
Running for president

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Any one up to make a run for president of the USA on the as a Republican candidate that is willing to announce on TUSCL website


  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I am announcing my run for President of the United States.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    ^^ that'll mean legalized prostitution and an FKK in every town then....as long as you win Jack.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    You may get my vote what is your campaign platform
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Fuck the Republicans. They are no friend of strip clubbers. The Dem's aren't much better but at least there not Republicans. You'd be more believable running as independent. Or maybe communist, libertarian or hippie.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Naw we just want free lap dancers and free beer
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    I'd love to run on a "no fat and ugly bitches from Stripperweb" platform. If we could clean the clubs if the vermin life would be great.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    The Stripperweb girls could on the Know-Nothing Party ticket
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I thought about it. I thought I wouldn't stand a chance without several million dollars or a sponsor like Trump. I'm not registered republican so independent or libertarian or some third party. Could be democrat if We got rid of all the party leaders. My views are not all in agreement with many candidates in both parties. number one would be grow the economy to work our way out of the huge debt problem. I want the current system to keep going so I would go along with all the charades they have put out for several years but with many changes. Iwould work on fixing long term issues unlike all the other bozos.

    Right now ordinary people with common sense are worried.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I just wanted to see how many politicians could fit in the clown car ,17, so far might be fun to add a few more just for laughs, BTW if the Democrats had as many candidates, man would this be a fun election to watch
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    So far, Hillary has provided most of the laughs. She's pretty transparent for sure.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    "I just wanted to see how many politicians could fit in the clown car ,17, so far might be fun to add a few more just for laughs, BTW if the Democrats had as many candidates, man would this be a fun election to watch"

    I usually pretty positive about things, but I find Trump seriously non-brilliant!

    Joking aside, he sucks the air out of the room when we should be listening actual serious candidates like Rubio or Kasich. Nobody is going to listen to Rubio about immigration when Trump is bleating about building a wall at the Mexican border charging it to the Mexicans.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I'd like to see Dennis Miller toss his hat in the ring.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    and on the other side we could ad Bill Maher
    come on guys lighten, up this country survives, no matter who the president is, or which party is in power
    actually in spite of whos in charge
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Miller would crush Maher
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Miller would crush Maher
    and still nothing would change
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    DoctorPhil on the Libertarian ticket!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^ Aren't Libertarians pagans? "Do as thou wilt?"
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    The GOP is SO mean spirited.... it's hard to really embrace them.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @mikeya: I'm a pagan and also pretty libertarian. But I'm far to practical to carry their card.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm just glad the election is not this year. I thought it was with all the politics already. I might turn off my phone and answering machine come election time. i get dozens of messages from political parties and recorded messages from candidates even though I'm on a do not call list. It sucks.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I never want to be president of the US. I did think about it though.
  • farmerart
    9 years ago
    There will be a federal election in Canada this October. It will be one of the more interesting elections of my lifetime. There is a perceptible shift leftwards in Canadian public opinion these days. A cataclysmic political even happened in my province of Alberta just last May. The 45 year old Conservative government was ignominiously turfed and replaced by the hard left New Democratic Party. There is now just a single provincial Conservative government in Canada.

    I suspect that Harpo's days as Prime Minister are numbered. Back to the days of the Hudson's Bay peso if that happens although we are well down that road already with the current 76 penny dollar.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Hmm...Republicans hate gays, hate women, hate poor people, hate abortion, hate foreigners, hate people of color...I'd say by and large TUSCL is the PERFECT place for them to announce!
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    True some Republicans are like that, but some Democrats hate white people, Christians and others who are okay to hate. I think both extremes are wrong, which is why I lean Libertarian. I think Trump is a wacko but do think to some extent he's right on illegals. I don't want the criminals or the welfare collecting ones here. Come here legally, work hard, learn English and we'll discuss citizenship. Come here to drop an anchor baby for welfare, come here to cause trouble and don't learn English? Go home.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    My solution to illegal immigration is the opposite: make them ALL citizens. Get them on the grid and then they'll pay taxes, get insurance, have driver's licenses. These people play a critical niche in our economy after all. Of course...you'd have to elimintae the minimum wage...which is why in the final analysis the government has a vested interest in doing NOTHING about illegals. W did nothing and the GOP is making sure Obama does nothing as well.
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    Why should they be rewarded for a criminal activity? It's not like we are attracting the best and brightest illegals. It's the opposite, not to mention the strain they are on services. Plus they take jobs from Americans.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    "Republicans hate gays, hate women, hate poor people, hate abortion, hate foreigners, hate people of color...I'd say by and large TUSCL is the PERFECT place for them to announce!"

    Rockstar, I don't know if you were being serious of funny, but that was pretty damn funny. Well done. LMAO
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I got the solution for illegals too, it will just cost them more than if they came here legally. It's the only way to stop the flood without spending a lot of money on walls and border security plus many of these people who grew up here as little kids from 12 or 15 years ago are likely more American than another country in their ways. I would propose fines for the parents that can be paid off over three decades or deducted from social security payments if they fail to pay up and stay here. The fines must be more than it costs to get here legally. An alternative to fines would be 5 years miminum military service with a honorable discharge to get one person plus spouse plus kids in fine free or 10 years of community volunteer service if that is needed in this country. It would be like charging late fees to someone who is late paying a mortgage. These people already work here and we need these people to keep working all those jobs many native Americans don't want to. There needs to be a cost for breaking our laws getting here illegally and the penalty needs to be higher than the cost to get here legally to deter this activity. Felons could be deported. We pay too much for prisoners already.

