My system on bagging strippers!!!!!!!!

It has been always said if you want to date a stripper in the traditional sense:
•she needs to be attracted to you
•a big dick helps
•you need to treat her with respect (don't treat her like a stripper)
•don't spend money on her ITC
•being in the same age range as her helps
While all of this is fine and dandy, in my experience just because you spend money on her ITC, that doesn't mean you lost your chance to date her.
Strippers are women obviously, and with most women it's gonna take time before she gives up the pussy to you. In the strip club, that means it will take multiple visits, you need to gain her trust, and the majority of the time that won't happen in one visit. If I wanted a stripper, I would usually have good deep conversation with her, buy her some drinks, tip well on stage, and maybe get 2 or 3 dances from her. Usually in about the 4th visit is where if things went right, then you have a good chance of getting her OTC that night. Also remember you need to have all the other stuff I put in bullet points. I guess you can call this my system lol.
Strippers are working for money, you're not gonna keep their attention by just buying them drinks and talking. Now if you're spending like 500 bucks on her ITC, she'll just look at you as a ATM, and dating her is probably out the question. Also obviously some guys with a lot of game can get OTC action with some strippers on the first night, kudos to them, that never was me. I always had to do the gradual process.
I haven't been seriously dating any strippers in a couple of years, I have learned better. But hey some of you motherfuckers wanna try it.
"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction".
last commentIt also helps if you met them elsewhere ( a party, a nightclub), and never go to the club at all
What sort of suit should one wear when running this?
True Mikey, although I worked with a girl, and things were progressing, and then I saw her dancing at a strip club. Things regressed after that, maybe she was so embarrassed that I knew she stripped?
@Dougie- suits are for sissys! Perv shorts and a shirt should get the job done.
In 100% of the cases where I either dated or ended up fuckbuddies with a stripper -- that is, fucking her "for free", even though nothing is definitely free -- I started out as a regular customer
I think that stealing a body bag from the coroners office might be the easiest way. :)
I like your advice except for "being in the same age range as her helps." Where am I going to find 60-year-old strippers?
^^^Clermont Lounge in Atlanta :)
I see no advantage in dating them. I'm gonna pay for it one way or another so I'd just as soon make sure that there are no strings attached after I fuck her.
•you need to treat her with respect (don't treat her like a stripper)
•don't spend money on her ITC
I do think the age range and big cock rule are not absolute. But I know you are just calling it as you see it.
Women are sticky, like bubble gum. That's just how it goes. Better to learn to enjoy it, than to get into treating them badly. But I know that you are one who would never listen to this.
Bad Company, Wembley
Keep up the good work Ranukam. You are going places around here
I don't treat women badly. But I am realistic about the expectations. I know the games and I refuse to play them anymore. One failed marriage is enough for me.
2nd best System ever.
2nd best The System ever
you need to treat her with respect.... I'm not going to disagree with that, but IME there is such a thing as being too nice. Some of these dancers have such low 'expectations' that going too far the other way makes to appear to be faking it. Probably want to say away from such dancers anyway.
2nd best???? You tell me whose system you think is better, and I will tell you why mine is better. GACAclub is a disciple of my system, and he has gotten good results from it. My system needs to be put in the TUSCL glossary!!!! My system is getting near unanimous support! Woohoo!!
You take pride, ranukam. Because you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggoneit... people LIKE you!
RickyBoy's original system The System is still number 1. I mean figuring out to pay hookers for sex in a mere ten years? Sorry, but that is an achievement which can never be topped. Not even by advanced alien civilizations or robots even after Kurzweil's Singularity.
Man, getting free pussy from a stripper would require some kind of devine intervention for me
didn't you post something just like this on here about a year ago Ranukam? Of course it would help to be in there age range, but beside's you who on here is..LOL Of yes i remember now...the last time you posted this somebody got pissed and posted a link to your facebook page:)
"she needs to be attracted to you"
Dude, man, that is a tough call to make when dealing with strippers.
My mind is going nuts right now trying to figure out if the dancer I met last Friday is really interested in me. I guess I will never know that one is true or simply part of the hustle.
I always liked Dugly's "system": Walk up to the hottest stripper in the joint and loudly ask for OTC. She'll immediately accept for $125.
@tlkDo- I said being in their age range helps. I've seen older guys in their 40's and 50's date strippers in their 20's, so it can happen. There are plenty of young guys on here besides me lol.
You might have a problem understanding what a joke is tho LMAO.
No Ranukam I don't have a problem understanding a joke. I just have a really good memory:)
•thing 1 I can't control
•thing 2 I can't control
•I try to treat everyone with respect
•I'm only going to get dances from strippers I would not like to fuck. Fun times.
•thing 3 I can't control
No stripper is dumb enough to sacrifice a 300-500 dollar a night regular to date him for free.
Thing is, guys who can date strippers probably could date civvy pussy that is just as hot and more stable.
"No stripper is dumb enough to sacrifice a 300-500 dollar a night regular to date him for free."
Dude, I saw this hombre follow a dancer like the worst PL I've ever seen. It's a one sorry pathetic situation for that hombre.
His money had ran out and there are two customers waiting on that B and the hombre was so sorry looking PL, I would've bought him a beer but he was after my dancer that time.
I'm going nuts!!!
No matter what label you put on it you are still dating a prostitute and paying way more for the "privilege" than if you just admitted thats what you were doing and hired an escort.
sclvr5005 wrote, "But I am realistic about the expectations. I know the games and I refuse to play them anymore. One failed marriage is enough for me."
One failed marriage is enough for me too. But marriage is not necessarily the only way, it is just set up look like it is.
