
Boner pills

Monday, August 3, 2015 1:47 PM
Let's say a friend of mine sometimes requires pharmaceutical assistance to achieve full bonerosity. Let's further assume that a couple of times in the past he has ordered generic Viagra for around a dollar a pill from the website [view link] (in India) that is now out of business. Can any of your occasionally boner-challenged friends recommend sources of boner-enhancers that (a) work, (b) are affordable, and (c) are trustworthy? I would . . . I mean, my friend would like to be able to buy generic Viagra for a dollar or so per pill and not be spammed in perpetuity via both email and phone, as sadly was the case in the dying days of [view link].


  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I have ordered 3 times from [view link]. I had a little problem with my last order because I didn't understand their new verification process. They will telephone you to make sure the information is correct. After that it takes 2 weeks or so to receive your order. Some of the tablets are blue and some are white but they all work the same.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    My *doctor* is the one who advised me to buy from Canada until the patent expires. I haven't yet, but it won't be long until my insurance won't cover them.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I wasn't aware of this until just now. [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Try a Canadian pharmacy. I take a thyroid pill everyday – the generic was not working well for me – I've been told that generics have less tight restrictions and the dosing can be off as much as 20% which can be an issue if one takes a high dosage like me. Anyway – even though my doc stated I needed to take the brand name; my insurance would only give me the generic – the brand name is 10x+ more expensive (probably b/c of low-volume sales from most people taking the generic). I did an on-line search and ordered from a Canadian pharmacy called [view link] – they only sale band name meds and not generics (may be a Canadian thing?) - anyway for a 90 day supply they charged me $20 for the brand name whereas in the U.S. they wanted $140 – I've been taking the brand name med from the Canadian pharmacy and been doing well (my thyroid levels are normal). I'd feel better ordering from a Canadian pharmacy than from somewhere in India; Mexico; or China. Below is a link I used as a guide to Canadian pharmacies – seems legit and to have a lot of good information and one can search for the best prices among different pharmacies: [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Up to now I've resorted to more natural means for erectile assistance – usually in the form of a thick black dancer with a big ass grinding on me – has worked well for me so far.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I buy the Indian version and yes, it's the real deal. I buy 150 mg and cut it in thirds, No complaints except if you give them your cell phone # they will call you, so give a fake #.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    My friehd's insurance covers Cialis for a small copay so that works fine. It also lasts longer than the blue pill. I'd be very hesitant to buy drugs off the Internet or overseas except maybe Canada. You guys advised me not to take Molly in part because there's no way to know what is in it. The same applies to pills from India or wherever. Even if they were legit in the past, you have no way to know what they ship you in future orders.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Do most friends' insurance policies not pay for this? If your friend's policy doesn't cover it, that might well be unlawful discrimination depending upon what type of coverage the carrier has for female vaginal conditions.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    JS69 - Medicare part D does not pay for any ED meds. That means $30+ a pop at U.S. pharmacies.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    John, my insurances covers a limited number of pills, then I pay full price. One more refill, and I'll be over the limit for the year. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @Papi, did you need a prescription, or did they trust you? :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ I had to email/fax my Rx
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    Like Papi I have been leery of using generics. My doc, whom I hold in very high regard, has assured me that I can trust the products produced by a Canadian generic drug manufacturer called Apotex. A pharmacist at University Hospital in Edmonton has told me the same thing about Apotex. With my current heath problems I am now taking cocktails of pharmaceuticals morning and night. Sadly for me, most of these drugs are not available in generic form and the two most expensive items are not approved for payment by my two insurance providers. I have never had a prescription for Cialis or Viagra. Doc Joanne has been generous to me with manufacturer's free samples.
  • EarlTee
    9 years ago
    Papi's recommendation of [view link] is spot on. Prices change a lot, so I order from whoever has the best price at the moment. I have had no trouble with any of the companies.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    My insurance used to cover 3 Viagra per month. Anything over that I paid $21 to $30 per pill. One weekend I ran out and was traveling with my ATF. My local pharmacy transferred my scrip to a different chain where I was located. I told the young female pharmacist that it was an emergency. She started laughing saying she'd never had an ED emergency. After paying over $100 for 4 pills I started buying on-line, mainly from India. I've tried the 150 mg. pills and not seen any difference from the 100. Lately I've not been getting the "steel Rod" effect but instead getting the "hard enough, but..." effect. So last week on two visits I tried taking one 3 hours in advance and a second 100 mg. pill a 1/2 hour before. The first time I got the "steel Rod" but after 40 minutes of fucking and sucking couldn't get off. The second time I barely got hard despite the mighty efforts of my favorite cocksucker. She sucked like a vacuum pump until she could mount me. It was like putting a clam in a slot machine but she did her best. I'm beginning to think that age and heat may have taken the lead out of my pencil. I keep them in the trunk of my car and my last order was for 100 pills and I've only got about 10 left. Time to reorder and find out if I've become a eunuch or if the pills are at fault. One worries.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Holy shit! $30 per pill. My friend pops those things like candy on a long DS trip. Seriously, 3 to 4 per day easy, although they are low dose but still. And 3 pills per month is a joke. What do they think we are? -- they act like we're old farts who only fuck women our own age. I do think these policies may be illegal at least from private insurance carriers. But unfortunately most of you hate lawyers so much that you won't consult one. I do have one practical suggestion that you might try to get this covered more fully. Get your doctor to say that you need low dose 5 mg Cialis. You have to take one every day so the insurance company shouldn't be able to say that you only get a few pills per month. That's what my friend does because his insurance company would only pay for a limited number of the full dose pills (something like 6 or 7). He doesn't take them every day, just takes a couple before sex, but this way he gets more pills that are paid by insurance and there is no need to cut them up.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    John, I tried that. Cost exactly as much as the V for a month supply, even with the BPH diagnosis, and wasn't as effective.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    Let's put things in perspective, John69. You and I are paying our partners hundreds of dollars per hour, thousands per week, etc. if I'm paying $2.00 per pill or $22.00 per pill, it's insignificant compared to the big expense. I'll pay whatever I need to just so long as it does what it's supposed to do.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I'll pay whatever I have to as well. My relationship with the DS proves that. But it pisses me off that insurance companies act like men having sex is insignificant. And the 3 pill a month thing is demeaning. It they put those kind of limits on birth control pills, estrogen therapy, or other stuff that women need, there'd be more squealing that when SJG sees an Asian girl in a purple dress.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I sent several emails to the FDA when Pfizer's patent for Viagra was extended thus fucking up any chances for generics in the near future. They replied that it was U.S Patent office that was responsible. So Pfizer and the other ED med companies get richer off of a drug who's Ed benefits were found by accident. Thanks U.S. government.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Anyone who pays $30 a pop is crazy. I get 10 for $45 and since I'm thirding them that's $1.50 each dose.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    scat, that happens all the time when pharmaceutical patents are about to expire. There are very expensive ways to eventually turn patent infringement litigation into an extension of the original patent term. The fault lies neither with the FDA or the patent office. Only congress could put an end to this, but they won't.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    JS69 - I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere but I had to vent. I have no qualms about going behind their back and buying from illegal sources.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    Don't US docs hand out freebies? Pharmaceutical sales reps seem to throw samples at Canadian docs. I have seen Doc Joanne's cupboard of freebies - it is like a mini drug store.
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