SC tipping

oriole1New York
Why bother tipping bartenders in a SC when drinks are overpriced? If they want extra money, they should get on stage. Strippers are the ones who don't get a paycheck. Other thoughts on this?
Why bother tipping bartenders in a SC when drinks are overpriced? If they want extra money, they should get on stage. Strippers are the ones who don't get a paycheck. Other thoughts on this?
last commentMy drinks are $1.50 so I always pay $3.00. Top shelf is like $6.00 for more volume, and I'll tip $2. We're dropping all thins money on dancers; it seems cheap to not tip the wait staff. I never tip bouncers though as it wouldn't do any good.
Its pretty much customary to tip a bartender anywhere. At the SC I always tip at least a dollar for each drink, even the free glass of ice water. Its your choice, but their hospitality towards you may change.
The money from the overpriced drinks is not going into the bartender's pocket, so why does the price matter as to whether or not you leave a tip?
I get what oriole1 is talking about. Basically why tip for something that's overpriced? I thought about this at one of my local clubs when I came in at 8pm on a Thursday and the cover was 8 bucks. Really? There was a tip jar that you could put tips for the girl collecting the cover. I didn't put a tip in.
I always tip my bartender (I was one for 7 years). I also get really good pours every where I go.
Why tip the bartender?
Because she has my bottle/glass of water ready by the time I get out of the head, and often doesn't charge me for it.
Because she's the one who will make sure I get the room farthest from the door, and will make sure I'm not disturbed.
Because she's the one who knows what I mean, and will answer honestly, when I ask if I'm going to "like" one of the dancers.
Tipping is a U.S. phenomenon – it seems to be a way for businesses to pass part of the employee cost onto the customer (i.e. pay the employee a low-wage and let the custy make up the difference via tips) – AFAIK tipping is not common in most of Europe since employees/wait-staff are supposedly paid a living-wage by the business.
I have to agree with JS69 and although I never sit at the bar in my favorite club. I usually get there before any waitresses are on duty so my favorite bar tender always has my drink on the table by the time I get back from the men's room and if my favorite dancer is there in the dressing room, brings her drink as well. No charge for my coke, the kiss, or the hug and she appreciates the tip inside her bra.
True, Papi.
Why bother tipping housekeepers at a hotel when room are overpriced? Why bother tipping valets at a hotel when parking is really, really overpriced?
a) Because that's what's done.
b) To be nice.
c) Why not?
d) All of the above.
When I go to Wise Guys in Washington Park, I tip the bartender even though drinks are a little pricey because, truthfully, Adam is better at pouring drinks than he is at dancing on stage -- let alone entertaining me in the VIP room.
Seriously, always give the bartender at least one damn dollar -- it's not like [s]he sets the high drink prices! And while I'm at it, always tip the bathroom troll -- he has the shittiest [pun intended] job in the house!! I don't understand people who will drop $150 on a VIP room but won't give a waitress $5 for a $4 beer. Sheesh!
As far as the ex-bartender, they make enough from those in the field. I'm not and people don't "give" me money, I work for mine. My point being, employers are obliged to their employees, I'm not. I spend my money there and it's their duty to pay workers out of that. If they drive Porsches and BMWs I'm not making their pymt. Whoever promises a bartender tips can also tip them. I'll stuff g-strings and garters, that costs enough.
oriole1 - perhaps you should read this:
The word tip is often thought of as an acronym for To Improve Performance or To Insure Promptness.
IMHO, anybody providing a service for which quality may or may not be an issue should be tipped. This includes, wait staff, bartenders, bathroom trolls, housekeeping, hairdressers/barbers, limo drivers, taxis, valet parking AND strippers -- assuming services meet or exceed reasonable standards. It could include bouncers and the coat check bimbo, if they do anything out of the ordinary for you. It should not include the troll collecting the cover charge unless you are trying to act like a big shooter (see Goodfellas).
The one that kills me is the valet parker -- I'm going to give him the keys to my $40,000 auto, but I'm not going to give him a few bucks to park it carefully?? Really?
Ever unsure? -- just trust in karma and throw him/her a buck! Can't afford it? -- stay home.