If a you develop some rapport with a woman, she may very well come to like you. This might not take too long either, like knowing her for 30min, instead of just 30sec.
Where to go from there, that can get complicated. But this does not mean that it is wrong to open yourself up to women that you like.
If you bag 'em, do you have to tag 'em too?
Not only should you tag them, you should probably double bag them just to be on the safe side.
•you need to treat her with respect (don't treat her like a stripper)
•don't spend money on her ITC
Now Ranukam, you've written two articles about this same basic idea. You even said before that you'd been going out with civilians only to have them say that you are treating them like strippers.
I take it that what you and they really mean is that you are treating them like prostitutes, but just instead saying strippers softens it.
And then you say don't spend money of them ITC. You've talked about this before too, and I've tried to present a different view.
I believe that part of what you mean is FS-ITC. Where you are, sounds like FS-ITC is only really offered in the dives. In the more upscale places, it is just for those who specially request it, if at all. So you mean don't request or push her for FS-ITC.
Okay, but if it is a place where that is standard, and if she is offering it, and if you want to be on good terms with her, I think you have to go along with her and partake.
And then likewise, if you just mean the basic booth dances, if she is offering I think you have to partake. You don't have to break the bank. But you can't totally refuse or you are insulting her and her occupation. Dances is how she pays her rent.
Unfortunately, if you can't afford to play, it is better not to even be there.
Now, treating her like a stripper, besides that meaning treating her like a prostitute, I also think it means treating her like she is an easy pickup, making a game out of it, and keeping score. When you talk about bagging them, here and in your articles, this is what you are doing.
Let me repeat a story I have told before, of one of my first strip club experiences, the first time I tried to get outside contact.
This was at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail. Their girls were kind of tough looking, hard living people. Not quite as much so today. But anyway, I found that there was this one Cathy, who not different from the others, I could still see a softer side to her. I saw her as a Farm Girl.
So, as is the custom there, I got her to sit down for a drink. I talked about myself in a quite matter of fact way, basically just letting her know that I had a job. Then I suggested that we might go out some time.
"I don't go out with customers."
Now today I understand better that she was responding that way because of all the P4P offers. Back then I took is more to mean that she was not an easy pickup. But I still took it as an offense against my honor. So just instinctively I took a cocktail napkin and wrote my full name and home telephone number ( back before cell phones ) on it and handed it to her.
On her feet now she took it and held it out at arms length and said, "Well okay." Then looking right at me, "You don't understand, I get hit on by 50 guys a night."
Again, I took that as a slight against my honor. I decided it best to let it roll off and depart before it got any worse.
I worked and came home around 10pm the next day. And there was her voice on my answering machine, "I want to SEE you."
I had just plain forgotten about the whole matter. Now what to do. She was at the Brass Rail. I was tired and had to get up early the next day. The last thing I wanted to do was go then to the Brass Rail. Not sure what she really had in mind, but it occurred to me that if she had known my address she might have been intending to show up at 2am.
I was stupid. I had not intended to be one of those 50 guys, just trying to hit on her to see if I could do it. But I had not thought through where I was going to take her and how to reconcile work schedule issues. So I had nothing specific to offer her. And also, I had been inadvertently baited into making more of this than I had intended. In fact I was just trying my luck with her, and so without intending to be so, I was one of those 50 guys.
And likewise, she did not want to be an easy pickup, but that is exactly what she was being.
My point is that as long as you are just hitting on them to see if you can do it, and then bedding them for the same reason, then you are treating them as strippers.
With other Brass Rail girls I would find the same thing in years which followed. Girls who responded to me because I was being straight and open with them, and not trying to set up P4P, and then them calling me on the phone, and me not actually being prepared to follow through on what I had set in motion. And then the obvious hurt feelings.
Chaka Khan, Roxy, 1981
"I see no advantage in dating them. I'm gonna pay for it one way or another so I'd just as soon make sure that there are no strings attached after I fuck her."
FUCK THAT with a capital F - you need the entire package and get all the drama with the fucking. Shit that's like getting cable and just watching the Playboy channel - you need to watch some "Real Housewives" too!!!! lol
What if they come up to you and immedietely ask for a dance? And every stripper in the club does that? How do you reel them into good conversation then?
Why are you posting this advice for FREE?
There's a guy that posted tonight that is charging $39,95 for similar advice. C'mon man, get with the program. Let me be your business partner.
With all these "systems", it's getting quite confusing. Who's system shall I use the next time I go clubbing???? Maybe I'll try a Hybrid of all these systems?
Show up with white tux pants, a raggity old t-shirt, sandals, (with white socks). I'll only grease the kid the kid who stocks the bar with my favorite Pabst Blue Ribbon. I'll take war and peace with me so I can read to the stripper in Spanish by candlelight, (ala SJG), and I'll decide before I go VIP if I want to give the girl actual cash, or just give her a few coupons to the local Circle K for a free frostee....
What can go wrong with a combined system like that????
@motor- I do it for the love, not the money lol.
@esta- those girls that immediately ask for the dance are not the ones you should be trying to bag.
@sjg- your wisdom is everlasting, I'm speechless brother, you should run for president.
I'm gonna give another jewel for free. When a stripper is grinding on you, wearing perv shorts makes your dick feel bigger than it is. That takes care of the big dick problem, if you have that problem. Boom, take that advice and take over the world.
My system is saving PLs everyday.
Heybro, you need to get this forum filled with your stuff. I would like to read stuff like that. Totally funny/entertaining.
I predict Sweatpants Boner Man is going to be renamed Pervshorts Boner Man on stripperweb.