Yesterday I had the best strip club visit of my life. I was in the mood to party, and so were the strippers. Dancers and shot girls crowded around me, and I bought them drinks and shots. (Normally I tell the shot girls to go the hell away). The dancers laughed and joked and stroked my ego (and other things.) I finished the day with fun trip to VIP with a busty blonde. When I returned home, I totaled up the cost, and found I had spent nearly twice what I typically spend. Money can buy happiness.
The only people who say "money can't buy happiness" are people looking to steal your money like preachers and politicians. Just try being happy without any money.
It can but it usually doesn't. Some of my best strip club visits have been when I spent very little money. The times when I've spent the most, it's been because I was more reckless, not because it made me happier.
Research into this question indicates that money does buy happiness up to about $150,000.00 per year. After our creature comforts are met, and a few extras, money doesn't seem to increase happiness. The increasing anxiety about losing your money intersects with how much you have and cancels out the effect at higher rates. In most peoples lives a few extra thousand does buy happiness.
Remember the news story a few weeks when CEO of the credit card processing raised the wages of all of his employees to $70,000?
He chose that figure based on a well-known Princeton study that "emotional well-being" rises with income -- but only to an extent. Which is around $75K
It depends on your definition of happy. Sure you're happy after some special time with your CF, but that doesn't last.
It is hard to be happy when you have no money, because you are miserable about not having money. Above a certain amount, more money doesn't gain you much more in happiness.
If you aren't happy to begin with money won't fix it. It's like giving a drunk a drink. Doesn't fix the issue. Just makes it seem to go away for a short time. Now if you're already happy then money can buy plenty of happy experiences. More money can buy even more experiences. Without happiness and memorable experiences what's the point of living? $70K seems rather low. $150K seems like a nice happy place but really that's just $2884/wk. I wouldn't turn it down but it's not a "set for life" kinda income. The problem most people have is the keeping up with the joneses syndrome. If you have control then you could easily have a ton of happy experiences and still have plenty of SC $$$ left over.
Of course, none of y'all are married to mrs sea. If I let her she'd spend $1000 a night in a SC.
last commentJust try being happy without any money.
You are only as loyal as opportunities you have.
And money can get you a whole lot of opportunities.
They say spending money on experiences gives greater pleasure than buying things.
He chose that figure based on a well-known Princeton study that "emotional well-being" rises with income -- but only to an extent. Which is around $75K
I would say $150,000 is more in the true ball park.
"I gots my family to feed"
For those.of us in expensive cities, 70k doesn't go nearly as far as those of you in areas the median home price is $150K.
It is hard to be happy when you have no money, because you are miserable about not having money. Above a certain amount, more money doesn't gain you much more in happiness.
Of course, none of y'all are married to mrs sea. If I let her she'd spend $1000 a night in a SC.