Barnes: Former teammate Iverson spent $40,000 at strip clubs

Detroit strip clubs…

I wonder, if you had the money of an NBA player, would you spend that much in strip clubs?


  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Anything above ten grand a night is just wasting it
  • grand1511
    10 years ago
    I reading this story on, I liked the part where Barnes said he would scoop up the money that fell on the floor near his chair to either tip other strippers with or just flat-out keep it.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    And this is just one of the many reasons Alan Iverson is broke after receiving millions in salary. It's just a shame. :-(
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I prefer to give my money directly to the strippers and therefore don't support professional basketball. After all it's just 5 very tall guys slam dunking a little ball.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Check out the ESPN 30-For-30 film "Broke" about athletes and their money. It should be required viewing for all rookies.

    It's easy to see how they can blow $40 million or more. Cars, mansions, jewelry, failed businesses. And women. Lots of women. With kids and child support.

    But for me the most shocking part was these guys didn't even have a checking account. NFL players would go to the check cashing store in da hood to cash their first 5 figure game check.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Do the math. I'm not completey "alive", so check the meth.

    Average NBA salary, $5.15 MILLION. $40,000 = .007767%

    So average joe make $50K. And .007767% = $388,35.

    A Close to an average VIP session.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Maybe Iverson needs more "practice" in going to strip clubs
  • ime
    10 years ago
    It's hard to imagine how he went broke
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Not really. First, letting other people handle his fiscal affairs - rule #1 broken. Second, keep a large entourage of sycophants from the hood at outrageous salaries for little or no work. Nice to take care of your "friends" but see how many still are when the money train stops. Third: assume that the money is inexhaustible; easy to do when Rule 1 is broken. Fourth: BIG houses (gotta have 'em to impress and house all of your broke ass friends), excellent food and booze, fast, expensive cars and faster, more expensive women with the associated astronomical child support bills. Fifth: expensive lawyers to handle all the situations caused by number four above. Sixth: if you really want to hit the big time a megayacht or two and maybe a private jet.

    And that, ime, is a quick lesson in six steps to destroying a fortune. Again, sad as hell.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    Pure awesomeness. Almost as awesome as Dolfan wearing flip flops to the strip club.

    Barnes comment reminds of when I was with a few friends in a seedy night club where we were a minority. We had already seen two fights that night when we were in there. The dance floor was in its own room and we were the only guys in there. This huge black dude just walks in and makes in rain on the stripper with probably about $30 in $1 dollar bills (that was a big spender in this club). About $10 of that $30 winds up on the floor in front of my friend, whose is wasted and always doing something stupid. He proceeds to recycle all the money and slowly tip the girls $1 every time they came by him. Yes "girls" as 1 girl on the stage at a time and he had enough $1s to last him the next 3 dancers. We all looked at him like "are you retarded" if he got caught doing that we would probably get shot. Needless to say I usually club alone now, unless Iverson calls me up and needs a ride.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    If you don’t have what it takes to make it ($$$); you probably don’t have what it takes (knowledge) to keep it.

    Many of these guys only know how to do one thing – sports – any other area in life they are often the equivalent of illiterates (and sometimes literally illiterates).
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Atac my comment was sarcastic, he made the exact same mistake as many athletes hopefully he enjoyed it ha
  • warhawks
    10 years ago

    Only $40k?

    That's all?

  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    It was rumored that rapper Rick Ross made it rain (are you ready for this?) 1 MILLION DOLLARS on his birthday a few years at KOD in Miami. So yeah Warhawks is right, 40K is amateur. Lol
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^^looking for love, narcissistic. Behavior for a king, maybe....
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    RE: Papi's "Many of these guys only know how to do one thing – sports – any other area in life they are often the equivalent of illiterates (and sometimes literally illiterates)."

    Reminds me of Dexter Manly of the Redskins, YES, REDSKINS!!! Really, 4 years in college and he can't even...?…
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Another thing that baffles me....athletes and entertainers have plenty of "free" pussy available. (Yeah, I know nothing is ultimately free). So why drop $40k at a strip club?

    Something they mentioned in "Broke": A woman runs a sevice where other single women are notified when a celebrity shows up a certain club. For example, if Michael Jordan came into a club, over 7000 women got an automatic text notifying them.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Would I spend that much if I had the money? no.
    I guess they say easy come easy go. Looks like it applies to some people's money too.
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    It would be fun to see someone drop that much cash in a club in one night. I imagine it would create an unsafe atmosphere. People must go crazy around that much money.
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