
Do you share?

layin low but staying high
Do you share your knowledge? We have knowledge about how to fuck gorgeous young women that most of the guys in the country have no clue about. For example I was reading a forum discussion about using escorts the other day. Tons of guys wanted to fuck one but were terrified of LE. The posters had all sorts of elaborate and time consuming systems to avoid LE and to get a girl who actually looked like her picture and gave good service. Even the experienced guys admitted, however, that no system they developed was anything close to foolproof.

I considered posting a response and telling these PLs to simply go to a strip club to get what they want OTC. It would've taken a little time to tell them how to do it right, but many of us get exactly what these guys so desperately want on a regular basis without any of the risks associated with getting escorts through web sites.

Did I tell them what they are missing? Did I tell them that I regularly get exactly what they desperately want and it's easy? I know it might be kinda selfish of me but I did not. Frankly I don't want any more competition in strips clubs. If all these PLs knew what we know, the cost of OTC would go up and the availability would go down. Who knows, one of these guys might be so horny that they'd offer the DS more than I do and I'd loose her. Why take that chance?

Just curious, do you share your knowledge outside of tuscl or not?


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    OTC is safest but expensive, BP is not quite as safe but cheaper, and C/L is cheap but dangerous. I've done all 3 and never had any issues; you just have to Google the phone # and/or use TER.

    Not everyone has the time to jump through the OTC hoops, and the SC trip plus the OTC cost will be 2-3x the cost a similar quality Backpage escort. The best way to go is to have an escort agency that you can call and get to know the types of girls available. Ah, but if the agency is busted, you are too.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Few comments in regards to rockstar as well.

    1. I do not share (other than here) and I really don't have any opportunities to share or offer advice to others anyway. I have been sitting at the bar before in an extras club and may strike up a conversation with an out of town guy that may be similar to me, and I may mention "you realize what goes on inside the VIP area?" and almost always a guy will say "yep, that's why I'm here."

    2. In all my travels I have never used backpage or any of those other crappy websites. Too risky for me, I remember reading crazy horror stories on the (now defunct for several years) aspd.net about guys getting robbed and beaten up as well as the girls rarely looking like the photos. Rockstar is right about TER, in the USA I will only use TER and the escort must have a few good reviews before I feel comfy.

    I rarely escort anymore but when I did I stuck to TER and when in Canada, Terb and Merb. For the past 3 years I have strictly done ITC and OTC only.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Strip clubs are too reliable and safe for me to ever contemplate using something else. I think this is the most important thing to most guys -- getting a woman you like, getting to do what you want, and having minimal worry about LE or the girl's pump knocking on the door.

    I acknowledge that clubs might be a more expensive way to go, although not always. Some dancers are escorts and charge their normal escort services.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Preach JS preach!!!! Lol

    Totally agree
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I have never used any of the escort media. All of my OTC encounters have been with strippers that I have met and nurtured over time.

    I just found out a couple of days ago that the last girl I did OTC with is now escorting on back page. She had quit the club and moved out of state. But I Googled her phone number and sure as hell she is back but escorting. I got this information from a stripper that used to be on back page but now only works out of the club.

    I mentioned all of this yesterday to another favorite that knew her. She said that she was going to phone her and get her to quit escorting through back page, etc. I thought about calling her myself but decided that I don't want to play white knight.

    Do I share information like this? Yes but only with my closest TUSCL buddies.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I've never used escort media either.

    I like to know/see what I'm getting. Strip clubs provide that for me.

    Too many horror stories of the girls not looking like their profiles or of being robbed/taken advantage of for me it use BP or CL.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Keep in mind JS69 that there are plenty of guys out there with absolutely no game that aren't gonna get a decent looking stripper OTC, or if they do it will be for 10x the amount that others pay. We here, with our vast experience, tend to assume that everyone knows the game.
  • Eagle1191
    9 years ago
    I think some go the escort route cause they can't afford the sc, or they have no game at all. When in the sc you need to talk to the girls and establish some rapport with them as most only give decent dances after you chat with them a little.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I'm not convinced that it takes much "game" to go into a club and ask a girl if she'll fuck. Unless "game" equals "money," of course. Then yeah.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I love SCs and I like to share what I love so others can enjoy – plus knowledge is power – but I can also see it perhaps affecting me – but then again I often think the more custies that go to clubs and spend the more dancers will want to be there – sorta of a “tide that lifts all boats” thang (more custies spending may mean more dancers dancing).

    w.r.t. escorts vs SCs – some guys are just into one or the other and there may be guys that it just doesn’t do it for them to go the SC route – plus in many areas SCs are tame so the PLs in that area are hardwired that SCs equal no sex – and there is often an overhead in terms of $$$, time, and effort, w.r.t. dancers.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    You're right,gmd...it doesn't take much game to ASK. But a lot of guys, especially the desperate ones, are gonna come across as too aggressive and/or creepy and the stripper ain't gonna go for it. For those types, especially the socially inept and the ones who have trouble communicating with women, an escort might be a better path....at least in the beginning.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    You do need some level of game to get strippers otc especially the very attractive ones. You especially need game to establish a regular otc relationship with a quality dancer, and to get a high quality GFE experience out of the whole thing on a regular basis.

