ex-DS has not displayed any disloyalty with me. Perhaps she realizes that I'll go all wildebeest on the ass of anybody that crosses either of us. Probably feels safer with me than she did with John Smith. Remember. I can be magnanimous to my hairless ape underlings. Welcome me as your rightful leader and you will be treated well. Disobey and it's wildebeest time. ROAR!
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago
    Interesting. John Smith's ex-DS has not displayed any disloyalty with me. Perhaps she realizes that I'll go all wildebeest on the ass of anybody that crosses either of us. Probably feels safer with me than she did with John Smith. Remember. I can be magnanimous to my hairless ape underlings. Welcome me as your rightful leader and you will be treated well. Disobey and it's wildebeest time. ROAR!
  • rickthelion
    9 years ago
    Damn hairless ape tablet. You hairless apes better star making mobile devices that are robust to lion claws. Unless you want some wildebeest treatment, that is. ROAR!
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