
Top Three Strippers

Sunday, August 23, 2015 4:43 PM
Thought Experiment: Think of the strip clubs you frequent most often. If you were granted a wish by a genie and could choose three strippers to have sex with (one per day for the next three days), would you immediately be able to choose your three strippers? Or would you have to sit around and think about it for a bit?


  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    i would probably have to think but id have 9 or 10 in mind immediately. the only one for sure was the 10 i saw a couple weeks ago.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Summer, Jasper and either Renee or Satin. #3 will be the only difficult part.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Yes I know immediately. But two of them are competitors of the DS so the genie would have to work me some extra stealth magic or I'd have to decline.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    ^^^ LOL
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Absolutely have a top three, wouldn't have to think too hard at all
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    i have no clue who my top 3 would be
  • grinddawg
    9 years ago
    I picked 2 within a minute. #1 is G. She's a late 20's Latina with a pretty face and spinner body. Not sure if she had kids. She can get horny during the dances, and seemed to be bummed out about being single. #2 is D. Young early 20's Latina with a pretty face, nice rack and booty and wears glasses, early 20's. #3 I don't know lol. I left my fave off the list simply because there is a different type of relationship dynamic. More like older dude and young chick who is really nice and hot and more of a friend.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    I can think of two
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    grinddawg likes Latina's......I like grinddawg
  • jayhawk123
    9 years ago
    Yes....I came up with the 3 in about 15 seconds.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Easy. 2 are under 21 and the other just turned 21.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    yes... if the magic genie could deliver my past favs in their prime, 2 of the 3 I'm thinking of would need a few years taken off at this point
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    So Yes @Bavarian does have a relative who is also a member I see....
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    I came up with 2 pretty quick!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    That's easy. My ATF is #1, my #2 is #2 and my new friend is #3.
  • topmandd
    9 years ago
    too easy on that one - for the attention she has grabbed, my Vegas ATF is definitely #1, my new San Antonio would be #2 and if I could ever find her again - the one i had in Providence would be 3 - and i should have had her then if i could have.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    Yes, two work at my current club and one works at a prior favorite club.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    I'd have to ask the genie for a year's worth of ATF auditions before I could have a shot at picking the top 3.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    If we are talking about current strippers, or at least ones I see regularly now, 2 of the 3 are easy with the third being a tossup between 2 ladies at my local nude BYOB club. This would be an entirely different list than my all-time in their prime list, which is also easy to name.
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