    The DS has several guys try to get sex from her every night at work. Every single night without fail. The vast majority get absolutely nowhere because they don't know how to put her at ease, they don't know how to make clear that she'll be safe, they don't know how to handle the monetary aspects of the transaction, and they don't know how to convince her that she'd be better off fucking them for money otc instead of just taking his money in the club.

    It's not the same game that you need to get civilian women, but there definitely is an art to regularly and successfully having intimate sexual experiences with the very hotcstrippers.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    Good one, GMD. Game is the opposite of using money to score. What OTC success mainly calls for is some know-how that comes from trial and error, and well developed antennae for detecting time wasters and scams.
  • chandler
    9 years ago
    If someone asks I might share, but I'm not tempted to go on forums I know next to nothing about and tell them they should be doing things my way instead. By the same token, on this board, we sometimes get mongers telling us we should skip all the hassle and unreliability of OTC and just hire an escort or hit an AMP. I don't consider that sharing. It's butting in.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Loose lips sink ships.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    Actually, they build ships! Ships to replace the ones lost and more ships to chase and kill sub's! Check the history of the Battle of the Atlantic in WWII. The US ended up building cargo ships faster than the Germans could sink them.

    It's good for business! Of course, I'm a naval architect/marine engineer.....
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ I guess that's why you live in VA?
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    ^^^Nice one Papi.And Dawg,that phrase was about human lives lost'
  • skibum609
    9 years ago
    Handing a hooker money is a skill? Seriously?
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    ski, with a street hooker ( which is what your comment assumes) of course no skill is involved. You just need money. However, with a stripper who only fucks a limited number of the many guys otc who are willing to pay her for sex, yes there definitely is some experience required.

    If you think I'm wrong, go into an average no extras strip club, walk up to every dancer and say first thing "I will give you $300 to fuck me in my hotel room." You will most likely get very few if any takers. This is what most guys do in clubs and it gets them nowhere. However, if you invest just a little time, get to know them a little bit, and convey respect and safety along with the promise of money, you will be much more successful even if you're still offering to pay the same $300.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Ski being schooled.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    ^^^lol yeah funny that it happens a lot.
  • DeviantTurtle
    9 years ago
    My experience is purely from the escort world because of my situation. There are no clubs in my immediate area, and the closest ones are pretty bad. When I do get a chance to travel to a more populated area, I usually plan some activities with an escort off a local board. The benefit is that I get to do my "window shopping" offsite and can then spend what little time I have enjoying the company of a lady rather than running game. Plus, it's cheaper and I know exactly what I'm gonna get. I'm lucky that I have a local board that provides reviews and access to chat with the ladies though.

    If I were in a different situation, I'd probably mix it up with dancers, AMPs, and escorts though.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I share intel with posters here that I like thru PM's all the time, and I offer countless free flow of intel on my local SC sites like zbone & bonedin. It's all about helping each other out so that we avoid some of the trouble areas (and dancers) and have a better overall clubbing experience. I won't share intel or even respond to anyone who is an asshole or asks too personal questions either about me or if they ask about things that I know certain dancers don't want generally known.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    I have no problem sharing my knowledge.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    Funny timing The H has always wanted an escort so we spent about a week setting it up. She was game right up to the night before and then we heard nothing from her the day of. We texted with our agreed local and time agreed on. No show no text no call 45 mins past the time of her appointment. So H runs downstairs for a dancer. We are running out of hotel time Gets dancer up into the room. THEN Escort calls. Oops. Sadly had to tell escort that we left.
    Really we already having fun with the dancer. A lot of fun!
    45 mins makes an enormous difference. Wish I could add more in the way of sharing information. It was not to be
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Apparently I share less information than Facebook and LE or the news media.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    JS is right about guys going up to a stripper and offering $300 to come to their hotel room - ain't gonna happen. I think a lot of inexperienced guys think if they spend $XXX amount on a stripper in the club that she's more likely to come to their hotel room for free. Uh nope!

