
So you think you want to date a stripper

I've dated a few in the past, so let me give some advice to people thinking of going down that road

•What she does ITC
I think that's the number one concern for people dating strippers, what is she doing ITC? Does she give extras? Is she a clean dancer? etc. What you have to realize is you're dating a stripper, this is what you signed up for. Of course some of them will be sucking off customers in the club. You might be lucky to find one that's a completely clean dancer, but chances are against it. Your girl might not be sucking or fucking, but that doesn't mean she's not getting finger banged or not receiving DATY. If you really want to make the relationship work, don't worry about what she's doing in the club, just as long as she comes home to you every night.

•Her OTC surroundings
What you will realize is that a lot of her friends are strippers, so you will meet a lot of loser boyfriends. You will meet a lot of drug dealers, unemployed bums etc. You will have access to a lot of weed if that's the route you want to take lol.

•Strippers are going to be strippers
We as customers get mad at times when strippers are flaky or what not. If you are her boyfriend, she might not flake as much as she does to customers, but you will still experience a lot of flaking. You might call her, and she won't call you back until two days later. Same things with texts. She will cancel some meetups. Strippers are going to be strippers. Also, the worst thing you can do is try to get her to stop stripping, 99% of the time she won't do it, she's making a lot of money stripping, she sees no need to get a 9 to 5.

•Don't be insecure
She will have a lot of customers phone numbers, that's just part of the game, you just have to live with it.

•Don't make your relationship so public
Just be low key about it, word spreads quickly, and some people you don't want to know that you're dating a stripper (your parents for example) might find out. It goes without saying but don't be telling the whole world you're dating a stripper. With some people you're going to have to lie about what your girl does for a job.

Those are just a few of the things you'll deal with when dating a stripper, a lot of these things are the reason I don't date strippers anymore. That being said this is just general, and it doesn't apply to every stripper.

My two cents


  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    You are the Rochester of retard.I'm engaged to a stripper.Edward Jones and Fidelity buy us dinner on a weekly basis.We are both self made.Yeah,so what she cranks an old man here and there.Andy,you have to change your FB page.Check out Randy Anukam.How gay is that?
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Although I'm normally and often long-winded in my postings; if I was to have written this thread I would have written it slightly shorter:

    Title: “So you think you want to date a stripper”

    Body: “Don't – because they are strippers”

    The End

  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I concur all statements above are 100% correct.

    One last piece of advice, if you are married make sure you keep your married and stripper lives seperate, those do not mix well.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Papi gets a hardon at the zoo.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ only when I'm there to see you dicey
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    In my unprofessional opinion an avg guy trying to date a stripper is the classic “fitting a round peg in a square hole” (although that *could* apply to fucking but I mean it in the more generally known context).

    Strippers often have drama and a certain amount and type of baggage the avg PL does not know how to deal with and often cannot deal with.

    There's is a mismatch that makes things difficult – the avg guy is often responsible and this causes a mismatch in that often times this is not the strong point of many a dancer which are often used to doing things their way and fuck society and everything else – it sucks and it's often unproductive when the dude is the one that has to be the responsible one (often times is th e woman whom is more grounded and settled and the guy a bit more wild) – basically an avg guy and a dancer are often not on the same page on many if not most things.

    Additionally – in my personal opinion – the avg guy would not want his S.O. to be a stripper – not necessarily b/c he can't handle it although that is part of it; but if the guy genuinely cares about her he will probably not feel good about her having to do that – so this often times means sort of a reclamation project of getting her from the stripper world to the normal world per se and this often requires a large investment of $$$, time, patience, and perseverance; and often does not end up working IME/IMO.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Papi: Title: “So you think you want to date a stripper”
    Body: “Don't – because they are strippers”
    The End

    LOL ... A few months ago, I had stayed overnight with my now-retired ATF, and in the morning, I could hear her roommate (an active stripper) arguing on the phone with her boyfriend. After the roommate hangs up, she looks at us all frustrated and says, "He knew what he was signing up for. I'm a stripper. If he wanted a schoolteacher or soccer mom, he should be dating one. He's dating a stripper, so he shouldn't complain about the way I am, I'm not changing."

    Which I thought brilliantly summed it all up. She's beautiful, the relationship is exciting, but you're not going to change her, and she'll get pissed at you if you try. Accept it or GTFO
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I recall once seeing a famous Hollywood divorce attorney being interviews on TV and he was asked the #1 reason he thought for the divorces he saw – his answer was “unmet expectations” (I assume he meant one or both parties going in thinking/expecting one thing which many have not really being realistic and then finding out it was something else?).

    I think often times the same thing may be at play in PL/Stripper “relationships”- PLs go to the SC looking for one thing and strippers go looking for something else.

    For many PLs is often an emotional transaction – whether it'd be sex; companionship; looking to be loved; etc – for dancers; they go in for purely financial reasons.

