O.T. Trinitrotoluene

avatar for farmerart
Many years ago in conjunction with my seismic doings in the oil patch I learned how to handle dynamite - TNT. I have been entranced by the stuff ever since. I LIKE explosions. I like doing fireworks shows for my Canada Day BBQs. This weekend I am planning to remove a couple of tree stumps in my yard. I could dig them out with a bucket attachment on my tractor but blasting them will be so much more fun.

EE- yah!


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You have much more fun in Canada than we do in the good ol' US of A

We can't even order fries cooked in trans fats or large sodas in New York and you get to play with dyn-o-mite.

How do you get TNT? I actually know how to make it....but no idea how to buy it.
I guess that it is not hockey season. :)
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
I guess that I should have been a bit more serious. I have kept my dynamite licence current for all these years and my company is an approved purchaser. There are many legitimate uses for TNT in the oil patch. I have all the necessary brass implements. Everything will be legal and safe.

Still and all, it will be fun for me.
I would love to blow up some stumps with TNT. But it would probably annoy my neighbors.
There are some old houses in Detroit that farmerart would be more helpful than Bob Villa
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Well now we know how Farmer gets rid of gophers......
When I was growing up in Ontario, we used to love, I mean LOVE playing with 3- and 4-inch Canon Crackers. One of my friends had a Dad with a welding shop and his father had made a 5-foot tube with one closed end with a pair of handles. Dang! Put a pair of 4-inches down the pipe with lit fuses and drop a dirt ball or stone after them and that sucker would fly! Then the go-gooder would be mamas outlawed anything bigger than a skinny 2-inch, and finally, the little "lady fingers".

BTW, did you know if you squeeze a lady finger hard between your thumb and fore finger, it will just flare out the end? I wonder if that would work with a 4-inch cannon cracker......

Maybe outlawing those things wasn't such a bad idea after all... ;-)
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
No more stumps.

DAMN !!......that was fun. Way more fun than shooting guns.

We also know how Farmerart fishes.

Dynamite -- Y'know, that could make for a real interesting 2am report. Just please make sure the club's worthy of it though.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
@Art do you wait till there's a stray cat or a squirrel sitting on the stump just to kick it up a notch?
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago

Come out to my place and sit on a stump. I'd be happy to give you a shot at the buzz of your life. It would be delightful if you had a lapful of cats with you on the stump. No squirrels, though, I have no beefs with those cute, hard working little buggers.

Come out to my place and sit on a stump. I'd be happy to give you a shot at the buzz of your life. It would be delightful if you had a lapful of cats with you on the stump. No squirrels, though, I have no beefs with those cute, hard working little buggers."

avatar for ilbbaicnl
10 years ago
Now we know why Canadians are so anti-gun. Guns just give a false sense of security to people who have no TNT.
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