
Can you get into DATY when her vagina is full of piercings?

Atlanta suburb
Friday, May 1, 2015 2:30 PM
I hate piercings much worse than tattoos but there are some strippers that are just so hot that I overlook nipple piercings and just jump in knowing that I might chip a tooth but so far I have not been able to bring myself to do the same down south. How do you guys do it?


  • impala
    9 years ago
    Never did DATY with a stripper w/piercings there, but had a girlfriend a bit back that did, it was different but not bad. It really (I mean really) got her off, though.
  • RTP
    9 years ago
    Shadow, I am looking for excuses to not get into DATY, so I don't want to get over the piericings. I have sometimes thought with the wrong head and jumped right in, but when I think of where that has been and what the risks are, I want to stay out. I am not looking to find a way to overcome that down south.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    What a pussy
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Never had a girl with piercings. And the DS has agreed never to get one. But amazing slut, who I'm "romancing" under the SJG system, has one. I was considering asking her to remove it. I'm very very vigorous in my vagina love, and I don't want to end up swallowing the damn thing.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I honestly don't get the appeal of DATY (or FIV) with a sex worker. With civvys? Yeah I'll make then scream with my tongue. But why go down on my dime?
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm not into daty either but I might get real close if it looks good. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm going to do.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    James lots of reasons I do but only with the right girl. 1. It's makes it feel less like a paid sex session. 2. It turns me on to give such pleasure to a beautiful women. I love pussy so why not spend a bunch of time exploring one. 3. It's boosts my ego when I can give her six orgasms with just my mouth. I know that no guy has done that for her before because young guys are fast and selfish. 4. It makes her very grateful in return. Sure she will probably do much of what I want cause I'm paying her too. But if I've just spent 30 minutes eating her pussy, she wants to please me. In other words she does it much more enthusiastically. 5. It makes me feel less like a selfish bastard. 6. Maybe most important, you can much more easily develop a great long term sexual relationship with a dancer if she gets sexual pleasure from it too. It makes sense that she would be more enthusiastic if in addition to money she also gets sexual pleasure. 7. Long story but I would not be with the DS in the way I am if I hadn't eaten her out the night we met. She really is a non extras girl in a non extras club, and I got sex from her only because I gave sex to her first. Sure she wanted money but she had no promise of any extra money the night we first had sex. She was responding to what I did for her in doing the same for me. This might not be true for a lot of dancers but this was my experience.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I get it in your case with the DS, JS99. You have more of a sugar baby relationship with her. You're right most young guys are shit at sex. I never thought I was that amazing, but when EVERY girl you fuck comments on it, you start to see a trend.. Like I said, I'll gladly go down on civilian girls who i know genuinely want it. But I'm skeptical how much a stripper really enjoys being eaten out at work. Every situation varies, obviously.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    There have been many discussions here on why so many strippers are drawn to losers and thugs for BF material. Might it be that they're better at sex techniques? One of my favorite dancers has been through so many asshole boyfriends but claims they treat her just the way she likes it in bed: aggressive and a little rough. She says the "college boys" she's dated get drunk and pop in 30 seconds.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    one time I got my braces stuck on a strippers pussy ring, not a pretty sight! <IMG SRC="[view link]">
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    As many DATY sessions as I have had over the years, I never met one who overdid the piercings. If I ever met one with more than two, I'd probably enjoy it the first time.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    "But why go down on my dime?" I don't understand guys who say that because they're paying for it, things that might give the stripper pleasure shouldn't have any appeal. I like it because it makes me feel good. Kind of like, you know, any two-way contact.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Damn 30 second pop lol. That makes us young guys look bad lol.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I guess because I assume the sex worker is getting nothing from the exchange besides money. But sure, it's the same as any woman overdoing the moans during penetration, paid or civilian. Anyways, I like clit oral hood piercings, but I like piercings in general
  • gadawg30103
    9 years ago
    what does DS stand for
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    Dream Stripper
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    If it feels like the stripper is getting nothing but money from the exchange, I don't want her to be with me. No DATY, no contact, not a dime from me. I'm sure there are times when she's just acting, but as long as it doesn't feel like it. Usually, guys who say no DATY have the attitude that it's a vile favor they'll grudgingly endure only if they must in order to score. That's what I really don't get. I don't care for nipple or hood piercings, but if I wanna eat a hot girl's pussy, it doesn't bother me at all. I'm a little more reluctant with nipple accessories. I've never known a girl with more than one or two pieces of hardware on her pussy.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Trying to DATY on some tackle box pussy can be challenging, but also well worth it. I love mutual DATY, and love getting the girl off as much as she's getting me off. Yeah I'm paying for it, but that's money well spent in my book.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    JS69, Of this one your are supposedly 'romancing', you sat there next to her talking to her about sex acts. Talking about sex acts is for situations when all you can do is talk, like over the telephone, or in one of Santa Clara County's strip clubs. Anywhere else you just do, you don't talk about it. Using words to soften her up is part of it, but you also make it happen. The more she feels that she knows you, the easier it will be for her to open up. But if you are talking when you could be doing, that tells her that you are still looking at her as some sort of a paid service provider. SJG
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Ain't no big deal. The vast majority of girls I've met who've gotten a hood piercing have said it increases sensitivity. Other ones, not so much, but most of those say it gives a guy something obvious to play with. :) As for why, just as an example, it's what prompted the MILF (who still won't take my money outside the club) to finally see me OTC. No brainer.
  • saer
    9 years ago
    ATF has a lot of piercings, including her hood. I like it a lot, but even if I didn't I couldn't complain since my member is pierced as well.
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