
Lying to Customers

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

The SW ladies share their thoughts – below are some excerpts:

“... I lie about still being in school, because customers see you in a better light if you're a student "trying to better yourself" than they do if you tell them you graduated and are "still doing this." ...”

“... And, there are a few times when I've been bored, and made up stories about past life drama or how I have kids (I don't), just because it amuses me. ...”

“... If a guy wants OTC and is still willing to do VIP or dances, I will act coy about it not giving an answer until after I made money. Guys blatantly looking for OTC are obnoxious and should pay for us to hear that tripe …”

“... I will tell them what they want to hear. I will always be single, be 27 years old, and have a day job or in school ...”

“... You're supposed to lie to them. I never told a customer anything true except my age ...”

“... Promising sex to score money upfront or time in VIP is something I have never done, not because I think it's wrong but because I'm scared of the possible negative consequences. Other than that I will lie all night long. I will give out my google voice number then block them and ignore them. I will lie about my real name, real job, real place where I live. Sometimes I do it to help me make money, customers don't want to hear about my boyfriend. Sometimes I do it for fun, it entertains me to spin yarns about my non existent dog and my years training animals for movies ...”

“... I lie so much sometimes I don't even realize til a few days later and then have a good laugh about it ...”

“... Screw this honesty stuff and hustle the hell out of them. At the end of the day, 99% of them just wanna get in your pants. You're a stripper, you're expected to lie and hustle - whether you're sweet about it or a hard bitch that strings them along. If they're straight out assholes, I say scam them/makes false promises. They're too dumb. They think can get with YOU. So they deserve all of it! ...”

“... A few weeks ago I had this convo in VIP:

him: will you come back to my hotel with me?
me: no sorry babe
me: OK then, I'll come back with you
him: really?!!! **BIG BIG SMILE** ok let's have another hour then

at the end of the night he actually waited for me...COME ON MAN YOU ASKED ME TO LIE ...”



  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Nothing new there but what about the omission of the truth. My ATF of 8 years never told me that she was married the last year of that. I never asked her. Did she lie?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    No doubt all of that is true about the vast majority of strippers. Even the DS scams guys with this sort of crap. That would piss me off except she knows that I won't fall or stand for it, and if the other PLs are so stupid that's their problem.

    The stripper is right who said that most PLs are so dumb that they fall for the scams and false promises. I did for a while. But these strategies only work to get them money one night to the detriment of their long term earnings. For example, if she gives her number and then blocks him ( which the DS does to guys all the time by the way) she has lost a potential long term customer in favor of just getting more $ from him in one night. It'd make more sense to build a relationship with the guy and keep him coming itc
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Strippers lie? Say it isn't so! Lol

    The SS I've heard makes my head spin, but I know they are lying. If it makes for good conversation fine. Every visit to the SC makes it easier to ID and ignore. Glad I rarely run into a dancer that has the SW attitude.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    Strippers lie? Blasphemy! :)

    Nice find, Papi.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Nooooo. I feel betrayed!
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    An excerpt from "The System" (lmao):

    ...Remember that she is trying to sell something and so are you. She is trying to sell the fantasy, t&a, etc., in the hopes of eliciting cash from you. You need to be seen as someone who can feed her with cash...

    Of course they lie. You know what though? So do I when i need to, *especially* when I'm traveling. I don't lie about my job because it sounds good as is, but I often lie about my intentions.

    For starters, I always lead them to believe that I will be visiting town frequently, even when I won't be. In some places, one-off tourists aren't treated so well and are a frequent target of silly scams. This lie is designed to keep them from believing that I will be gone tomorrow never to return, both to avoid scams and to make them believe that other things may be possible (see below).

    Under the right circumstances, I've lied about looking for a regular "friend" because I don't have one yet in [insert the city here] and I will be visiting regularly now [wink wink]. This had led to questions about when I will be coming back [which I also lie about], number exchanges, etc., and has also led to some interesting spur of the moment OTC gigs.

    Even more strategically, I've lied, a handful of times, about traveling with "friends" and eventually needing another travel companion. This works well on certain types of girls, most often those who have not traveled much but really want to see something other than their normal surroundings. This has pushed things over the goal line a few times with girls who bought my first lie about visiting often, but still seemed on the fence about going OTC.

    It's all part of the fun and games. If you set up good rules of behavior for yourself [not paying in advance, not getting sucked into crappy VIP areas, converting pity hustles to earnings opportunities, etc.) and do your research about the club(s) you are visiting, their lies should have little impact upon you.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Rick Dugan would make a good stripper
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Rick we need a good system for ITC play...
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Best be careful not to antagonize him he might do a system to help strippers make more money maybe they will start wearing white three piece suits more pockets = more money
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "Best be careful not to antagonize him he might do a system to help strippers make more money maybe they will start wearing white three piece suits more pockets = more money"

    Brilliant! It seems to have already worked for the lions so I don't see why it wouldn't work for strippers! ;)
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    LOL twenty. It's all in the delivery. Low key, slightly road weary but friendly business guy.

    YMMV applies to OTC prospects like any other. In some situations, it's not so hard to source as there are girls specifically seeking out business guys with hotel rooms for p4p, but in others it's a more serious decision for a girl to jump to a hotel room with a guy who she's never met before. The shit I do is intended to short circuit the multiple visit, get to know you phase that is customary with some of these girls.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    As far as strippers go, I always go by this: "Don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answers to."

    Follow that, and you'll be fine in a strip club.

  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    You mean she doesn't love me?

    Personally, I don't care. She is working and I am there for tease and tits. Lie to me all you want, I don't care.

    I just need a hug.
    A mouth hug.

  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "You mean she doesn't love me?

