
Jukebox and no DJ

Breathe, breathe in the air
Last time I was at Mons Venus in Tampa they had a jukebox instead of a DJ and from what I read that's still the case.

Would you guys happily replace the DJ at your favourite club with a jukebox, or do you already have a jukebox anyway? DJ's don't really bother me that much except some talk way too much (too many female hormones) and cut records short. Does anyone like the DJ and think they add something to the atmosphere/vibe etc. or are they mostly pillocks that have an over inflated opinion of their worth?


  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    Jukebox is fine with me! DJs mostly say non-brilliant stuff!

    On another note, I'm thinking of a Florida vacation! I seriously need a vacation because my kitchen remodel is a disaster!

    I'm debating Tampa vs Miami! Suggestions?
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    P.S. I promise reviews wherever I go! I've been unenthusiastic about the idea of reviewing places near my home but either Tampa or Miami would be fine!
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    DJs serve important functions no mere jukebox could never fulfill. How can we tell when to tip, when to make some noise, if beverages are available from those ladies walking around with trays, or whether the dancers are sexy or not, without a DJ to tell us these things every minute?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    A jukebox is too much of an amateur feel. I will take the good and bad that comes with a DJ.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    My favorite dive has just a jukebox and what I like about that is that songs don't get cut short. My other favorite club has a DJ and that is fine as well. The DJ is more for the guys who come to clubs with their friends for one night of fun or a bachelor party.
  • VeryBigDawg
    9 years ago
    Chandler your killing me! lol. Especially at our fav club the DJ is non-stop BS.

    I know one DJ who is total perv and gets free dances in the DJ booth. Invariably when he has hot babe with him, I urgently need to talk to him.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    1. DJ - makes me feel like I'm in a club. Jukebox reminds me of some hole in the wall dump strip club - as that's what you see in most hole in the wall strip clubs. Surprised Mon Venus is doing this.

    I'd do Tampa - more bang for your buck if you're going strictly for strip clubs. If you want the whole experience - I'd do Miami and be sure to hit south beach. If you're feeling up to it - you can also try haulover beach - not too far off which is nude.
  • whodey
    9 years ago
    Both options have their own drawbacks.

    Dj = annoying chatter and cut down songs

    Jukebox = the whole "can i have a dollar for the jukebox" hustle

    I would take a decent dj over a jukebox but a jukebox over a subpar dj.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Even though the DJ's can be annoying as hell sometimes, I would still rather have them instead of a jukebox.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    A jukebox is fine with me. Too many DJs add no value but increase the club's and dancers' expenses -- and therefore mine. If a DJ does anything besides announce (in a comprehensible way) the names of the last and next dancers, he's talking too much and should be replaced with a machine that plays full-length songs.

    What I have in mind is something like this: "That was Ecstasy! Gentlemen, here's your chance for some private time with this lovely lady. Next up: Tiffany!" Oh, and he's also allowed to say "Two lap dances for the price of one for the next half hour!"
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I don't mind spending $$$ but I do want to get value for my $$$.

    I like to get LDs and lots of them; so I feel I'm getting fucked (in a bad way) when I'm paying full-price for songs but not getting full-songs or only getting them part of the time.

    In many a club I don't mind the DJ and I'm barely aware of him – but the jackasses whom seem to think they are the star of the club and the reason the club thrives; those obnoxious fucks I can't stand.

    I go to the strip club for the dancers; not to hear a jackass try to be the center of attention. I can deal with bad dancers by not getting dances from them; but an obnoxious DJ one has no control and no choice but to have to put or whim him the whole damn night - either put up or leave; and I sometimes leave.

    For me I'm either unaware of them or they are annoying the hell out of me – so for me they hardly ever add any value - I would prefer a high-tech music machine of sorts and take out the human and his shortcomings out of the equation.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Very recently at the DVCOI they replaced the daytime DJ with a computer. I was there yesterday for the first time since they made this change. It was kind of comical at first - prerecorded banter with the same stuff repeated over and over again. Turns out the dancers HATE it, and us customers aren't too thrilled with it either. As annoying as the DJ can often be, at least they provide a live real time feel to the club, and can address things in real time. Not so much with the iDJ. And it was also kinda sad when I would occasionally look up at the old DJ booth. To see it was empty was depressing......and I do believe that I saw a few cobwebs forming in his old seat *sniff*
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    "It was kind of comical at first - prerecorded banter with the same stuff repeated over and over again."

    Lopaw, that sounds funny and really, really absurd. I'd like to hear how that banter went. Leave it to a Deja Vu to think that they'd need a DJbot to simulate both the music playing and the mindless chatter that a live DJ puts out.
  • rl27
    9 years ago
    Jukebox. At least the dancers get to choose the music they like to dance to, and as long as the club doesn't overcharge the dancers it seems to work out in the clubs where I have seen them.

    Lopaw, wow another club with a DJ Bot. I was recently visited a dive near the Hollywood Casino in Columbus called Road House Review, and it had an automated DJ. The recorded DJ was as annoying as a living DJ, and I swear I recognized the voice. Hopefully this stupidity doesn't catch on.
  • tobala
    9 years ago
    Most of the clubs I go to have both. Jukebox for days and a dj at night. I don't miss the dj one bit.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    @chandler - it was very surreal. Kinda bizarre looking over at the DJ booth and seeing nothing. At least the audio wasn't overly robotic, but it was just as annoying as the real thing. Now there's no person there to bitch about or make fun. About the only good thing that I think came from it was at least now the dancers won't migrate and hang around the DJ booth like they did before.

    @rl27- I hope that it doesn't catch on either. But with general PL apathy towards stuff like this in clubs and nobody making too big a big stink about it, I doubt that it will go away any time soon. Plus the club saves the salary of one more fired employee. I sense that if the daytime is successful with it (or at least doesn't lose money for the club), it's only a matter of time before the night shift will have it too. Then every DV will eventually have it eventually. Progress. Pffft.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    In a small club with just a dozen or less dancers, a juke box can do the trick but in a large club a DJ is a necessary evil.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    +1 shadow. That is the difference between the two clubs I mentioned earlier.

    At the dive club, the girls don't have to pay the jukebox, they just have to pick the songs.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Jukebox works great at Mons and has for years. Mons is small but Follies is not that much bigger. The perceived need for a DJ is greatly exaggerated.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    Then there is my former favorite club. They have the worst of both worlds, at least when the owner is present. They have a jukebox, but when the club owner is present, he chooses all the music. So we got the dollar for the jukebox scam, all to hear music the dancers don't want to dance to. We also get to hear him babble on the mic, too. What's odd, though, is that when the assistant club manager is there, he let's them choose. He's not supposed to, or so I have been told, but he does anyway. I think stuff like that has scared off some of their old dancers.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Mons Venus has always done without a DJ because they have a floor manager, or whatever they call her, who keeps the stage rotation going. Although Mons is small in terms of square footage, they have a ton of dancers and several on stage at a time. That's the main reason bigger clubs need a DJ. Their job is supposed to include more than playing music and blathering away into a microphone.
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