    Sometimes I have been lucky enough to lure a girl out of a club after meeting her for the first time. In most cases (with me) that has happened at a lower end club OR there's some sort of crazy connection I have with the stripper. Like one of those nights when I could say no wrong to her... yep and on other nights I can't say anything right.... Aside from those episodes, usually if I have a good night in the club with a stripper (extras or no extras) and build a rapport, she may be more willing to do OTC on my REPEAT visit to the club. For example I met a stripper I am in love with in Detroit. I went in, talked for about 45 minutes to her, and got a few hot (no extras) lapdances from her, then left and told her I will hopefully see her in a month or so. Never even brought up extras or OTC, but I sure will on my next visit. She's my unicorn and I'm going to catch her.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm curious after reading about recent arrests. Have undercover female officers ever approached guys in strip clubs and asked to have sex for money? That is the guy never mentioned it but they come up and ask? I think that sounds like entrapment if it happens.
  • tumblingdice
    9 years ago
    Shark!If you can't navigate a stripclub for extras,then my friend,you have issues.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    The bottom line is OTC with a stripper is often 2 - 3x more than an escort. And this forum is rife with tales of guys who thought they had set up an OTC encounter only to have the stripper no show.

    There are pros and cons to anything.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    I don't think that's how it works, sharkhunter. That would be entrapment. Its usually male undercover that does the investigation prior to busting a club. And more times than not they are looking for contraband like drugs and booze infractions. Any sex related charges that they can find are just bonus.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Thanks sclvr5005.
  • FullPress
    9 years ago
    I have learned so much here really that I realize we don't have the time or cash to P4P in ScS. I am telling it straight, when my H started this account over 10 years ago we thought strip clubs were strictly strip clubs and everyone was happy just to watch naked ladies dance.
    I have learned tons here. I don't know where you get the time. Except lopaws daytime delights. :)
    Good to see a girl on here too.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    To the op you do realize that OTC is far more expensive than an escort. Even if some dumbass pays 200 for a how, that's still cheaperthan some you guys' club vVIPs. I still haven't done it yet but financially I can see the appeal of escorts over strippers
  • DeviantTurtle
    9 years ago
    The downside to escorts is that you only get to inspect what she wants you to see because you are looking at pictures she has provided. Reviews help, but everyone has a different opinion of beauty. Plus, a lot of review writers are worried about their reputation and don't want to slam a girl for being fat or ugly, because other escorts will see it and may not want to see him and have her flaws exposed.

    The upside is that the rates are much lower. I can spend an hour of quality time for $200. That will include complete access to anything that is on the menu, multiple shots if you have it in you, and usually a shower before and after.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    @DeviantTurtle - " Plus, a lot of review writers are worried about their reputation and don't want to slam a girl for being fat or ugly, because other escorts will see it and may not want to see him and have her flaws exposed."

    I strongly disagree. TER has a TON of negative reviews! From everything from fat, ugly, poor service or rip-off. Plus you see some girls with mostly great reviews but a couple people had a different experience. From my limited experience, TER is the best way to get value for PFP. OTC will net the best women, but as stated is also the most expensive.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yeah - providers are not into turning down sales
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    @JS69: I really don't want to burst your bubble, but I'm overweight, not attractive, and am probably one of the most socially awkward people you'll meet, especially around girls. "Game" is not a word one would reasonably apply to me. Despite those things, I regularly go into clubs and get take out. By offering money. And while some here might not be flabbergasted by my ATF/SB, she's still hot, and I guaran-fucking-tee that at least 80% of you would drop your jaw to the floor if you saw the MILF (who still won't take my money OTC). I suppose that one *might* call my relationship with her is because of "game", but she calls it "insane head."

    Now, you said "non-extras" club, but I never did, and your post after mine was the first time I noticed it used. That ain't what I'm talking about, and I don't think anyone else was either.

    Those of you claiming that OTC with a stripper is more expensive have a point, but "far more" and "2-3x" more? Sucks to be you.

    Couple that with the general lack of clock watching that most strippers I've taken out do, the certainty that the girl I met at the club will be the one that shows up at the door, the absence of annoying "screening" rituals many good escorts make you go through, and the window shopping aspect of going to clubs and seeing (and sampling) the talent before committing, and I'll take strippers in preference to escorts most days. Not exclusively, as there are sites to help one overcome the obstacles I've outlined, but mostly.

    The extra money I spend in clubs isn't wasted, as I have fun in the club, even without nutting, most times.

  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    whats this shit about game? you dont need game to pay whores for sex. sounds almost as stupid as ricky boys system.
  • DeviantTurtle
    9 years ago
    @Rockstar: I was not speaking of TER. Honestly, I haven't been to that site in years. In the PNW, there are boards that provide great information as long as you know how to read them. That being said, the board owners have let the hooker dictate things more than they should. That's where the pressure for good reviews comes from.
  • PhantomGeek
    9 years ago
    Have to agree with GMD about the prices: The times I've done OTC or ITC with a dancer, I haven't paid more than the average local market's hourly rate for an escort. The couple of times a dancer's tried to get me to fork over more than that, I've shrugged, shaken my head, and said, "Sorry, but no thanks."
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