
What do you think ....

layin low but staying high
A stripper that I know (not the DS, as an aside) is heavily into the anti porn movement. She's all into how porn is related to human trafficking, objectifies women, enforces negative stereotypes about women, leads to rape culture, etc.

Am I wrong to find all of this impossibly hypocritical? Isn't being a stripper a form of pornography? How can you strongly oppose those who display the female body naked for sexual gratification, on the one hand, and on the other hand take your clothes off for money for the sexual gratification of those watching?

Am I missing something, or is this just another form of the woman who says I'm not a prostitute just as some guy pays her for sex?


  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    I think your post is right on. I deplore human trafficking and any thought of it, but what gets lost in the argument is the person's individual freedom of choice. I think choice does exists. The same group that insists that all adult oriented professions are victims driven by the greed of others refuse to think anyone employed in the entrainment world wasn't coerced in some form or fashion, even economics.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    I don't know, JS. I think there could easily be reasons in a dancer's mind. One I know says that she has no problem with dancing nude and that it is kind of beautiful. Or possibly that she HSS made a conscious personal choice to do this and not that she has been forced into it.

    Is she an extras girl or not. If she is, she still makes a choice.

    Do I think that human trafficking is a big player in US porn? No, certainly not in the mainstream but how about the really vile, kinky stuff involving Asian girls in particular? There, I think she may have a point.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Should have been "has made". Damned aurocorrectn
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Autocorrect. That one was just my fat fingers!
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Probably just doesn't like the competition.
  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    JS: you are not wrong IMO. It is somewhat hypocritical. However, I would also say she is not wrong for making a differentiation based on whether or not sucking and fucking is involved. I am a little surprised she is 'drawing the line' at porn. IMO, it is more common for people to draw the line with respect to hooking. Hooking is seen by many to relate to trafficking, where porn isn't because porn (mainstream anyway) is sort of it's own community where lots of people know each other. It would be interesting to know if the dancer you refer to makes any sort of differentiation between porn stars and hookers then?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    mjx, never heard her rant about prostitution, just porn. Might have something to do with the fact that she's at least occasionally an extras girl. Maybe prostitution hits too close to home, whereas she is better able mentally to distance herself from porn. Not sure though because it all sounds very hypocritical to me.
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    It's possible that she believes (probably incorrectly) that porn involves a lot of trafficked women but she know she is doing what she's doing voluntarily!

    I'm with ATACdawg! Little to no mainstream porn involves trafficked women! I don't know about some of the really twisted stuff, not my thing!

    I also suspect few strip clubs employ trafficked women, and I suspect we'd have even fewer if prostitution were legal! Not zero since zero is probably impossible to achieve! And many of the folks that invest in the sex industry would probably still be a bit unsavory!

    It would probably be better if this stripper just talked about how it is important to respect everybody's basic humanity! :)
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    I don't judge what a stripper believes about such issues, as long as she doesn't lecture me about it while she's supposed to be entertaining me.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I noticed some people differentiate the same thing being different if they think it's your personal choice rather than being forced into it. I strongly disagree that porn increases rape. It is probably the single biggest factor decreasing rape in my opinion. What some females do not understand or seem to remember is that guys need a way to sexually release. If they don't find a way to release pressure online, they will find another way possibly violently. There is so much easily available online, plus a number of females willingly hooking up for whatever, only desparate or extreme guys would feel a need to resort to rape. Now if you take away all the other ways to relieve sexual pressure, every half way decent looking girl would get raped or need a body guard. Exception, that rare 1% of guys that can hold it in and just automatically release at night. Not every guy feels a need to act like Jesus though. Many females don't think like that. They just think, not their problem and don't think.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Porn in the 1800's might have been looking at a girls thighs. People change their definitions over time. Females today would laugh if you said they were all displaying themselves as a form of porn every time they showed their legs. Did this public display raise rape cases 5000% ? I doubt it. I hear a religious relative who thinks women should cover themselves up. She might fit in with some guys in Saudi Arabia.

    I was thinking yesterday some people's idea of porn can be all in their heads but if enough people agree, they call it porn. That means girls could get arrested in South Carolina for lewd acts by simulating a sex act every time she eats a long phallic shaped object. Her intention would be meaningless if society accepts whatever as lewd and society enforces these old laws on the books. Anyone's girlfriend or wife could get arrested and charged with lewd or indecent behavior if society went backwards and said any female showing her thighs was indecent and displaying porn. It's all a matter of definition.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    She does believe that porn involves a lot of women who are forced into it in one way or another so I guess that's a difference she might see between porn and stripping. Whether that's true or not is a different matter.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Guys and females who routinely visit strip clubs are likely much further advanced in their impression of what is porn. Seeing tits is no big deal unless the girl is hot. They are likely to only get slightly more excited to see tits as a nice pair of hot legs, unless the girl is exceptionally nice looking. Now an ordinary person who never visits strip clubs, he'd be like a guy from the 1800's. I myself find that I now tip more dancers with their tops on because I've seen them topless so much, it isn't nearly as exciting as it once was. However I still like to see a nice pair of tits. Seeing tits doesn't make me want to go rape girls. That is just violence against women. I think most guys in society are not violent. Take away all the girlfriends, wives, and online porn and about every available female might get raped or fucked though.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    That's odd. The strippers I know are not against porn. Many like it, and a few have done porn movies.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I've met more dancers who were neutral or even liked porn as well than opposed but I usually do not ask or talk about it.
    I met a dancer who was strongly against drinking any alcohol and driving so I'm not too surprised by much. Some females can't tolerate alcohol so they apply their lack of understanding to everyone. For many guys, one or two maybe more drinks will not have any significant effect. For some small petite females who never drink, they are buzzed.
  • UKfan
    9 years ago
    Well I guess that's one girl I shouldn't ask to do porn with lol. In all honesty I wouldn't mind having sex with a girl on camera but I can't work up the nerve to ask a girl. However I did ask an escort I was regulars with if she wanted to but she declined the offer. I have an account on porn hub but no movies.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I wouldn't deal with a stripper who talks anti-porn. In past times I've dealt with civilians who talked anti-porn. Never again!

  • mjx01
    9 years ago
    well.. if she's an extras kind of gal... then that really is splitting hairs IMO
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    By now I take the attitude that taking anything that most, if not all, strippers say w/ more than a grain of salt is an exercise in futility.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    no sense what so ever... but I'm sure her justification is she's just making a living the only way she knows how, and if someone paid her what she makes stripping to be a secretary she'd do that instead.

    I used to have this soccermom that would send me nude photos, but got mad when she asked me if I watched porn and when I told her my honest answer (which was "yes"). Her justification was I should only be fucking her, dreaming about her and masturbating to photos of her... and her only. I see/saw her point but it's not realistic.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Yeah, it is a bit hypocritical, but I wonder if there's some other stuff going on in her noggin.

    Maybe she was a victim of rape or trafficking? Maybe she's been hanging out a lot with people who are vehemently against it, so she's picking up their attitudes? And/or maybe she's been watching too many of those "special reports" on human trafficking, along with too many other shows about sexual predators et al, like "Law & Order: SVU"?

    Just too many what-if's to want to try to figure her out. Might want to just consider sliding over to a different bar stool...or maybe just another club, just to be safe.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Believe it or not, many women turn to stripping because they desperately need the money, not to express their support for the sex trade in all its forms.
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