So I visited a strip club earlier and it was a let down so I decided to visit my regular strip club instead, and there was this new girl that name Rachel and she took the name of one of my ex-favorite stripper who used to work there but got fired. She is your typical white girl with stupid haircut(one side is completely shaved), average looking body with tattoos and piercing. I told her that I wanted a LD from her while she was dancing on the stage, and she said OK. Then after she got done dancing on the stage, she whispered something to this dude's ear and next thing you know she came up to me and told me that she wants to give a LD to him first instead of me, even tho I know that I was the first one that asked her for LD first. I was planning to do a special with her ($140 for 30 min), and I think that dude only intended to do just one LD with her. It is pretty bullshit that she has the audicity to make me wait and just because she like the other dude better or maybe she was attracted to him or something. To all you skanky dirty strippers hoe out there that think you can make a customer wait for you just because you think you are hot shit. You are fucking wrong, I can't speak for other guys but me personally I got the fuck out there, I already told the manager that I was planning to do a LD with her in advance. Next time I go back to that club again, I hope she either got fired or quit, because I will complaint her to the manager and the owner, matter of fact I would purposely sit by the stage while she was dancing and not tip a fucking dollar to her just because of what she did. Yeah I am bitter like that. But some stupid strippers should know their place.
Maybe she talked with him earlier and promised him one before you saw her. You don't know the whole story.
But yes I get frustrated too when you want to get a LD from a dancer and talk to her at stage then she either disappears or goes and sits with another customer. It pisses me off too. But it is part of the game and hustle. What would teach her more of a lesson would be to wait until she got back and say, " I was going to do the $140 dance with you...but you chose wrong this time. Then go pick a different dancer.".... If you did that and next time she saw you she might hurry to give you a LD instead of going to another.
I've come to the conclusion that the OP is either a smelly Asian or Indian (Gandhi, not Squanto). and it's frustrating to him that is only claim to power is money, and he's mad that human females are not reacting to his money the way he thinks they should. Umm...creepy dude slavery is against the law and you can't actually purchase a human being here. So how but going in being a courteous little bastard for starters, drop the short man with short dock complex. Hopefully next time you meet a total ROB that Jacks you for every last penny.
maybe she expected to spend the 30 min with you but figured she'd lose the 5 minutes with this dude. Besides there's always someone else happy to take my $ if Im tired of waiting. It usually goes like "well, I was waiting on _____ but how'd you like to have her money".
She doesn't sound that stupid. I don't want to interact with you and all I had to do was read your thoughts. I can't imagine how insufferable you are in person
Apparently she's not so dumb that she can't sense it when a man has complete and utter contempt for her.
You seem to have an expectation that a stripper should be like a waitress and treat everyone in a uniform way. But that's just not the reality. In a good club, the best you can expect is that management will stop strippers from harassing you when you just want them to go away. In every club I've ever been in, the dancers decide which custies they will or won't do business with, no questions asked by management. I think the clubs just recognize that giving lap dances is a much more intimate thing than throwing a plate of food in front of somebody. Dancers may have a personal reaction to someone that is too negative for them to be able to tolerate giving them a lap dance. That said, I think, most of the time, it's nothing that personal. A big thing is that dancers have some sort of "system" where one of them can call dibs on a custy, and the others won't come near him. They think it prevents their own regulars from being "poached". My opinion, it causes custies to get frustrated and leave and nobody banks a dime off them.
We feel like dancers show strange favoritism to some custies, but they feel the same way about us. If you only like blondes or huge implants, that's one thing. But we often have preferences that seem just as frustratingly mysterious to them. It's one thing to be frustrated when you're trying to have a little fun, but it kicks it up a notch when you get frustrated trying to pay your bills.
When a stripper pulls that shit I just find another. No point in getting mad about it. Thats the way strip clubs work. They're "independent contractors" so they can pick and choose who they dance for. If my money isn't good enough or some other guys money is better, there's another stripper that feels otherwise.
I am not smelly matter of fact I dress very nice and my breath don't stink. That stripper just got her priority messed up when she picked someone that only wanna do one LD instead of me who was planning to do a special.
so she risked losing a 30 min LD because she didn't wanna miss out the 5 min LD....that makes a lots of sense, and fuck all of yall that defend that stupid bitch. You guys are probably the one that spend every single dollars on the first stripper that you find attractive in the club
Yeah well she will never ever make a dollar off me in this life time. And you are right they do have a choice on whose money they wanna take first, I just felt disrespected because I know I asked her for the LD first before the other dude did, and if my money isn't good enough for her, then fuck it. But I'll be damned if I let a stripper disrespect me like that. I bet you that she probably came out that room and started looking for me like crazy, hoping that she can make some real money off of me with that 30 min dance, but in reality she just pissed off one of the regular in that club who spend lots of money every time he goes there.