IMO – when it comes to tipping it's not such much a matter of being able to afford it – often times people/society expects tipping as almost mandatory/expected no-matter the performance or if the service being provided is even useful or wanted.
One occasion that was truly painful to give a tip -- but I was shamed into it anyway -- was when I paid $15 cover to enter the Pony in Evansville, IN and was pressured to tip a dollar to the tollbooth troll. But I always tip waitresses, bartenders, and bathroom trolls at least a buck, and I always tip dancers $5-20 for a happy-making set of lap dances and anywhere from $20 to $100 for a VIP job well done. I never voluntarily tip a bouncer and I've only encountered a parking valet once at a strip club, last year at Flight Club in Inkster -- no tip.
Word gets around a club if you are not a spender. If you don't tip a waitress/bartender, they could bad mouth you to a dancer you want and you don't want bad press.
It's not asking that much to tip the bartender a dollar. For just about any drink price a dollar is way more than 20%.
Penny conscious and pound foolish. Word gets around pretty quick when you screw over the bartender - she's going to tell anyone who will listen how you were too cheap to tip her a buck or two for your drink.. I guess if it is a place you don't intend on visiting often then it may be ok, but if it's a regular club then good luck. Also, don't count on decent service once you stiff her the first time and good luck on the quality of the pour if you are drinking hard liquor.
I always tip the bartender. They can be your best friend in regards to gaining intel from certain dancers and other staff.
Some of the comments being made make is sound like a damn shakedown – i.e. tip or else … – I don't agree w/ that – an employee should provide good and adequate service despite whether tipped or not b/c it's their job – that is what I would do and if I wasn't happy w/ people not tipping me then I'd find a different line of work.
w.r.t being black-balled – again – sorta like a shakedown – I tip the door-girl; bathroom attendant; waitresses; b/c I know they depend on those tips; but I rarely tip on stage or dancers on the floor asking for tips or even for dances if they are $20+ - I normally spend a couple of hundred in the club just on dances – so IMO not tipping is not equal to being a non-spender – more often than not when other dancers see you getting dances left and right they won't even remember you're not a tipper nor care if another dancer/staff bad-mouthed you.
In the end – I guess it's a case of preference just as others things are - $$$ is an important part of life and important to most of us and as such most of us have different ways w.r.t. how we choose to spend our $$$.
Not saying not to tip, I do. Never to the extent that they expect. When they think it's an entitlement, time to think again. It's a gift, sweetheart. Don't forget it. You wouldn't last ten min. at a real job. Try paying taxes on it too! People like bartenders that don't claim it on taxes drive up taxes for real working people. I'm not cheap. Your boss is, and you're just plain GREEDY. If you want an entitlement, go to county welfare. Be happy you have an easy job and make more than you deserve.
With or without the dachshund, you just can't laid. Hehe, sorry dude, I just had to. It was a good read of a particularly pathetic moment. Anyone here that says they've never fucked up is either a liar or the creator of the The System™. Maybe it's time for a Detroit trip and get your game on.
SC tipping be SC tripping :)
Sometimes I get annoyed by the approaches that are used to extract tips from us even though I generally tip in the expected fashion even too much sometimes, if I'm a bit high. We need to remember that is why these types of places exist. My biggest peeve, is my suspicion, that none of the recipient's of our largess, pay their fair share of taxes . Every now and then I wonder if I could report my tips as gifts and get a tax deduction at the end of the year and that would force these people to report or maybe I might need to file W-9s that would cause a real panic. What do you guys think?
Oriole, you originally posted this...
Why bother tipping bartenders in a SC when drinks are overpriced? If they want extra money, they should get on stage. Strippers are the ones who don't get a paycheck. Other thoughts on this?
...which very much implied that you didn't believe that bartenders should get tipped at all. Also, your other comments seem to imply that the bartenders are making good money from the clubs themselves. Perhaps you don't know this, but many strip club bartenders are paid a whopping $2.13 per hour, which is the minimum wage for employees who receive tip income. So yes, they tend to get testy when they aren't being tipped because they rely upon tips in order to pay their bills.
to rickdugan I don't disagree with you on tipping per se. My lack of sympathy is for those people that receive tips and don't pay their fair share of taxes i.e. 50k annually in tips is like 75k annually to most of us.
