
Different types...

Crazy Town USA
Sunday, September 20, 2015 8:58 AM
I've seen discussions about what kind of girls each of us like ( hair, body types, etc). But I haven't seen a discussion in which what ethnicities/nationalities we like or have had sex with. It's hard sometimes to determine a girl's nationality or what they identify with. Many have multiple in their background. But ones I've known about that I've met and have had sex with both as strippers ITC, OTC and in civilian life are: German, Irish, British, Polish, Italian, African, Mexican/Latino, Israeli, Native American Indian, Arab, Asian and many mixes of white and black.... My favorites (or what I seem drawn to) are Italians and Latinos. (I'd add Asian in as a favorite, but there are so few and far between of those in my area that I haven't had as much experience with Asians as I'd like). What's everyone else's experiences/likes that they are drawn to?


  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I go for the white girls mostly but occasionally I fall for an exotic beauty of some type. Most recently, I was briefly in lust with a dancer in Detroit who said she was Brazilian and Puerto Rican. It was a great combination.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Like you Warhawks I don't have much experience with Asians, in fact I've never fucked one. There's not much diversity here in Portland, so I've mainly been with black girls and white girls. Overall the mixed race/exotic looking girls and Latinas are my favorite, and I've been with a few of those. I really also have a thing for Latinas.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    I'm pretty basic. I mainly like white girls. I have slept with all white girls except one black chick.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    That last sentence should read "I really also have a thing for Latinas".
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Lemme try this one more time. It should read "I really also have a thing for Italians".
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    I seek out latinas with big asses and huge natural knockers.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I like a wide range of ethnicities from Swedish to Danish.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    Mostly white with a couple black and latinos thrown in. Nationalities I couldn't even begin to speculate. From the sheer volume I'm sure the heritages have run the spectrum but that's not something I even think about.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I've done Black, Latina, Asian (Japanese, Korean, Thai, Filipina, and Chinese), mixed-Asian (Japanese/Black, Filipina/Black). I still have not done a white gal yet.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I've done just about every ethnicity and mix that I can think of. My personal favorites are Asians followed by hot latinas. My CF in the COI right now is a fiiiiiine AA dancer, so you can never rule out anyone.
  • thunda99
    9 years ago
    Man I don't what it is (actually I do) but I have seen some Indian girls that just light my friggen fire.I like all types but when you find just the right East Indian girl they are smoking sexy in my opinion.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    IDK if I've mentioned this before but I get the most turned-on by AAs. Also – AAs in my mind are not the equivalent of “black” - in my mind AAs are a subset of black as there are non AA black which are a bit different (e.g. African; Caribbean black; etc). As a Caribbean Hispanic man (which is different than Central or South American Hispanic) I love curves – thus my attraction to black women particularly AAs. I particularly get turned-on by AAs b/c in my particular observations I notice AAs have the most/best curves – even more curves than for example Caribbean blacks – IMO AAs have the biggest (and IMO the best) asses – whereas IME/IMO Caribbean blacks often times don't have as big an ass but often times have bigger tits (I think this may be due to more mixing in the Caribbean but that's just an opinion on my part) – of course this is not universal – I don't want some chump stating “hey I've known some Caribbean blacks with big asses” - no shit Sherlock – it's a general not absolute comment. Beyond black women I like Latin women – specific nationalities I like are Colombian, Venezuelan, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Brazilian – these women are often curvy similar to black women. I also like Dominican women's bods – most tend to be mulatas (kinda mixed) and have great curves.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I'm starting to wonder if I'm related to papi somewhere down the DNA chain. My family moved to the islands in the early 1700's and i've heard the stories about how on small islands everyone fucked everyone else when the husbands would go out in the boat for a few weeks fishing. Ended up being a lot of step brothers and sisters even though most never knew it.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I've had Asians, black and white girls and I can't say there's any distinction between the three. They all might have been any race,
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    It's all pink on the inside.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Jackslash said it well.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    What I like seems to change every week depending on who made me happy and who pissed me off. This week Romanians are great and Latinas suck.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    As long as she has a tight body, proportional hips waist and breasts, pretty face and grinds me very well I don't really have a thing for any races. I have had great lap dances and sex from, Whites, Black, Latino's, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans, Indians, Eastern Europeans, French, Italian, German, etc. All they had in common were great looks and a great attitude.
  • sailmd
    9 years ago
    Asian- Longtime afflicted with yellow fever.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    lopaw, Sorry, but you are incorrect, as one can rule out anyone they wish!
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    True, Mr_O. We all have our innate preferences that we each follow. But over time I have greatly loosened up my once narrow window of what I considered aesthetically pleasing in a woman. Vive la différence!
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    lopaw, And that we are all allowed.
  • 11bravo88
    9 years ago
    My personal favs are blue eye blondes of any nationality. Asians are tighter and more pleasurable. On my wish list: Middle Eastern and Indians.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    Tightness correlates to the woman's size. Asian women tend to be more petite, therefore tighter. However this isn't always the case. One under 5 ft, 100 lbs Asian had one of the loosest boxes I have ever found, and a 5'10 brunette had one of the tightest boxes I ever experienced. Indian's tend similar body types of other Asians, and henceforth generally quite tight. Out of dozens of clubs over dozens of years, I have only met 3 dancers who were Indian / Pakistani, and one escort.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Different nationalities always sound appealing, but when I have problems understanding what they're saying, all that appeal goes out the window. A couple years ago, I met a very pretty and fair decent masseuse from Morocco. She'd try for some small talk, but eventually it just got so frustrating, she just clammed up and did the massage.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Alive and breathing.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    Most of my ITC and OTC experiences have been with white girls. My first OTC was a black girl, and my most frequently ITC girl was a half Filipino/half Puerto Rican mix and my last ITC experience at my former favorite club was black, but other than that, they're pretty much all white.
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