My "current favorite" asked me if I would buy her a new car recently. She mentioned she likes Lincolns. Crazy bitch said it was because of the Matthew McConaughey commercials.
What is the most ridiculous request a stripper has asked of you?
Mikey doesn't have to answer because I'm sure he considers a stripper requesting some cupcakes from a grocery store bakery to be ridiculous because it is a bit rich for him.
Ridiculous! She must think you are the biggest PL ever. But if you are really considering it you must out smart her. Lease the vehicle in your name with her name second. Go to an insurance company that will insure it with her as the name insured and you as a additional interest. In most state it will clear you of any liability other than financial of payments on car. This way you have full control of vehicle and she needs to keep you happy. BTW, carry very high coverage's on vehicle.
One dancer asked me to pay for her contact lens. I wasn't getting any pussy from her. no idea what she was thinking. she was serious and got pissed off. absolutely ridiculous.
My best ever was to pay her health insurance premium for her and her kids for the month. It was only like $60 but the overnight shipping was another $25!
Boob job, and like jackslash I wasn't even fucking her. What's with these bitches? I was a dumb PL back then and if she WAS fucking me I might have gone for it! She barely let me kiss her.
A 1992 Lincoln was purchased by me 10 years ago for $2500 and now my buddy owns it and still drives it because it is the best ride he can find for his body (6'3- 225 lbs). Those huge bench seats will allow you to sleep laying down if you're not over 6' tall. I sometimes wish I had that tinted pimped-out vehicle back in my possession Rollin to the clubs.
Had a stripper that I was seeing OTC ask me to give her husband a job, which I did. Put him on night shift and started to bang her any night I wanted at there house after kids were in bed. Saved on hotel/motel plus he was a pretty good employee for two years.
An exotic dancer once asked me to co-sign for her apartment. Her story was that she was living with her parents and attending school but because of the other kids in the house she was unable to study effectively. Bear in mind that her whole tone and body language was entirely unbelievable, as if she had been told what to say by her husband (she is married but doesn't know that I know) and a less polite gentleman would have laughed in her face or confronted her. Needless to say, she did not get me as her cosigner and given her amateurish delivery, it's dubious to think anyone else fell for it either. Not that I would have done so regardless.
I've not had any outrageous requests other than high figures for OTC. I've seen some escorts that have 'gift' pages on their websites and list Cartier, Rolex, Ferrari etc.
My ATF (who has been MIA for the past few years) told me that her Range Rover and boob job were paid for by 2 different PLs that she hadn't seen since they forked over the cash. Meanwhile I'm fucking her every couple of weeks for $60 (no tip) at 12:30 pm or so in the couch room. The place is almost deserted at time, and the bartender, bouncer etc are busy preparing for the afternoon shift.
A stripper in Vegas expected me to buy her some tennis shoes and pay for whatever else we did in city while still paying for a BJ in my motel with no sex. I had already dropped like $1000 on her the night before just at the full nude club with no FS.
To sharkhunter, I probably would have jumped on that take me to Vegas request. I'm always looking for a reason to go. However, being it a stripper some terms would have to be agreed upon prior to just up and going.
last commentone dancer asked me out of the blue one night, let's go to Vegas.
I live in south Carolina.
(The above message is offered as pure sarcasm. No actual dancers were hurt in the firming of this post.)
To sharkhunter, I probably would have jumped on that take me to Vegas request. I'm always looking for a reason to go. However, being it a stripper some terms would have to be agreed upon prior to just up and going.