
Emotional Intimacy With 'Hookers'?

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Starting on Thanksgiving I've been doing some AMP sessions. In part it is to get back into what I used to do heavily. And after all, I am still suffering from Post Marital Stress Disorder. But I also want to go beyond my previous involvement, and try to maintain contact with the women and make myself into an explicit regular.

Now the subject of making them into real girlfriends has been raised here on TUSCL, and it was raised in some of the sessions. But it did not start with me.

"I am not your girlfriend ... yet."

"No, you are not my girlfriend ... yet."

JOC, Year of the Ram

Now I've not even paid attention to @tumblingdice before. I will start though.

But @IME says, "That may be one of the most pathetic stories ever written here."

And, "Sorry SJG i don't by strippers trinkets or ask them for emotional intimacy. You are a delusional kook of the highest order. Get a girlfriend if you want that, they are just using you as a cash machine whether you can recognize or not. "

So do other people ask their women in P4P environments for emotional intimacy? Or maybe a better way to put it is, do other people try to share emotional intimacy with their women in P4P environments?

I see that the richest and most powerful men in all history have had mistresses, courtesans, geishas, and concubines, whom they shared emotional intimacies with. Now I don't have anything like the wealth and power that these men have had ... yet. But I have very high aspirations.

These men didn't call their women 'hookers' and 'whores' like so many on TUSCL seem to like to. But they did share emotional intimacies with them.

Lola Montez created such a scandal with King Ludwig I of Bavaria that he ended up having to abdicate. When the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto spent over a year penned up on a Pacific Island with his flagship, he spent his days writing letters to his favorite geisha.

And in fact, it has often been the P4P women who have had a greater understanding of the affairs of men, as opposed to only domestic affairs. Those who make for good courtesans are usually blessed with both brains and beauty.

In the Escorts section of the SF Red Book, there were scores of white women who served in this sort of a capacity for those who were willing to pay their fees. If compared to current strippers most of them, though still nice looking, would have been judged as too old. But they still seemed to be doing well and getting good reviews. It must be that they were able to provide emotional and intellectual companionship to their well off clients. There would be physical sex, but there must have also been more to it.

And then many months ago, replying to JS69 about his plans to go on some sort of an outing with one of his strippers, I spoke of one woman I had been friendly with who would best be described as a Retired Hong Kong Courtesan. She explained to me how it had worked. Various businessmen she knew would text her with an invitation to accompany them on out of the country trips. Of course they wanted her to accompany them, and not their wives. They would explain the itinerary, and also how much money they would pay her. She would amuse herself during the daytime, and then spend the night time making her guy feel good in bed.

And then also, she would be clued in on corrupt deals where companies were in bed with the government and so their stock was guaranteed to rise.

The reason she was in the US was that she was now too old to do such work anymore. So she was just trying to get in a few more years in our less competitive market by doing GFE sessions in RedBook AAMPs.

But isn't all of this guys looking for emotional intimacy, from a P4P woman instead of from their wives or girlfriends?

And then as JS69 posts about his exploits with his Dream Stripper, isn't that a case of a guy looking for emotional intimacy?

I've posted before about how years ago AMP girls would be inviting me to start doing sessions with them in their own homes. One of them specifically indicated that she wanted me to be seeing her exclusively because, "I'm really scared of diseases", meaning that it would be BBFS, and making it further clear that she wanted me to be a long term regular.

Now most of the AMP girls are not really so professionalized as to try and set things like this up. And I didn't accept these sorts of offers. But I could see back then that the women who were making these sorts of offers tended to be those blessed with both brains and beauty. And oh man, the type of session they had given me in the AMP room was definitely the type which conveyed their seriousness about being a regular partner to me.

I remember this early Brigitte Bardot film.

She is a young woman, a war orphan. He is a middle aged power broker and expert womanizer. He is building a casino at St. Tropez. But he has got his eye on her as his next mistress. As explained, he knows that sometimes this will entail giving her diamonds and furs, and sometimes a car and an allowance, and sometimes even a house in the country.

She likes him and she is interested in him. But she still insists that it be on her terms instead of on his terms. She isn't jaded about marriage and 'true love' ... yet.

He buys her a plastic toy MBZ convertible. He hands it too her and she looks at it. And he says, "You could have a car." He is taunting her by treating her like a child.

Finally it is decided that she is getting married to a local young man. The rich guy thinks this is great, because he knows it won't take too long before she is completely frustrated and then finally ready to do it on his terms. So he stays completely out of the way so that she can see for herself how unworkable such arrangements are.

