
Experience when another customers is bothing me!

I was at a club with 2 other guys "Higgs" and "BigTim" from a forum in Phoenix.

I replied to Higgs post which said "Not helping was a lone jerk at an adjacent table who wouldn't leave us alone."

I replied which may be of interest here:

This guy could be a good discussion topic.

This part of Higgs as the usual great summary I thought I'd comment on and leave out of the reviews (long as usual) I am going to post. (MY reviews are in the Phoenix section here on TUSCL)

I assume this guy was the one mainly bothering me since was right behind me. Who tried to ask a question To BigTim in German thinking he looked German.

At first after that had some just friendly conversation. His head was right behind mine the way the two tables were situated.

But then I detected perhaps a symptom of ADD, which I have experienced with another guy long ago from my Vancouver reports. It is the aspect of HyperFocus where like the guy in Vancouver who use to call me and go on and on and on and on... about strip clubs in Florida, Vancouver the law, etc. He has told me he has ADD and seems to be the son of rich parents, so he doesn't need a job just obsesses about strip clubs and always having to talk to me about them.

Anyway the guy last night started talking constantly to me asking what I would do different in life, his father that died at 102 who was some champion body builder (I mentioned my friend who won female body building championship who was from Germany (Ms World or something long ago - her competition videos are still being sold by some and can find using Google).

But his conversation kept getting more intense including going after what you want What would I want? Then says look at that dancers you know you could F her. Why don't you F her right now!" It is now getting just obnoxious and how to I extract myself from him!

I could just move to another table but was with Higgs and BigTim at an ideal table next to the State where BigTim could tip and say a few words to a dancer.

I finally rolled my chair as far away from him as I could and talked more with BigTim mentioning the obnoxious guy. Didn't think Higgs picked up on this (or was with the dancer in the VIP)

SAVED by a Dancer - As I disconnected as much as I could from him a dancer approached him. She sat and was the focus of his hyperfocus the rest of the night and she didn't seem to mind. No dances just talking. From what I could pick up I think they were arranging to meet outside the club. I did give him the time when he asked me what time it was - relieved it was her not me of his focus. They were talking about what time she got off.

This was the first time I've ever been annoyed by a customer!!


  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I seem to run into on a few rare occassions more persistent female customers than guys who want to talk to me. Some people can get annoying. I don't mind talking to females Especially if they look good. I'm just not used to females trying to hook up in strip clubs so if it happens again, I'll probably get surprised again. I figure most people just want to talk about something if they really want to talk so I just let them. If a dancer or female gets rejected and then asks if you're gay, I think that is just rude. I go to strip clubs to have fun and look at half naked females. I'm not thinking about leaving right after I arrive to go to a strangers house. One time a female customer asked me for a couple of dollars to tip a dancer on stage. I gave her two dollars. She put it in her pocket and kept it with apparently no intention of tipping the girl. That is rude and theft in my opinion. I didn't think it was worth fussing about but it left me not liking some female customers as much.
  • davephx
    9 years ago
    Interesting, there aren't that many female customers in most of the clubs in Phoenix. Once in a while but they are almost always with other guys.

    I am the opposite having no interest in drinks or naked women from afar. The music is just noise to me. I am interested in connections for the moment and quality touch non-sexual intimacy. Many dancers are in my lap not on the clock enjoying my massage (been professionally Esalen trained and taught couples).

    I've seen zillions of nude women, no big deal. Have been to clothing optional beaches, places and retreats. If I have to drink, I'm known as a diet coke fan.

    In at least some clubs in Ontario, they have a rule of no single women not with a male. I guess dancer jealousy or something. Had become friends with an escort who asked me to take her to the club (Hamilton Strip). Did and she had a wonderful time with lots of great interaction with the stage dancers (she is bi).

    If a female customer wanted to go out with me if it was for a reasonable fee and I felt safe (like to my place), I would jump at the chance. Strippers, however, want far too much for "take out".

    In more than 30 years (am an old guy) never had a female customer approach me (nor male!) but have gone out with four strippers. One at a very low fee (she was desperate but worked out nice), and 3 others just wanting to be friends without any fee.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I was in a local club one night just chilling and taking in the dancers' when this drunken lout behind me starts making conversation. To begin with, I had to turn around to talk, facing him and not the dancers I was there to see. His running commentary on all the girls was like being given a scalp massage with an angle grinder. Finally, I just turned to him and told him that I really didn't want to talk and that I just wanted to watch the dancers. I then turned back to the stage and studiously ignored five minutes of comments about"being too good to talk to him" and "Don't I have a wife to go home to" and yada yada yada. He finally either left or fell asleep.

