
PP-Greenville Update

Thursday, April 23, 2015 10:06 AM
I don't know if anyone posted this yet, but here is an updated link to the Greenville, SC newspaper about the "investigations" going on @ PP. [view link] I guess we'll know more later today.


  • overnights
    9 years ago
    I forgot to say the article says there have been 282 calls for the sheriff calls regarding the club since early 2012.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    So, one call every three days?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    " Undercover agents in the lawsuit describe seeing strippers lead men to the upstairs Champagne Room with promises they "would not leave sexually frustrated." " " a contest for the stripper who could get the most Champagne Room dances. " " The statements allege managers knew strippers were having sex in the Champagne Room but did nothing to stop the acts. " None of the above would be admissible as evidence in a criminal trial, and the cops know this. However, with the number of police calls being made and the number of other problems they are having, no such club would be able to continue to operate where I live. All the local cities are able to get businesses closed down regularly, and for much less. This is a serious matter. Not sure why they have so many other types of crimes. Is it that bad in the entire region? Columbia SC has in recent years had 200 annual homicides for a population of just 200k. Never even heard of anything like that. It has got to be a very strange place. SJG
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Been there dozens of times and never seen a cop.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    There are definitely cops in Cola. And they are douche bags A lot of the times. There are also poor black neighborhoods where a lot if these murders happen. Not unlike east Palo Alto.
  • SaintSnuff
    9 years ago
    @SJG stop saying those statements are not admissible at trial because it is
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I see cops there about the same amount I see at Walmart. I think Walmart is more of a nuisance as far as the trash that shows up on ccassion to use the words of one guy posting comments. I see nothing unusual as far as large public businesses go. Crime is high in South Carolina and the cops are never around. Hit and run drivers, people running red lights, doing all kinds of other things such as attempting to scam people in the Walmart parking lot. Where are the cops? Oh going undercover because they have nothing better to do. At least I haven't read about the police doing a raid on the old folks home because they were playing an illegal game of poker. Well not in the last year.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Uh no, in 3 years the police were called one time due to a report of prostitution. The club will get closed now. I think Walmart probably had zero calls due to possible prostitution. The club and clubs like this could have greatly reduced calls to the police by putting brighter liights in the parking lot and adding a bunch of security cameras outside so that any vandals, looters, or anyone else breaking the law in the parking lot were caught and arrested. I think management was stupid and short sighted for not doing so. I stopped visiting trophy club because of possible vandalism in their parking lot. So many clubs think parking lot safety is up to the customer and I bet that is a big source of police calls. Just last week a dancer told me someone broke into her car parked in the back. She thought it was someone who knew she had some money in her car. No one else's car was broken into. I asked about security cameras and she was like they didn't see anything or it was too dark. That is not reassuring. I never keep money in my car though.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I've seen cops patrol Walmart parking lots and other businesses. I almost never see them patrol parking lots of strip clubs. if they are already there, there is no reason to make a call. To compare apples to apples, you need to compare how often cops patrol regular businesses versus strip clubs and then compare crime reports. The criminals go wherever the cops aren't.
  • GACA
    9 years ago
    Well shoot, do you want cops or high taxes. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Wouldn't need the cops if clubs had bright parking lots with good security. If the thieves or vandals got caught, they wouldn't be going back there again unless they wanted to stay in prison longer. It's usually just a few bad apples ruining things for everyone.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I think strip clubs don't want to spend much money on brighter parking lots with extra good cameras to deter the criminal element. They would rather let customers call the police when customers become victims. Looks like it shooting a hole in Platinum Plus foot now.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Criminals go after money whether that is strip clubs customers cars at a strip club or someone getting back to their car at Walmart. I don't like going to Walmart late at night. I feel safer at most strip clubs.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I've been approached by someone wanting something about half a dozen times in Walmart and another grocery store parking lot in just the last year or two. I managed to get away just in the nick of time at the grocery store. I feel confident it was a migrant or Mexican wanting money and I wasn't sure if he had a weapon or not. I get phone scam phone calls a lot. My personal information was stolen first due to lack security at the state department of revenue and then by another company. what are police doing to protect us? Raiding strip clubs it looks like. Forget all the crimes most people are worried about.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Shark, I don't know, but it looks like some hijinks go on at Wal-Fart. [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Per a recent review: "... I knew this day was coming when a mega church was built right up the road from the club ..."
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Prostitution at Walmart. I'm shocked. The soliticor may need to shut down every store in town. Make everyone move where no one ever has sex.
  • JCLTFan
    9 years ago
    I believe it when I hear about prostitition and other shenanigans at this club. I was at a club in Charlotte recently, getting a private dance. About halfway through the girl whispers in my ear, 'if we were at platinum plus, I could fuck you right now'.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    There hasn't been any prostitution in the open and regular lap dance areas while I've visited for years. I was there. Obviously someone wants to just close down the club because of one reason or another. I see it as a continuation of the fight against the chain since they closed down the Memphis club. I'm not sure who they pissed off. I could swear on a bible to that.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Some strippers do lie to guys as well. Some promise the world and that they will be happy. A short time later is usually when the guy realizes he was ripped off. I don't fall for that line.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    Has anyone heard an update today? Wasn't the hearing around noon?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Nothing happened today, but I don't get a real good sense from this report of the hearing. [view link]
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    In other words, the judges statement of the issues does not sound good from the club's perspective even though he did give them more time to respond.
  • ididthisonce
    9 years ago
    Thanks JS. I checked the website a while ago and didn't see the story.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I guess the soliticor is on a crusade to put all strip clubs out of business. After South Carolina, I wonder what state will be next? South Carolina first, Georgia and the rest of the US next? I think he's the one who is a public nuisance and he is likely the one calling thousands of people who visit strip clubs trash and then Mosquitos.
  • Ironcat
    9 years ago
    The news this morning said that the solicitor has video evidence of illegal sex acts. Makes you wonder how they got that, but I guess the technology is available to hide cameras anywhere. The state is seeking a temporary closing while the litigation continues. Even if they don't get closed down, things won't be the same for a while.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    In the one article on Greenville on line it lists the names and cities of residence for each of the girls charged with prostitution. This is stupid but good advertising for the girls. In my younger days as a monger I would cut the names and addresses out of the paper and find where these girls lived. I would go to their homes and get excellent pricing on full service because they needed to raise money for their defense. The best ones were always when they gave the address for a house of prostitution. I was right on that one and got some discount deals from the ladies.
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