Now @Gawker has written, "SJG - wtf? Are you seriously trying to "convert" massage whores into girl friends? Or are you spending $100's to eventually get a freebie? Your endless diatribe makes me question just what it is you're trying to do."


I'm not trying to convert any of them into civilian girlfriends ... yet.

But most of the time that is what they want, and they do make enough indirect communications to make this clear.

Right now I am trying to make myself into a regular for some of them.

There have been 9 of them from Thanksgiving.

2 seem to have left town, for LA, and I have no way of contacting them.

1 seems to have retired.

1 I did not actually session with, as they fumbled it and so I got a refund. But I may still session with her or with another from her shop.

1 Seems to be the Boss, and she sees her role as steering guys to her young hotties, like Blue Y.. So I have accepted this.

But I will still keep eyes and ears open and still be open to communicating with all of the above.

So this leaves 4 left, who I am juggling.

2 of these 4, HA and Blue Y., I consider suspended. But I am trying to communicate with them such that this suspension can be lifted. I want to hear something from them which conveys that they are intent on a better delivery. Otherwise I am just going to keep stringing them along.

Of the final 2, JOC and L/J, they are cleared and I have marked my calendar with the dates for their next sessions. I have found that with women, unless you are in daily contact with them, you have to do it by the calendar and commit to dates instead of letting the lunar cycle get away from you.

I am going to try and keep seeing them, once per moon, for a long time. I am going to try and keep juggling as many of them as possible, but then their will be practical limits on how many sessions I want to be paying the cost of per moon. But as you can see, from 9, only 2 are actually slated for sessions during this moon.

Trying to explicitly be a regular and to be seeing them on something of a schedule is going further with AMP girls than I have ever gone before. And as such, it does mean the establishment of emotional intimacy. This is as far as I am going to go ... for right now.

Lopaw has posted of AMPs that the 'intimacy level' is not high enough. I agree with this fully, and this is why for me it has always been a crap shoot. Lots of guys just want Happy Ending. And I gather that lots of guys, in how they talk to them, are treating them like 'hookers'.

But then on the other hand, I've been DFKing pretty Asian massage girls, from long before GFE was ever invented.

So in selecting them carefully and in bringing them carefully selected 'trinkets', I am already trying to increase the intimacy level. I really am selecting the girls carefully. It is not just based on looks. And it could never be done from just photographs. And I am extending myself quite far in letting them get to know me. This is why I am hearing all sorts of things about their lives too, most of which is probably true.

I am trying to get from AMPs the level of intimacy which was usually reserved for Red Book AAMPs.

In AAMPs there is less potential for problems with LE. There were also extremely detailed and explicit reviews, and the women were highly coached. But there was no window shopping. And lots of them really spoke no English, were too old, or were just from such a very different kind of a world that it would be hard to relate to them.

So by being a regular and by picking carefully at AMPs, and by being good to them, I am seeking to remedy the problem Lopaw highlighted and get a higher 'intimacy level'.

I have given consideration to Mr. Rick Dugan and his SYSTEM. It seems to me that what he is looking for is really more of a escort session. He is not very interested in what is specifically offered inside of the strip club, not really his 'gig'.

For me, I love sitting at the stage and horsing around with strippers by tipping them, even if it is only visual and verbal.

I remember Mr. Dugan posting about one of the last times he called an escort. He explains that he had taken to staking out the hotel lobbies, and observing who she might arrive with, before making his final decision on whether or not to go thru with the session.

So yes, I do understand this. I understand why he would rather go to a strip club and try to set up such a session, instead of just calling the number on an ad. Window shopping and some preliminary fraternizing is always better.

So this is why I am now using AMPs, instead of AAMPs or Escorts, even though AMPs generally do have a lower 'intimacy level'. But I am taking steps to try and raise this 'intimacy level' so that it is on par with AAMPs and Escorts.

This is as far as I am going ... for right now.

But in general I have found that if I am getting along with an AMP girl or a Stripper, she will make it clear that she is interested in outside and off the clock contact. It is just that when women flirt it is usually indirect. They want the guy to respond, but to still believe that he was the one who originated it.

So in the future I will be converting any I am still seeing, plus any new ones and also strippers and lots of others, into civilian girlfriends. It is not possible to be spending time with any of them and to not be wanting to do this.

so the real issue is, then what? Well I do have a plan, and I will have to be explaining it later.

