
Amateur Customers

layin low but staying high
Amateur customers sometimes piss me off, I'm working on getting higher mileage than usual from an adorable blond. She's pushing for the insanely expensive VIP, and I make clear that I require VIP mileage in a regular lap dance but I promise to buy several dances if she meets my level of intimacy. She hesitates but it's a slow night and I sense that she's going to come back shortly and give in to my terms. But instead she talks to the PL next to me and in 30 seconds he's taking her to the VIP. He's clearly never met her before, he could not possibly have negotiated or even discussed mileage since they never got beyond introductions, and he's immediately off to the most expensive option in a very high end club. From talking to her I can almost guarantee that without negotiation up front he will get little more than regular lap dances and she will try to charge him extra for simple stuff like playing with or sucking her tits.

It's his money so he can waste it if he wants to. That was me once, so I probably should be sympathetic. But he fucked up my almost completed plans. No way she gives me an economical option when she's got PLs throwing many hundreds her way for nothing special. Nothing can be done about it I suppose, but at times like this I want to gather all the newbie customers for ten minutes and give them a lesson in strip clubbing 101. It could save all of us a bunch of money


  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    "The Art of the Negotiation," a seminar by John Smith. It sounds like something you should be taking on the road and charging PLs a couple hundred to save them time and thousands.

    'Sides, after reading this, you'd probably wind up punching me. My negotiating has never gone beyond "Sorry but thanks anyway" to "<pant-pant> Yes, m'lady, YES! <drool-drool>"
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    He messed you up
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    That's no worse than the experienced whales that run up the price of pussy by over paying.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    It happens. Not much that you can do about it, but I can certainly commiserate.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    I say good for the girl as she found a guy willing to pay re-tail. Its all part of the game. I recently had a very hot girl (she would have been a 9+ if not for the tats) tell me to my face her prices varied depending on how busy the club was that evening. She had just walked away from another guy who was offering her $75 for VIP with 50 of it going to the house. She was insulted. She gave me her price after she told me this in the lap dance room, I whined a little about the price like the PL I am, we bantered a little and settled on mutually agreeable price and off we went. I tipped her back up to her original price at the end as she was well worth it. We both left happy and I left with her number for the next time.
  • crsm27
    10 years ago
    Shadow... I agree. OR a guy taking up all the time of a dancer and not getting dances or "negotiating a price" then blowing her off because they didn't agree. But it took up an hour of the dancers time.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    If all the customers were savvy bargainers, and there weren't easy marks for strippers to take advantage of, there would be even less hot pussy working in the clubs.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    I think shadowcat and chandler nailed it.

    Reckless whales subsidize my SC experience.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    The other PL might be a regular? I never negotiate with my regular dancers because it's unnecessary. They know what I want and I know what it will cost. Come to think of it, with a new dancer I don't negotiate the first time. I'll see what she's got on her terms and then maybe up the ante if I think she's game. Just my style...
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Worrying about how other customers spend their money is a pointless exercise. Having your targets lured away by guys who drop a lot of cash on things like expensive backrooms, lavish stage tips or even paying for time, is simply a fact of life in clubs. In my experience this is even more the case in high-end clubs, which seem to attract higher numbers of whales and others who spend a lot.

    Since other customers are obviously not going to adjust to accommodate you, it is you who must either adjust to his environment or find better hunting grounds. You tried to put the squeeze on an "adorable blonde" working in a "very high end club" who was clearly reluctant to meet your terms. Of course she was going to explore all of her other options first. The only real lesson here is that you took a gamble that she was desperate enough to give up the goodies on the cheap and you struck out.

    But of course there's always next time. ;)
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    An amateur? I don't think so. I think that he was hired by your DS to keep you from spending your money on other girls. Remember their faces - she probably has about three guys working in rotation .... ;-)
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    Geez, JS69, don't *you* start now too!
  • bubba267
    10 years ago
    May be splitting hairs, but i don't consider myself a whale,though I'm a high VIP tipper $100-150. I know and won't pay more than standard pricing for VIPs. The variable, and what has served me well, is going once a month or so and letting them know I'm a very generous tipper for excellent performance. I'm probably spending the same or less as my weekly attending brethren but I let the girls know they won't see me back for 3-4 weeks. Hopefully it doesn't drive up the price for the regulars.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    dawg, I sure hope you're wrong cause I'm planning to reunite with my ATF tonight. I don't need DS spies watching her give me my blowjob.

    GMD, sorry I had a momentary emotional tirade. But in my defense, the little head really had his heart set on that blond. He loves natural blondes, and her breasts were a perfect mouthful with nothing going to waste. I promise no more emotional fits for a while over loosing a dancer.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Yeah – amateurs often unproductively get in the way.

    Being that I mostly go to dives; what pisses me off more is dudes that don’t spend *any* $$$ on dances yet take up the best dance seats for hours in the club (this may not be an issue in bigger clubs w/ separate dance areas but is an issue in smaller clubs).

    In general – dudes w/ no $$$ or any intention of spending any $$$ yet taking up resources (good seats; dancer’s time; etc); pisses me off.
  • chandler
    10 years ago
    Papi, if they had a section for pimps & dealers, that would take care of most of the problem. Follies used to have just that. Then they removed the pool table.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    That kind of sucks but not everyone has to start somewhere, cut the guy some slack.
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