Any one object to a dancer grabbing him by his cock?

avatar for shadowcat
Yesterday I was talking to a dancer that had just returned to the scene after a years absence. She gave me a big smile as she grabbed my package. After a couple of erotic dances I asked her if any guy had ever objected to her grabbing his stuff. She said that there had only been one. he said "Hey. That's mine." She considers it to be a hearty hand shake. Who am I to object?


last comment
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I don't like it. Seriously.

When I in second grade, an older kid came up to me a grabbed my balls and squeezed the hell out of them. Still bothers me.

Seriously, I've had a few dancers try it and they better be happy I didn't punch their lights out.
avatar for warhawks
10 years ago

Doesn't bother me.

Unless it's the ugliest girl in the club that's doing the grabbing.
Then I'd have a problem with it.
avatar for Subraman
10 years ago
If it's a girl I outright dislike, I'll gently brush her hand off

Any other strippers, well, gladtomeetcha!
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
I don't really care for girls to surprise me out of the blue by approaching me and grabbing me anywhere. Now if they don't surprise me, I can become agreeable to a lot.

When I lived in NC, there was a time when I was really getting tired of trying to get past 2 different Korean massage parlor girls located on both sides of a strip club I liked visiting. Those girls would not leave me alone. I discovered it gets hard to keep saying no when one girl reached down in your pants and started making you feel better. The city shut down that whole area and put in a police station I think.
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
of course they only did that one time. If they kept doing it, I would have wised up and just let them argue away and enjoy the whole arguing time. I would have had an LDK with heavy assistance if that is possible.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I like it when they do that unless they are fugly
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Actaully I haven't had any dancer meet and greet meet me like that in a long time. I'm not worried about it either though. I can get more touchy feely girls in regular club than in a strip club.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Grab away girls. It's a great sales technique. Even if she's ugly she can play with my dick for a couple of minutes. I'm sure this is because I'm such a giving, caring guy. If the girls wanna grab who am I to say no?
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
I don't care for it when it's a girl I'm genuinely not attracted to. But it can help sell me on a 7. I'll take a playful 7 with a good attitude over a cold 9 any day.
avatar for ididthisonce
10 years ago
I don't really care for it as an opening handshake. It just seem to lack an element of class. I would prefer a smile and a conversation to open. To each his own and it's just my preference.

avatar for GACA
10 years ago
I don't like it. I'm paying to grab your parts if you want to grab mine then pay me
avatar for Ironcat
10 years ago
I used to call that the "Memphis handshake" because when they shut down the Platinum Plus in Memphis it seemed like all the gals who moved to Greenville greeted me that way. Most if not all of those dancers have since left Greenville. Since then, only a few have done the Memphis handshake, but they have been dancers I would not be interested in.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
If a hot girl is doing it, then I don't mind.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
It was a number of years back, the first time I experienced that. An AMP girl, I'll call her Slutty Red Dress Vietnamese Cathy, at a place on Virginia St. in San Jose. It really surprised me. So I went and got money and came back.

avatar for GoldDiamond
10 years ago
As long as she is at least half decent looking, I like it, makes me more likely to buy dances from her.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
Red Dress Cathy was good to. I like her and she could feel that. She invited me to see her outside next time. But again, as I was married I needed to keep it within bounds.

avatar for carolinaclubman
10 years ago
Sharkhunter, I do miss the old Haye Street…
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
I think it's kind of inconsiderate. I prefer sustained rubbing.
avatar for Rabbit21
10 years ago
I love it, but would prefer for contact to be maintained of course :).
avatar for Eagle1191
10 years ago
I don't mind as long as the girl doing it looks good, but if an ugly girl tried it I would move away or stop her from touching me.
avatar for MrDeuce
10 years ago
This has happened to me only at clubs in west suburbs of Detroit (Inkster) and east suburbs of St Louis (Washington Park) plus Arnie's in Harvey, IL. In my limited experience, meeting a dancer in this way almost always ends happily. The challenge is to keep the blood flowing to the big head long enough to avoid unfortunate choices.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I love it – even like it from girls that I’m not attracted to and I have actually gotten dances from dancers I o/w would have not gotten dances from (I like it when dancers are “proactive”).

It is a sales technique of course thus sometimes I will remove the girl’s hand if I don’t want to spend any $$$ on her.
avatar for rickdugan
10 years ago
I don't like it. For starters, it is very presumptuous. Perhaps more important though, it is often a semi-con as it's the most action they ever intend to give you and taking them back leads to profound disappointment. Not all of us club in Detroit and Follies and girls who work in tighter clubs have to sell dances too. ;)
avatar for bang69
10 years ago
I have no issue with it. Just as long as I can put my hand on her crotch
avatar for Clubber
10 years ago
A 7-10 just fine. 5 or 6, a maybe. Anything less, I would prefer they didn't.
avatar for davevjr
10 years ago
I have never objected to a girl grabbing my junk but one grabbed to sell me on the dance and then told me a i couldn't grab her booty once inside the private dance area. one dance and I was done. She was so shocked that cut the dances of so quickly. Sorry guys don't remember where, and I was a long time ago so unless she got more firiendly i doubt she still dances!
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
I'm ok with it as long as she grabs with her mouth.
avatar for marc5
10 years ago
Who's complaining about a free extra? I'm up for as much two way contact as possible.

There's only one caveat........She's my type.
avatar for Cheo_D
10 years ago
If she's at least above the median and the mood is positive, I certainly welcome the "handshake" as a part of the sales pitch. Of course if she is the type to pique my interest I'll test her back by reaching to do some laying on of hands myself during the introductory conversation. If she is cool with the mutual contact at the earliest phase of the interaction, then we're talking.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
10 years ago
No objection at all. I love it.
avatar for BigPoppa99
10 years ago
I don't object to it; my ATF grabs me and uses it as a leash. Gently, of course. She leads me to the LD room. This is an indication that good times are sure to follow!
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