If you are spending time with a woman and being open about yourself and if you are listening to her and being sensitive to her, then you are setting up emotional intimacy. That you are paying her does not make this any less so. It even tends to make it more so. The exception to this is when you are intentionally putting up an emotional barrier by treating her like a 'hooker'.


Fool For Your Loving (ft. Gabriela Guncikova)


  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
  • bang69
    10 years ago
  • Aravas
    10 years ago
    Not reading all that shit but buy title you must be an old desperate man?
  • 4got2wipe
    10 years ago
    Wow san_jose_guy you write really long comments! Quick question for you! Why do you want emotional intimacy with a hooker? I just want sex because I'm so horny I could explode! Sex with a hot Ukrainian hooker would be just brilliant!
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    4got, you're new so I forgive the error. But never ask SJG a question. You'll learn.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I'm desperate in the sense that I am determined to make things work differently than they have in any of the social realms I have previously lived in.

    I'm old in the sense that I suffer from Post Marital Stress Disorder. Really, I'm a wreck.

    But I tell you, each time I've shared emotional and physical intimacy with L/J at her San Francisco styled no plausible deniability San Jose AMP, I feel like I've lost 10 years. She says her sister is "So cute." Well I'm not surprised at that, as L/J is cute as a button. Making out with her is so much fun, and she seems naturally inclined to be kissing me while warming me up with HJ.

    As I continue to implement my plans, I expect that I will continue to loose years and so it will soon be just like Jr. High School again for me. Except that this time, I won't have to be walking around with a woody all day long. I'll have women available to me on a continual basis.

    As far as 'hookers', remember that the splitting of women into two categories is a product of the patriarchal takeover, the attempt to subjugate women. The costs of this have been extreme.

    So some of us have always found the women of that second category to be more interesting than those of the first. And it is not just because they are immediately accessible. It is because they are actually more interesting people. They are after all renegades.

    Remember the realist French writer Emile Zola. The book that made him, elevated him from a starving artist to someone highly regarded, was his 'Nana". Lots of people, both men and women, have always found hookers interesting.

    As far as being horny and wanting sex with a hooker, Ukrainian or otherwise, money only goes so far. There is almost always more that they are saving for those who are willing to be emotionally intimate. If the issue is just your own ejaculation, then you are just like @LDK, addicted to the endorphin rush. You are wasting time and money getting something you could get cheaper and easier with heroin.

    @Aravas and @4got,

    If you are paying 'hookers' for sex just because you want physical release, but you don't actually like the women and don't actually want emotional intimacy with them, but you are just doing it because these are the women who are easily available, then it is you guys who are the Desperate Pathetic Losers, not me.


    Bad Company
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    4got, see what I mean?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    If there's a woman that you pay a certain allowance to, even if circumstances prevent here from fucking you the "usual" number of times over a certain period, it's possible there could be some kind of real emotional bond there. Otherwise 90%+ chance it's only a delusion on your part.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    My point in starting this thread was to respond to @IME who has posted that my account of a recent AMP session is "pathetic". Most of the people who post on this board are in some way or another seeking emotional intimacy with the women they are handing money too. For some reason he doesn't seem to understand this.

    In fact, wealthy and powerful men have always done this.

    Now about the AMP girls, eventually I will be moving to civilianize them, or at least to civilianize the ones I am seeing then. But for right now I am doing on the clock and on site sessions, and I am trying to let these be as emotionally intimate as possible. I am being open about myself, and I am only doing one girl per shop. What I am offering them is continued communications, and basically one session per moon. They don't know that I am juggling others from other shops.

    One, Blue Y., is clearly much more suitable for being civilianized than she is for P4P sessions. She has indicated that she wants me to civilianize her. That is fine with me in principle. But I am not going to do this yet. So proceeding further with her at this point is a problem.

    But the other 3 have done good sessions and so there will probably be no problem in continuing with them. HA is suspended, but I am going to be making a telephone call with the intent of reinstating her.

    My own view is that it is actually completely external circumstances which limit the quality of heterosexual relationships. People think it is about being rich, handsome, or famous. I do not agree.

    As another example to counter Mr. IME, consider JS69 and all his exploits with his Dream Stripper, and all his posts. He has made her into his mistress. This is definitely a case of emotional intimacy.

    Anyway, what I am doing now with these AMP girls goes beyond what I did with them before I was married, and certainly beyond what I did when I was married.

  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    SJG, so, in a nutshell, you're getting emotional with girls who get guys off in an assembly line format.