    Personally, I don't care. She is working and I am there for tease and tits. Lie to me all you want, I don't care.

    I just need a hug.
    A mouth hug."

  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Q. How can you tell if a stripper is lying?
    A. You will see her lips move.

  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Seriously though, none of these lies surprise me! There are issues of safety and revealing information that would allow PLs to track you down does carry an element of danger! Most PLs are harmless but some aren't! No disrespect, but there is even one guy that posts on here that I have concerns about!

    Plus I suspect it gets boring to introduce yourself and tell true stories all the time! Even if you aren't being strategic to try to enhance the amount of money you make I could see it being fun to make up stories! If they're harmless that's brilliant! If the stories are a con, so what! Is the car salesman you bought your last car from 100% truthful?

    And then there's the dumbass that asked a stripper to lie and then was surprised when she did! That doesn't even count as a lie! That counts as dumbassery in the first degree! ;)

    I'd be interested to hear from some of the dancers that post here to get their perspective!
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I prefer a good story to the truth. Especially sex stories or omitting her loser bf. And I fully support leaving any talk of kids at home.

    That said, promising OTC and never delivering is ROB territory.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    4got new word dumbassery BRILLIANT
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    rech also BRILLANT
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Rickyboy has given us the revised system 2.0. Sounds a lot better than the original but still waiting on ITC system.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Rickyboy please elaborate on how you get these girls to believe these lies. Seems to me they would actually wait until you come back at least once before doing otc.
  • ButterMan
    9 years ago
    That's why I use Facebook to find out what truth I can about them. And they can only lie for so long. They are eventually gonna do OTC or I move on to the next.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    @chess. At the risk of a fresh wave of The System troll posts, looking the part helps a lot. So too does staying in a nice hotel (she doesn't need to know that it was a priceline deal, lol). Sprinkling around some 20s as tips doesn't hurt either. All of it paints the picture that you want her to have.

    You'd giggle to hear the comments I've heard over the years just by bringing my new "friends" through the hotel lobby. One said that she felt like the girl in Pretty Woman and another exclaimed "I bet they even clean the rooms very day, don't they?", among other gems. ;)

    Now obviously I don't know how many said no who would have said yes if I was a known regular and/or if I visited again on another trip - plenty I'm sure. There are also some who made me wait until the second visit during the same week in town, usually due to fear of LE. Yet a few others would not agree to same night, but did agree to meet up at the hotel bar the next night and take it upstairs after.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    I don't begrudge the strippers a little lie here and there, especially early in the stripper/customer relationship, especially to maintain their anonymity. There are certain lies I won't abide ever -- e.g., "Yes I'll do service XYZ" and then not delivering -- but I expect some little white lies at the beginning, though I expect those to mostly clear up as we approach CF status.

    I once went to a SC with two friends who don't SC much. One of them arranged post-shift OTC with his stripper, the other arranged post-shift OTC with the waitress (dummy!), both guys kept lap dancing & tipping their respective girls huge through the shift, both got denied with extreme prejudice at the end of the shift. They were such rubes that I barely felt bad for them.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    I really can't complain. I lie too. Sometimes because I want them to think I'll be coming back and getting repeat business, sometimes because it amuses me.

    Just assume everything they are saying is bullshit and hedge your bets.
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    What a ridiculous System!
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Now let's see they also lie to each other on SW about whether they do extras and OTC.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I've caught a stripper lying in conversations. She noticed I was reading Investing for dummies and told me how she does that all the time. I asked what she invested in and she said "I bought stocks in Forax" She said something else about house financing but I didn't bother to correct her because it was too funny, sad and aggravating to correct her on.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I then again lie to them as well and tell them I'm a big shot upstart in a huge investment company. Since I'm young, I keep the lies tasteful and say I'm new to the company but the boss says if I keep performing and bringing in the company money like I do, I'll be a manager in no time. They just eat it up.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "I don't begrudge the strippers a little lie here and there, especially early in the stripper/customer relationship, especially to maintain their anonymity. There are certain lies I won't abide ever -- e.g., "Yes I'll do service XYZ" and then not delivering -- but I expect some little white lies at the beginning, though I expect those to mostly clear up as we approach CF status."

  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @rick: "At the risk of a fresh wave of The System troll post"

    Don't worry, even with absolutely no other mention, even hint, of "The System," the troll posts will continue. So rest easy that your legacy will live forever with absolutely no effort on your part.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    Matters none: no dancer has ever "sold" me on a dance. I know whether I'm getting a dance before she opens her mouth.
  • alldaylong
    9 years ago
    I don't care if they're lying as long as she's going along with where I want her to go.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    gmd, six years later and I still stand by what I posted in that article. Tweaks have been made here and there - six years is a generation in stripper years after all - but the core elements are the same and continue to serve me well in road clubs. So suffice it to say that I'm not trying to escape association with anything. But 6 years of mostly bad satire, much of it forced and hamfisted, is painful for everyone but the Asperger's sufferer who continues to post it. Good thing I don't see it anymore. ;)
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    @RBD...you should read my homage to The System. I pay you props err'day
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @rick, it's not painful at all to those who don't see it. :)
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    The System is the most brilliant post in the history of TUSCL. Who will dispute that?
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    @rickyboy, really this new revised system does sound better. I can see how lying to them as well could work now.
    Otherwise I'm with ihearvoices. At best, she might sell me on a pity dance and I usually don't even waste money on those anymore. As far as I'm concerned, number ratings aside, I either want her or I don't. Nothing a bitch says that I don't want is going to change my mind.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    If she gives good two way contact, she can tell me she's Queen Elizabeth and I will happily bow.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "One said that she felt like the girl in Pretty Woman and another exclaimed "I bet they even clean the rooms very day, don't they?"


    That is funny
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