    I believe illegals want a path. I believe most people don't think they should be able to break our laws arriving here illegally and get all of our welfare and social security benefits without paying up. After they are legal, they will pay our social security and welfare taxes.
    If the penalty is large enough, it could be paid off like a mortgage over 30 or 40 years or deducted from social security and welfare payments. It needs to be affordable for whatever income they make or maybe the IRS could automatically take a portion of wages to pay the penalty until paid off.

    How much does it cost to get here legally? $5000? I have no idea. This could be simple economics. The fine could be $10,000 per person. Family of 5 crosses border illegally, fine is $50,000 to be deducted automatically out of families paychecks or paid like student loans. Just guesstimating.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Ok A quick search yielded about $500 for legal paperwork. A penalty fine could be $3000 per person per family able to be paid off over 30 yearsor sooner if they want.
    As president I would have an economic advisor run the numbers of what deters illegal immigration , how much extra the illegals would cost the US if Legal or if they would add to the economy and how they could pay if they would rather stay. If they don't pay the penalty could accumulate interest and take all of the social security and or welfare payments they would have received if they stay here that long. Military or community service for x years eliminates penalties.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    Seems a rather idiotic tread to me.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @former_stripper: Everyone has value. Most Mexicans who are here illegally are working, not collecting government money. They contribute to the economy and keep produce prices lower than they otherwise be. They have families and work very hard.

    The morality of an indentured field worker class is a great issue that NEITHER party addresses which is a failing of the Democrats, because we expect more out of them. The GOP loves that they can pay half minimum wage and true morality seems lost on them most of the time anyway.

    So here we are. If Hillary is the next president, the GOP will block everything she proposes, and if by some act of goddess we have a Republican president, he will not kill the golden goose of half price labor by enforcing deportation or a path to citizenship. Status quo is the most expedient and that's how the majority GOP congress wants it.

    This is a complicated issue that is poorly understood through just sound bytes.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    We also have a long term problem with not being able to pay all of the entitlement payments that willbe due within 20 years or so. That is social security, welfare, etc. Medicaid. Beneifits need to be cut or ages needed to go up to collect or more revenue needs to be collected or all of the above. I do not want to pay extra taxes. More legals would improve revenue collected. A faster growing economy combined with some benefit cuts might fix it. How fast does the economy need to grow? About 7% per year GDP. Based on some studies. I don't think we are going there. We need cuts in government spending that won't affect GDP very much. the government needs Lean experts from private industry to cut government spending.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Actually the % of GDP that the interest on our debt is now the lowest since the early 1970's, so it's not exactly a front burner crisis. The GOP preaches economic gloom and doom, but the reality is the Democratic economic policies are far better than the debunked "trickle down" Reganomics. W proved that in spades.

    The critical issues facing America today is climate change and internal governmental corruption. Everything else is just minor political noise.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I wasn't talking about interest on the debt. We have a big problem with future entitlement spending liabilities of what we will owe. I guess if you don't plan to be around 20 to 30 years from now, no it it deal. If you're like me and are thinking about social security and Hear it will run out if money before then, a concern if you think long term. Both parties have ignored these issues in my opinion.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I did a quick search. 127 trillion dollars owed.

    Sounds like a problem tome.
  • former_stripper
    9 years ago
    @rockjstart, the problem is there are many illegals coming for welfare. What do you propose we do with them? We can't afford illegals.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Maybe the problem with unfounded liabilities isn't really that bad.

    I read an article last year that said if we got either a 7% GDP growth rate on average per year or cut government spending, the unfunded liability problems would go away.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago
    "7% GDP growth?" Where are we now, like POINT 7%?
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @former_stripper: Actually there's a million LESS illegals now than when Obama became president. But even so, yes we CAN afford the few illegals that would be on welfare; most of them work. It's poor white people who dominate the welfare rolls in case you didn't realize that.

    We're the richest country in the world. Our social spending as a % of GDP is one of the lowest of Western countries. It's out millitary spending that's out of control; I would slash millitary spending 20% if I had my way.

    Both welfare and a minimum wage help the economy (even though I'm against a minimum wage in prinicple), because poor people spend every dollar they get, and our economy is largly based on consumer spending. Millionaires whose money is all numbers in a computer do nothing for the economy. Money invested in things that just make money do nothing for the economy. It's spending that keeps the ball rolling and poor people spend!

    The argument we can't afford illegals is a political statement, not an economic theory. In fact our economy is better off for them, which is why past presidents from both parties, until Obama, didn't even address them in any meaningful way. Congress is scared shitless Obama is addressing it because they know a permanent underclass of workers is a big boon to our GDP. I'm not sure if Obama realizes this is a no win issue because if they all become citizens and we hava we still have minimum wage, it will cost consumers billions.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    if any of you guys want to run for president you need to start building a platform allow me to suggest some issues, don't forget you need votes from the ladies as well

    1) free lap dances every Tuesday and Thursday
    2) clubs need to have nets full of dollars above the stage any stripper climbing the pole gets rained on
    3) every third drink should be free and ladies get free dinner when they do a great lap dance
    4) fugly girls get free make overs including plastic surgery if they need it and in return we create a program called the stripper corps and they must volunteer for two years or until they have given 48 BBBS's

    feel free to suggest more planks to the platform I propose that we call it T & A party and adopt a rescue cat for a mascot
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    PS illegals aliens must join stripper corps for as long as they have been in country illegally and learn to speak English in a sexy accent before being allowed to stay here permanently and any that swallow go to the head of the line immediately
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