    In the times I've perused SW; I hardly ever hear of a dancer looking for anything more than $$$ in the club – and if PLs are mentioned in any context other than $$$; is how clingy they can be or how much the PLs want some kind of relationship with them which they are not interested in and how big a pain in the ass it is – I know that SW is not to be considered the standard of stripping; but …

    IMO – if you are not a loser then you are better off not dating a stripper and avoiding the headaches – chances are she really does not like you and just needs/wants you in a financial sense; and if she does genuinely want you; you still probably don't' what her to b/c of the drama and baggage. I can sorta see it working if she gets out of stripping; but not while she is one; but I'm not saying my *opinion* is the undisputed truth either.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    The title sounds like the makings of a TV show (and where some of TUSCLers can serve as judges LOL).
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Just to be objective, I'll point out a few things that could be positive.

    •The sex will probably be incredible!
    •Depending on how you play your cards, she could end up supporting you financially.
    •If you're a pothead, you will have unlimited access to weed.

    Sex, Money, and Drugs. Sounds like the American Dream to me!
  • luvemthick93
    9 years ago
    Dated a stripper once, bad bad bad idea. We met otc since she was my classmate in college. She dropped the bomb on me that she was a stripper but I was so damn ensnared by her body and exquisite sex that I had a hard -ahem- time breaking away from the relationship. Eventually her otc shenanigans pissed me off so much I just dumped her. One person shouldn't cause another person to have so many headaches. I couldn't deal with it.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    In defense of strippers, well not really, but; if you're dating a teacher or a realtor or a CPA, what do you think they're virgins? I remember being present one night when a female classmate fucked and sucked about 15 guys. She became a 2nd grade teacher. I knew a gorgeous speech therapist who just loved to fuck and was with a different guy every weekend and many in between. So don't eliminate strippers based on the sex habits of some.
    Flakey? They're everywhere
    Irresponsible? Admittedly this is a high frequency characteristic, but I have known some strippers who are well organized, responsible humans ( all right, I know two)
    Much of the downside is offset by the sex. Strippers need love, too.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    well, if i knew ahead (before we started dating) of time that she's a stripper, i really doubt i'd date her. don't get me wrong, it's just a job and they are people just like anyone else. but why date a stripper when you can just date a girl who's just as hot but doesn't strip?

    now if i met her at a coffee shop, we hung out and started bonding, liking each other, and what not, and THEN she drops the bomb on me that she's a stripper....i'd be more open to still dating her because by that point we would have already bonded and grown a liking to each other and i wouldn't wanna just drop her because of the job.

    hopefully that made sense, i think it did
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, one does have to be careful. If it does mean contact with her friends and all, then lines have to be drawn and structure imposed. This is how I see it.

    I've never been one to hang out with groups of people anyway. For one thing I don't condone drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. I don't go along with Born Again Christianity either.

    With strippers steps need to be taken to make the encounters safe.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... hopefully that made sense, i think it did ...”

    Makes sense to me – although that is not saying much.

    Not meeting a stripper in the club means much greater chance she wants to hang w/ you b/c she likes you and not b/c you were a walking SC ATM – it still may have some issues/drama associated with it; but may not be as bad – just an opinion.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Gawker has the wildest stories!

    Yeah it'd be a little better meeting the stripper first as a civilian before seeing her at the strip club, but at the end of the day, it's still the same, she's still a stripper, and you have to deal with everything that comes with it (assuming you're going to date her).
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    tumbling...what do you have against ranukam?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    "what do you have against ranukam"? Shouldn't that be changed to what do you have against everybody? He seems to do that to everybody. I don't pay him any mind, I was always thought to leave the crazy people alone.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    tdice is a stripper's boyfriend - NEXT
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I dated a couple strippers early in my sc career. These were relative nice dancers, and we went on regular dates. The problem was that these girls were looking for a long-term relationship leading to marriage. That was the last thing I wanted. I prefer to pay strippers for sex without any commitment.
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Good advice Ranukam
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    "I dated a couple strippers early in my sc career. These were relative nice dancers, and we went on regular dates. The problem was that these girls were looking for a long-term relationship leading to marriage. That was the last thing I wanted. I prefer to pay strippers for sex without any commitment."

    I have, a few times, managed to get myself into a fuckbuddies/friends-with-benefits type relationship with a stripper -- by contrast to dating, which implies much more emotional commitment, I cannot recommend highly enough getting into a FWB relationship with a stripper. My experience is that they are FUN AS FUCK to party with, they have attractive friends, sometimes it's just fun to hang out with a super pretty girl, and there's this funny thing that goes that's similar to the Seinfeld episode when George dated a model and was "in the club" -- once you get accepted by one stripper, the other girls start to look at you as possible social acquaintances also.

    I've not had one of these relationships in a few years, but sure hope to repeat someday!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I've not dated a stripper per se, but I have dates with my ATF. She's such a flake I don't take them seriously; plus she's more into women in general so I guard my emotions. I take it all at face value. If she shows up, great! We always have a good time. If she flakes, I just remind myself she's a dancer and that's how they are.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I seldom do OTC as it is, but dating a stripper is a totally different territory that I dare would not want to venture in. I just don't trust them hoes.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    In case everybody wasn't aware, Ranuknam dates and fucks strippers for free.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Im single and dont have family to worry over. But im young and in an entry level position in xomputers. Do meet the stripper desirability requirements for a stripper?
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