Pathetic Loosers

I got on the Mons Venus (Tampa) live show cam the other night to check out who was working before stopping in. Several guys were making comments about the different dancers on stage and when one in particular dancer was on stage I mentioned her meeting customers outside the club. A couple of the guys got bent saying she is not like that and she such a good person and she would never have sex with anyone from the club. I know for a fact she does. These guys were so pathetic it was comical, I said she dances nude on your lap, lets you touch her all over and rubs your dick and you don't think she would fuck you for the right amount of money...Dancers suck these guys in so bad it,s amazing...
last commentWe are all pathetic one way or another, For example, you're a pathetic
+1 for mikey. The one place you should always spell correctly is the title of your post.
Didn't catch my mistake... sorry you both fall in that category
Lol mikey
^^^ @mufdvr unfortunately a lot if PL's are the nerdy, or just risk averse guys in high school who only got a chance to fantasize (and romanticize) what it's like to go out with the "popular party" girls. They go into the strip club not fully realizing or accepting the lack of boundaries it takes to even go into stripping in the first place. These guys hate to admit they were holding themselves back from being the kinda guy that could have had this same experience in high school if they took a chance at being "bad". Then they start projecting their own values onto these women.
I was part of a tag team in high school. And my friends couldn't believe that the girl would allow that do you happen to herself, and that's when I understood that a lot of guys are projecting who they want the girl to be instead of finding out and accepting who she actually is.
Oh well. These guys are controlling pricks most of the time and thats why they don't have fun even when they are spending money.
I think it was pathetic of you to mention the dancers otc activities. Publicizing the details of dancers who do extras or otc just discourages them from providing that service. The girl could be in trouble if any number if people saw your comment like club management, boyfriend, or creepy customer that the dancer has refused to provide such services to. Grow up and quit talking about services by dancer name.
her name was not mentioned...last time I'll start a discussion...I guess I hit home with a lot of you!!
^^^ I agree with JS69. I was always under the impression there was a moderator or somebody from the club overseeing the comments so I wouldn't be surprised if this got back to management and the dancer concerned. If I had been in the position of the OP I would never have made those comments.
@mufdvr come on, no way on earth you can be that sensitive on this board :)
I dont get why you mentioned the dancer's activities. were you trying to get her fired?
mons venus' onilne chat is policed by monica, and she's like a rabit dog about ANY comments, so you must
have been out to cause trouble.
Rabid dog maybe... even though a rabbit dog would make an interesting pet.
"When one in particular dancer was on stage, I mentioned her meeting meeting customers outside the club".... "her name was not mentioned"..... Please, if that isn't outing her, I don't know what is. Only dumb jackasses out dancers extracurricular activities on a public venue. Discrete pm's OK, public outings not cool.
@j0001- There's another manager whose zealousness at monitoring things makes Monica look like a slacker.
GACAclub, a tag team?
You mean something like a Spur Posey?
I believe I can see this in your present posts and exploits. :)
@ Spur Posse ? That a group of high school kids out of Lakewood, CA was before my time. But yes they did have a numbers game. I believe one of then had slept with 200 girls before he graduated high school. Virgin were extra points.
But no. A tag team include me and a buddy taking turns copulating with a girl we had ditched school with, and I later started dating because the sex had me whipped.
"the sex had me whipped."
You mean you started dating the girl because there was too much sex and you were getting tired out?
I'm sorry, but I think I still see in your original post the standard double standard at work. You are looking down on girls who have sex with people. You don't look down on men who have sex, just the women. Then I guess you look down on the men who believe what the women say.
Maybe it would just be better if you stayed away from the women, since you don't have much regard for them.
^^^^ That happened to me many times, as far as the sex getting me whipped. I'm a pathetic loser now because I have so much more to lose. I have done some crazy shit with crazy girls because I only had a good time to gain, with little downside consequences other than an std, and thankfully the std never happened.
The biggest pathetic loser shit I see is someone pandering to the stripper/dancer. They are hustling so don't think they won't do crazy shit. They do and they've done it. Have fun with it.
GACAclub, you mean you started dating the girl because by using sex she was getting you under her control, "whipping" you?
@SJG yes.
There's nothing really wrong with being pussy whipped. As long as you're getting the pussy.
"Didn't catch my mistake... sorry you both fall in that category "
that had me rolling on the floor!!!! lmao!!!
Nobody is perfect and that certainly includes me; so I rarely get on anyone's case and everybody is entitled to be whomever they are and entitled to their opinion.
But you ratting out a dancer on-line for all to see and w/ people you don't know is fucking idiotic – and worse yet you claim others on the Mons board got bent out of shape but you yourself get bent out of shape when called out on it.
IDK you but per this thread you come across as a self-absorbed PL that thinls everyone else is wrong except you.
As other have said, that wasn't cool. The Mons discussion board is not USA Sex Guide and the girl in question probably hasn't put herself out there as an escort. You really did her a big disservice with that.
Let me tell you the story of another loser
"As other have said, that wasn't cool. The Mons discussion board is not USA Sex Guide and the girl in question probably hasn't put herself out there as an escort. You really did her a big disservice with that."
This is weird! I agree with rickdugan!
Seriously mufdvr, what good can come from posting what you posted? True vs false doesn't matter! Even if true it was extremely non-brilliant! :(