Anybody who walks up to me, presents his/her open hand soliciting a "tip" is nothing more than a panhandler. NO TIP! NO DONATION! This includes the toll collector and the dreaded tip walk. At least sit on my lap and then ask me for a tip, maybe!
Now, provide me a service which I requested and do so well, sure!
I tip the bartenders because when the club is busy and everyone is waiving to get her attention, I just stand there quietly and she serves me first.
Let's see, by starting at the beginning. "drinks are overpriced" was the statement. Now what does a strip club "sell"? Drinks, and that is about it. Some sell food, but many give that for free. Some charge admission the same as do other "amusement parks". See where this leads?
Just out of curiosity do you tip the guy at Disney that takes your ticket before you go on the ride ?
Maybe that's why I never get extras at Disney.
Think about it in this text. Most charge admission. Why? They don't pay dancers. In fact, dancers must pay club ten percent of their tips. Add that to the door charge and that's sufficient revenue for a club. Normal places charge $3 bottle beer. Clubs charge $5-$8. They can well afford to pay a bartender out of that, pay overhead, and still drive a Beamer. In casinos, when drinks are comped, I tip. That is how a waitress gets paid as casino is paying for drinks and they make their money from house edge on slots and tables. I've been to casinos that charge for drinks and won't tip. Since their making money from gaming and alcohol, pay workers out of that. Have encountered snotty bar bitches that think their still entitled to tips. Tell your boss to pay you out of exorbitant profits, since they're double-dipping charging for booze and house edge on gaming. When people stand up to these scammers, maybe the extortion of tipping will end. Nobody is compelled to tip. It's for suckers and fools. Wake up. It's your money. Tired of being scammed and refuse to be. They're all in cahoots and the consumer is the loser until the practice ends. Tipping only proliferates inscrutable greed.
I tip bartenders so that they will go get me the dancers that I want.
Never go there. A waste of my money.
Better the tipping the club gets for their staff, the better looking the staff is. So if you don't like tipping the staff go to clubs with ugly staff. Otherwise everyone else is supporting you for your enjoyment. STOP being a freeloader.
To Mr_O
Damn I've been looking for love in all the wrong places
I tip everyone at the club ... although ironically, only tip the strippers if the service is truly extra-ordinary. Anyway, tipping the bartender, besides just being the right thing to do, definitely gets me better pours. In fact, it also gets me free rounds occasionally, and quite often, I get charged for bottom-shelf liquor but a top-shelf pour. I also try to drink lots of seltzer or cokes, and regularly get those for free (they're normally priced at the same price as bottom-shelf liquor). Just one of those times when doing the right thing, also happens to pay nice dividends.
Doesn't anyone on here think that these folks should pay their taxes like the rest of us
I think the Catholics should pay taxes.
Although I rarely tip bouncers, I don't mind tipping the rest of the wait staff in a sc. Hell, I've even bought the dj a shot on a few occasions. I like the extra attention that comes from tipping bartenders and waitresses well.
Plus, strip clubs are very dynamic places (that's why we love them) a lot of strange unexpected shit can happen in them in a hurry. Tipping may make the difference between a very ugly situation or a situation that is less so.
L_W, I don't tip bouncers, in the clubs I go to there's nothing to tip them over. But, I do buy some bouncers shots -- hell, it's not terribly uncommon that on slow days, the bouncer sits with me & my buddies & our strippers at our table, and we'll buy him rounds. I feel like with 100% certainty, a $10 shot and some friendly words buys me an absolutely huge amount of latitude in the VIP room, frank and HONEST inside info on which girls are the most or least fun or have the most/least hustle, and I've even had some bouncers text me when a particularly hot new girl shows up. 'course, I realize most tuscl guys don't roll this way, but I personally feel there's nothing but goodness that can happen from being on good terms with everyone in the club, and I enjoy when the manager, bouncer, or hot waitress/bartender comes and sits with us for a while