Xeinok you are ridiculous. That woman had no way of knowing how much you or the other guy wanted to spend. You yourself said you told her you wanted a lap dance, said nothing about a VIP. I think you need to take your lap dance money and go see a therapist. It's mysoginistic customers like you that ruin it for the rest of the normal guys and ruin a strippers day. You have me so mad you better crawl back into the hole you crept out of and if you try to come at me I will fucking annihilate you with my words so fall back.
You know, unless you were in the club for hours before this how do you really know when this other guy came in? Maybe he's like us and spends 7-8 hours in the club when he goes and has moved around a good bit to different seats. This happens to us all the time. We'll be up in the VIP at a table, then down to the stage, maybe some LD's, then back to a table, then back to the stage, etc, etc.... Her stopping to whisper in his ear was probably her telling him she'd be right back because she needed to go tell someone else (you who had asked for a dance AFTER he did) that she had already promised to dance for him first and she would get to you next. That's just a common courtesy and shouldn't be anything to get irate about.
NOW, let's assume you saw this guy walk in the front door and know he hasn't been there at all since you came in. Maybe he's someone she likes better, maybe he's someone who comes in daily and gets a few dances from her and has quickly become one of her regulars (even if she's only been there a week). Maybe she didn't like your breath or the look in your eye or who knows what else. A million different reasons. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you. She's not just a stripper, she's a woman and there is no damn way you'll ever know what goes on in a woman's head so don't try to rationalize it. Honestly, with her stopping to say something to him before coming over to you; I have to say he must have already asked for a dance first. No need to get all pissed off, you still have titties in your face on stage. Smile, have a sip of your drink, throw a few more dollars out and before you know it she'll be right back for you.
Seriously, you're ranting because a dancer made you wait five minutes? She was even polite enough to stop by and let you know that she hadn't forgotten about you, that she wasn't blowing you off, just that she wanted to do that ONE lap dance for that guy first -- for whatever reason she had. (Personally, I have a feeling she might've owed him a dance from before her stage set or he might've been a regular who was getting ready to head out. Nuts, she might've wanted to give him the lap dance to give YOU a preview of what her VIP might've been like.)
Xeinok, just because you have money, you won't always be the first in line. And just because a dancer went to another guy first, it doesn't mean you have to get all rifle-and-the-bell-tower bent out of shape. Just grow up and settle down, okay?
Man if you can't put up with that kind of "slight" you need a different hobby maybe like 'anger management. Personally I may or may not have waited one or two dances before moving on to a different dancer. I for sure would would been already shopping for a different girl even while waiting for her to get off stage. I'm not looking for a long term relationship here.
Xeinok.. I realize it probably took you a long time to pick up all those cans and bottles to recycle to generate that major bank roll you had to spend, but you aren't in the trailer park. That stripper showed great judgement and decision making.
Strip clubs are often seedy places w/ seedy people – it’s a strip club; not a 5-star resort; you can’t expect the same treatment.
Sure it’s upsetting when one gets slighted whether in a SC or not; but we live in an imperfect world and strip clubs are far far from perfect.
Yeah it was wrong of her to slight you; but in my unprofessional opinion your reaction may be a bigger issue that you need to deal w/ for *your* sake.
“… was planning to do a special with her ($140 for 30 min) …”
No disrespect; but this does not necessarily put you in whale category.
Shit like this is going to happen; it’s like complaining about rush-hour traffic; you either do what you can do or just deal w/ it the best way you can.
As others have mentioned; at least she came by to let you know the deal; more often than not most dancers won’t even do that and leave a PL hanging w/ blue-balls.
I recall back in the early-2000s at the old Baby Dolls location in Dallas – a short STACKED blond asked me for a dance and I agreed – we proceeded to go to a high-top table and wait for the next song – while waiting for the next song; she saw a custy she knew – she proceeds to just get up w/o saying a word and go give the other custy a big hug and kiss and proceeds to go sit w/ him – all w/o telling me a word nor even “an excuse me” as she walked away from my table.