    I have had a lot of conversations with a lot of different guys including one with ADHD. The difference was that they were all civil and none of them were too drunk to speak intelligently. This sot just rubbed me the wrong way.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    The girls that wanted me to go to their place said nothing about any fee. I just get paranoid if any stranger wants me to leave with them and I know nothing at all about them. I know more about dancers in a strip club before agreeing to a lap dance than these 2 girls told me before they wanted me to go home with them. Maybe if I hadn't just been hit with a beer buzz right after last call I might have considered it. I thought I was going to have 6 hours before leaving. Apparently from other posters on here, this was very unusual because I heard no other guy claiming such a story. I do not know if almost every guy on here is 60 and over though.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I've been annoyed by male customers either hitting on me or deciding that they want to hear my life story while I am trying to concentrate on the dancers. Since I prefer to club alone alot of guys think that I am longing for male company and invite themselves to sit with me, which is a big no-no. That type of encounter will not end well. But there have often been times when I will strike up a conversation with a guy and it's fun. But mostly it's not.
  • davephx
    9 years ago
    Good comments.

    Yes I would be leery of going out with a woman in the audience to her place.

    The one time I did with a stripper, I felt some safety in the very strict dancer licensing requirements so her ID and information would be obtainable if anything bad happened. However, this was a concern.

    Once I took a dancer somewhere and she told me she has weekly meetings with the head pastor for sex of the "Jesus People" Church near the strip club (Long ago Minneapolis - Hennepin Ave) where I once lived.

    On the recent (last night) guy, I don't think he was drunk - not slurred, but intelligent just non-stop banter that I had no interest in especially when it got to the F word. Furthermore, after the dancer was with him long, long talking but seemed clear-headed. That is why I think AFHD symptom of hyper-focus may be more likely.
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    lopaw, i can't even imagine what you have to deal with going by yourself. a hot (benefit of the doubt you're hot, IDK) single woman customer in a SC is probably like chumming the water for sharks. fins to the left, fins to the right....sorry, i had to....lol. mrs sea gets hit on just walking to the bathroom and I'm there with her.

    only had a few convos with other customers and they've all been fairly brief, pleasant and polite. everyone just having a good time. i'm sure we'll eventually run into someone being a douchebag but so far we haven't
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    That's got to be really annoying for you lopaw:(
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Holy fuck - what's up Dave!!!

    For those of you who dont know Dave is a legend!

    I always read your posts on terb back in the day and actually modeled some of my trips to toronto from your experiences and advice - glad to see you on here Dave.
  • rickdugan
    9 years ago
    Maybe twice a year I'll run into some issue with another customer. Sometimes it's a guy who is hammered and wants to be everyone's friend. Sometimes it's a bored or lonely guy who is just looking to talk to another human being. In my regular haunts, I've even had other regulars trying to suck me into the regulars/Cheers vibe/chit chat groups at the bar. No fucking thank you and every and all fronts. Usually they get the hint when I don't look at them and give them a few non-committal grunts, but every so often I'm forced to be more direct.

    The most interesting one was a solo girl looking for a clubbing buddy so that she could get into the other area clubs without being hassled. If she was hotter I might have considered it, but a 260 lb black woman is not the kinda' luggage I'm looking to tote into the clubs with me.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I've had more pleasant female customers talk to me than the ones who act like they never wanted to be there. Sometimes female customers are dancers from other clubs or former dancers. Some recognize me or remember me.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    You should have told him there's this website he should know about where all his comments would make for fascinating posts. Then put him on ignore.
  • saer
    9 years ago
    Maybe I put out vibes like a guy that needs to be fucked with, but I get bothered by other customers so often it's almost like a secondary hobby.

    There's one female customer that usually hangs out with me when we're both in the club at the same time. One night, her husband came with her, got drunk, and punched some guy for hitting on her. For some reason, he didn't have a problem with me buying her a drink. Go figure.
  • davephx
    9 years ago
    shailynn- Thanks for comments! I will be back in Toronto (actually Mississauga, after the Falls) in a few weeks. I have a separate log in here on TUSCL for my Toronto ID to keep them separate. And as always for over a decade I will be active on terb. Am going to relax more this trip and no be so active at clubs and my favorite activity is nude-reverse adult massage in "Sauga". Also spend time with a friend there.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Yeah I hear ya Dave. I used to go to toronto all the time but much less these days - now I just usually fuck strippers in detroit.
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