    Alrighty then. ;)

    I think that comparing AMP girls to high end courtesans, geishas, etc., is really a misguided attempt to romanticize what they do. Now a stripper I can understand at least a little better, at least if she doesn't work in a club where cheap ITC FS/BJs are the norm, but a rub and tug girl who is on who knows how many dicks each day?

    What's next, a 1000 word essay about the nobility of the misunderstood streetwalker giving $40 BJs in guys' cars? ;)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    What do you think, RickyBoy? Would SJG be better off he just ran your The System?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Having genuine intimate relationships w/ a sex worker is analogous to those that take animals from the wild and try to keep them as house pets – it’s nuts.

    I think you may looking for GFE and maybe a rent-a-girlfriend aka sugar-baby may fit the bill; but still is hard, and often not recommended, to try and domesticate a wild animal and expect it to be/behave as a house pet.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Dougie posted: "What do you think, RickyBoy? Would SJG be better off he just ran your The System?"

    Nah. Falling in love with rub and tug girls is a much better idea. ;)
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    SJG, when you get yourself a Big Mac and Mickey D's, if there happens to be a grey haired woman in the back who slaps it together for you, do you think of her as a surrogate mother who's lovingly preparing you a home-cooked meal?
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    No. Besides, I don't eat at Mickey D's. But I do try to be friendly and open with all the people I have regular contact with. This includes but is not limited to the people who run the cash registers at the super market, those who work at the 7-11 store, the girls at the Viet Coffee Shops, those who work at the local diners, the construction workers that I regularly pass by at some sites, the strippers at our local no touching clubs, and the AMP girls I am currently doing GFE sessions with. I am also very friendly with the people who do work at the fast food places I do go to, both the men and the women, and of all ages.

    On the ground I do try to let down barriers and interact with people, more like it would be in a small town.

    An excellent book about the importance of having the 'third place', that is some place other than home or work, where people can get friendly:

    Even with you guys here on this board I am engaging in a kind of emotional intimacy.


    Some sex workers are more undomesticatable than others. Some live destructive lives, or off of the clock they only like women. Most of the AMP girls I've known are nothing like this. What they want is to find a guy who will treat them right. As far as how they live, they are very ordinary.

    Two phone calls ago Blue Y told me that she was helping her parents move to another house. I could have offered to help, and probably ended up getting invited to dinner.

    Two of the girls I've sessioned with draw some limit lines because they have boyfriends.

    Heterosexual relationships are always going to be challenged, because that is where our society injects its most intense conformist pressures. So making an outside relationship work would be hard, just like my marriage was hard, and ultimately cratered. But as far as these AMP girls being reachable, there is no problem.

    I am not at this time though trying to go beyond just being emotionally open with them and doing regular sessions and maintaining communications. I am not actually trying to see them outside their shop. But I am being very open with them, as this does allow for the development of mutual understanding and respect and it makes it much easier for them to open up and offer GFE instead of just mechanical acts.

    When I am ready to start civilianizing some of them, it should be no problem. "What time does this place close, 10am? I'll come back then as I'm taking you out to get something to eat."

    Most of them I am sure would have accepted this. And once they do, they are not Sugar Babies, they are off of the clock.

    But again, I am not doing this ... yet.


    Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark (Full Album)
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    As far as there being an assembly line, this varies quite a bit. First of all there is down time. If I walk into an AMP and they show me 4 girls, all of their girls, this means that they are running at far less than capacity. And then, most of the guys who go to these places just want Happy Ending.

    These girls are usually at the AMP 6 days per week and for about 12 hours per day. They spend their time washing and then folding huge piles of white towels, and then cooking food and eating in the kitchen. They are available, as there is usually lots of down time. For the girls these places are quite homey.

    And then there is what the girls have told me, that with most customers they, "Don't feel anything."

    It is only a minority of the AMP girls who really are in high demand and who really pull out all the stops on a regular basis. And I like them too!

    There is more FS at some shops and in San Francisco. And at some of these places there is more demand during the lunch hour.

    As far as being emotional, I try to be as emotionally open as I can with everyone.

    Now when I was married I had to be very careful with AMP girls. Now I am still not totally free to do all that I might want, but I am still being quite open. I have ongoing and sensitive commitments, for now.

    There are regular posters on this board who are extremely open with strippers on a regular basis and who seem to be always on the telephone with them, and who are fucking them in their own beds. There seems to be very little in terms of a barrier between inside the club and outside the club, and even inside of their own homes. I am not doing this with AMP girls ... yet.