Diva1975 go suck a dick why don't you? She saw me holding a stack of $20 bills , and there is no way she doesn't know that I was planning to do a special, beside if I am so misogyny then I would't spend the kinda money that I have already spent on every strip club I been to. It is funny that I have always been called generous and nice by either the bartender or every strippers that I have met so far.
ok so maybe I overreacted to some trivial bullshit. But I know that I came inside the club before he did, and when I asked her for the LD first, and she never mentioned that she promised other guy first. I don't really care at this point, it is all water under the bridge, but it is funny how you guys all come to defend a stupid gold digger for no reason.
How but defending human decency asshole... first of all fuck your short stack of $20's. If you think that $140 dollars should buy you the rights to a human being you need to go back to that god-forsaken third world trash heap you crawled from. In the great US of A everyone is offered some amount of dignity and respect and it's theirs to lose. Low class degenerate Maggots like you aren't welcome. Money is a tool that gives you a chance (not a right) to experience more than people with out it. So go take a shower brush your rank ass teeth. And learn what it's means to be a fckn MAN.
lol Human decency? Did I say anything smart or being an asshole to her as soon as she told me that she is gonna give the other guy a LD first? NO, I calmly said that it is ok with me, I didn't even sound mean or anything. Yeah I talked shit about her online afterward, big fucking deal it is my fucking discussion, if you got a problem with that, then don't bother reply to it you stupid fuck. Attacking me like the way you did, only proved that you will do anything for a stupid stripper, as if selling your house,car or empty out your bank account just because she told u that she need the money really bad. I have never seen anyone defend a stripper who you have never met the way you defended her. Did I struck a nerve? Mr. white knight in shining armor who is gonna defend all stripper's dignity and pride on tuscl.
The bottom line is she probably just made a rookie mistake. Maybe she didn't like you for one reason or another. Who knows.
Getting angry at strippers is a wasted energy (except for true ROBs). They're free to do what they like to earn cash. They can sit on their phone half the night. They can charge a hot young guy 80 for a BBBJ but demand 200 from a less attractive guy. It's their business. They can refuse to do any extras. And yeah, they can refuse to give LDs.
I understand that JamesSD and like I said, When I first made that post, I was overreacting probably due to me being drunk or already pissed off at something else. I don't really remember all the detail but all the harsh things that I said, it was just figure of speech. Am I really going to go through with it? Probably not.
Xeinok I can tell you exactly what's bothering you, it's very simple. Men are made to NEVER feel like they are sexually satisfied. It's a big part of how there got to be more than 6 billion human beings on Earth. Sex is like an itch for us. You can't help but scratch it some. But no amount of scratching will make it stop itching, you'll just end up with a burning open wound. You just have to try to find other things that interest you enough to make you forget the itch for a while. Strippers make money off our problem, but they don't make us have it. If you want to hate on somebody for it, go to church and hate on God.
sometimes I can surpass the itch, but I just want something to take strip club off my mind. I was able to stop going to strip club for a whole year before, but it seem like as I am getting older, the less will power I have. Plus listening to all these new songs about strippers or strip club definitely don't help either.
This exact situation happened to me last week. I was pissed."hey let's do some lap dances" "Umm ,I'm going to dance dance with him first". Tends to happen more at the upscale clubs. These girls are getting spoiled by all the over-tipping.
The manager in my situation, really didn't care he was like "these girls are crazy" " i find you another girl".
Any dancer that picks a customer over me is not going to get my VIP cash.
"She saw me holding a stack of $20 bills , and there is no way she doesn't know that I was planning to do a special, beside if I am so misogyny then I would't spend the kinda money that I have already spent on every strip club I been to"
2 points I'd like to make: 1-Holding a stack of bills in no way tells her what you have planned in your head. We're a couple and it has been made perfectly clear to us that we are being too subtle in our clubbing. We need to actually verbalize what we want to the strippers instead of letting them see our large stack at the tip rail, tipping all of them and having my wife physically flirt with them all. We need to start actually grabbing their attention and saying "WE'D LIKE A DANCE!" and let our actions become known in the DR amongst them all. If you verbalize what you want and do that on a regular basis then eventually they may determine that when you're there with a large stack of 20's you plan to spend it and they might start telling the other guy he needs to wait.
2-Not trying to be an ass but bad spelling bugs me. The correct use would have been "misogynistic"
last commentBut yes I get frustrated too when you want to get a LD from a dancer and talk to her at stage then she either disappears or goes and sits with another customer. It pisses me off too. But it is part of the game and hustle. What would teach her more of a lesson would be to wait until she got back and say, " I was going to do the $140 dance with you...but you chose wrong this time. Then go pick a different dancer.".... If you did that and next time she saw you she might hurry to give you a LD instead of going to another.
Harvester of sorrow....
You seem to have an expectation that a stripper should be like a waitress and treat everyone in a uniform way. But that's just not the reality. In a good club, the best you can expect is that management will stop strippers from harassing you when you just want them to go away. In every club I've ever been in, the dancers decide which custies they will or won't do business with, no questions asked by management. I think the clubs just recognize that giving lap dances is a much more intimate thing than throwing a plate of food in front of somebody. Dancers may have a personal reaction to someone that is too negative for them to be able to tolerate giving them a lap dance. That said, I think, most of the time, it's nothing that personal. A big thing is that dancers have some sort of "system" where one of them can call dibs on a custy, and the others won't come near him. They think it prevents their own regulars from being "poached". My opinion, it causes custies to get frustrated and leave and nobody banks a dime off them.
We feel like dancers show strange favoritism to some custies, but they feel the same way about us. If you only like blondes or huge implants, that's one thing. But we often have preferences that seem just as frustratingly mysterious to them. It's one thing to be frustrated when you're trying to have a little fun, but it kicks it up a notch when you get frustrated trying to pay your bills.
NOW, let's assume you saw this guy walk in the front door and know he hasn't been there at all since you came in. Maybe he's someone she likes better, maybe he's someone who comes in daily and gets a few dances from her and has quickly become one of her regulars (even if she's only been there a week). Maybe she didn't like your breath or the look in your eye or who knows what else. A million different reasons. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you. She's not just a stripper, she's a woman and there is no damn way you'll ever know what goes on in a woman's head so don't try to rationalize it. Honestly, with her stopping to say something to him before coming over to you; I have to say he must have already asked for a dance first. No need to get all pissed off, you still have titties in your face on stage. Smile, have a sip of your drink, throw a few more dollars out and before you know it she'll be right back for you.
Xeinok, just because you have money, you won't always be the first in line. And just because a dancer went to another guy first, it doesn't mean you have to get all rifle-and-the-bell-tower bent out of shape. Just grow up and settle down, okay?
Personally I may or may not have waited one or two dances before moving on to a different dancer. I for sure would would been already shopping for a different girl even while waiting for her to get off stage.
I'm not looking for a long term relationship here.
Xeinok you need to relax my friend! Read Tiredtraveler's comment carefully and try to live it!
Jesus H. Goddamn Mutherfuckin' Christ.
Is there some new marquis on TUSCL that I don't see? Something like "join here to whine about strippers?"
Sure it’s upsetting when one gets slighted whether in a SC or not; but we live in an imperfect world and strip clubs are far far from perfect.
Yeah it was wrong of her to slight you; but in my unprofessional opinion your reaction may be a bigger issue that you need to deal w/ for *your* sake.
“… was planning to do a special with her ($140 for 30 min) …”
No disrespect; but this does not necessarily put you in whale category.
Shit like this is going to happen; it’s like complaining about rush-hour traffic; you either do what you can do or just deal w/ it the best way you can.
I recall back in the early-2000s at the old Baby Dolls location in Dallas – a short STACKED blond asked me for a dance and I agreed – we proceeded to go to a high-top table and wait for the next song – while waiting for the next song; she saw a custy she knew – she proceeds to just get up w/o saying a word and go give the other custy a big hug and kiss and proceeds to go sit w/ him – all w/o telling me a word nor even “an excuse me” as she walked away from my table.
Sera Sera (it is what it is).
Getting angry at strippers is a wasted energy (except for true ROBs). They're free to do what they like to earn cash. They can sit on their phone half the night. They can charge a hot young guy 80 for a BBBJ but demand 200 from a less attractive guy. It's their business. They can refuse to do any extras. And yeah, they can refuse to give LDs.
The manager in my situation, really didn't care he was like "these girls are crazy" " i find you another girl".
Any dancer that picks a customer over me is not going to get my VIP cash.
2 points I'd like to make:
1-Holding a stack of bills in no way tells her what you have planned in your head. We're a couple and it has been made perfectly clear to us that we are being too subtle in our clubbing. We need to actually verbalize what we want to the strippers instead of letting them see our large stack at the tip rail, tipping all of them and having my wife physically flirt with them all. We need to start actually grabbing their attention and saying "WE'D LIKE A DANCE!" and let our actions become known in the DR amongst them all. If you verbalize what you want and do that on a regular basis then eventually they may determine that when you're there with a large stack of 20's you plan to spend it and they might start telling the other guy he needs to wait.
2-Not trying to be an ass but bad spelling bugs me. The correct use would have been "misogynistic"