    Now about courtesans and geishas, I was trying to respond to @IME who said that my post about my time in an AMP with one JOC, was 'pathetic'. I was trying to tell him that the richest and most powerful men in the world have often had intensely emotional relationships with women they were paying. Not everyone who is paying women is a pathetic looser.

    That you are paying her does not mean that there is no emotional intimacy, not unless you are intentionally using the money to make it that way.

    AMP girls do HJ's all day long. But BJ and FS are more by special request, and then there is this down time.

    From what I read here, at the most extreme strip clubs there is likely more BJ and FS than there is in the SJ AMPs. In SF, there is more FS, and when I have been there I have loved it because the girls who do this are also more accustomed to letting it be GFE. At these more extreme places they are also more competitive.

    I don't think less of a girl because she engages in lots of sex acts per day or because she does it with lots of guys. And I certainly do not think less of her because her fees are low.

    Remember also that the AMP girls I am sessioning with I really have picked out carefully. It is not just looks, I've found ways to interact with them a bit when window shopping. When I have done it this way, instead of just accepting the girl on first sight, it has always been much better.


    Joni Mitchell - Ladies of the Canyon (1970) (Full Album)
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Girls of the the Viet Coffee Shops? Do they put the cream in your coffee with one hand, while the other hand is reaching in your pants to make you cream in your tighty whities?
  • ime
    10 years ago
    SJG i think you only made my point stronger
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    My fave dancer I've known almost 5 years now. We do share some emotional intimacy; quite a bit actually. But there's no delusions of an actual "relationship"...more like FWB's except she gets paid. I'm fine with that.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago

    At the Vietnamese Coffee Shops the girls serve coffee and tea, and so they do lots of parading around. This is all they do. If you are nice and respectful you can often end up flirting with them. But that is it. No more.

    No touching, no OTC, most of the time they will not even sit down.

    These places are completely civilian. Lots of rumors to the contrary, too many of them being spread by Vietnamese. But the rumors are false. These rumors come from Vietnam or they are invented by people with vivid imaginations. Girls work in these Coffee Shops because they don't want to do any of the things people are imagining. These places are totally civilian, and no outside gigs. They are not even strip clubs. Tips are polled and divided evenly.

    Most of the time these girls know each other and the younger customers from high school. This is actually their main fault too. They are conformist venues, clothes and cars are everything, along with the ubiquitous Asian conformity which comes from parent pleasing.

    I believe there are also on the outskirts of Atlanta 2 spots with 2 coffee shops each.


    Back to the original subject, people keep seeing a woman because they share emotional intimacy with her. It is the glue. And also this opens the door to a better physical encounter.

    Nothing whatsoever that is "pathetic" or strange about this.

    @IME, Do you hand money to and engage in sex acts with women you don't seek to be emotionally intimate with? If so, that is pathetic, perverted, and weird.

  • ime
    10 years ago
    Sure SJG whatever you say, for other people it couldn't be about having fun without being attached. You're a robotic clown, who is also a hypocrite i am sure you pay for more sex with wen who trick you into thinking they care about you than just about anyone. Good luck with you"re master plan i hope it works out for you.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    I agree with rockstar that it's possible to have emotional intimacy with a dancer but not have any sort of committed relationship together. It may be rare, and it may often be fake cause she is a good actress, but it is possible and does occasionally happen. However, looking for intimacy is absolutely not a reason to go to strip clubs or any type of sex worker.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Being delusional doesn't make you unhappy. It's your lack of total faith in your delusion that makes you unhappy.

    Your future looks as bright as the midday sun SJG.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I don't engage with women unless I actually like them. I don't disrespect them because they have sex with lots of people, like with me. I don't disrespect them for working in a venue which is basically sex for money. Rather, I enjoy the opportunity for fast action which such a venue offers.

    So if she worked at a civilian venue, I'd ask her out. If she works at an AMP, we can have a 60min first date right then and there. And then I can ask her out. I'm not doing this right now. But generally I have found that being asked out on a civilian date is what they most want.

    I don't need to be handing out money as a bribe for a girl to not try and get involved with me.

    And I don't treat women like prostitutes.

  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    @san_jose_guy “But generally I have found that being asked out on a civilian date is what they most want.”

    you do realize that you “out-stupid” yourself with each new post don’t you?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    SJG: "But generally I have found that being asked out on a civilian date is what they most want."

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    It's true! That is what they want. Because of their job they don't get much of that.

    They are not shy about letting a guy know that that is what they want.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    For the most part, what AMP girls want is to be civilianized. And as I have seen, this is also true for strippers, though in the high mileage places it is a bit more hidden.

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