How much is a Lap Dance worth?

I think around the nation the average cost for a Lapdance is 20 bucks.
How much do you think a standard one way contact dance should cost? I think 10 bucks is a fair price for that.
How much do you think a standard two way contact (no touching pussy) should cost? I think 20 bucks is a fair price for that.
Obviously I'll tip if it's a great dance and/or extras are involved, but this is the standard price that I believe is fair.
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Well $20 for a no touching dance is cheap for me so from my perspective that is fair. I'd pay $30 if good quality two way touching was guaranteed.
I agree with you Ranukam. Infortunately dances are more expensive in my area.
I won't pay over 30 a dance. If it's higher I just go somewhere else. Not a problem as I mostly go to dives anyway.
I flat out refuse to pay more than $20 for any lap dance and if that doesn't include 2 way touching, I'm one and done. I can do better than that in my home town. So not much reason for road trips.
Yeah, in my area for the most part, 20 bucks gets you a one way dance. If you want two way, you'll have to go to VIP. This is just your opinion on what you think dances should cost.
It's worth whatever you're willing to pay.
I agree. Ten dollar for a floor dance. Twenty for a good grind back on the couches.
me personally, $10 but hey $20 was the general standard when I started and that's what I plan to stick with. Any higher than that (even by a buck) not including tips and I'm outta there.
Bikini two way touching should be $10 to 15.
Topless I'd go to $20.
Sometimes it's hard to believe how quickly memories fade. Has everyone forgotten the comprehensive and definitive analysis done by jerikson which clearly sets forth in scientific terms the true economic value of a lap dance. As brother/sister jerikson has told us, a lap dance is worth .45 cents. I really don't think there's anything more to be said on the subject.
Ahhhh.....the ever full of shit wisdom of jerkoffson. I haven't seen her here for awhile. She must be really lining up the BJ's at her club this month in order to make rent!!!
$20 dollars feels the most comfortable to me. 5 for $100 seems fair. These $35/song they have around C-bus is just fucking ridiculous and I haven't been to a club for a long time because of it.
I agree. $10 for one way. $20 for two way. I can't believe there are places that charge 35 or 40 dollars per lap dance, cut off songs even.
I would say $10 to $15 max for a good 2-way contact dance.
In most businesses; businesses do well and attract more business by lowering prices and offering consumers better value.
Personally - I often find myself spending more in the places which cheap dances than I do in places w/ more expensive dances – in places w/ cheap dances I feel I am getting very good value for the money I spending – in places w/ $20+ dances; I don’t feel I am getting good value and thus tend to spend less in-total/overall.
I’ve also noticed than often times, though not always the case, places w/ cheap dances will have more custies, more custies buying dances, and dancers selling way more dances.
Although this is just an opinion – it often seems to be that dancers in places with cheap dances may on avg do better/make-more-$$$ than many/most dances in clubs w/ more expensive dances.
And most clubs never play full songs – most clubs cut them at ~3:00 to ~3:30 thus further screwing up the PL’s value – if you give me 5 minute dances for $20; then that’s a different story.
Papi has got the best of both worlds. Papi prefers black dancers, in the black clubs are where you'll find the cheapest dances (sometimes 5 bucks a song). It's a win win for Mr. Chulo. No wonder he almost exclusively goes to black clubs :)
In SF it pretty much starts at $20 per, which quite frankly if you ask me is too much given that it's one way and more often than not bikini. In a fair number of the clubs, the VIP area is 3 for $100, which again, for what you get, I dont think is that great.
In Phx, the prevailing rate is $10 per, topless, at your table, and depending on the lady, limited 2way contact. Better contact can be had in the clubs that have higher end areas, but it pretty much jumps to $20 per at least.
20$ is ideal for two way contact but there are not enough clubs which fall under that bracket here in PDX. There are a couple of clubs in SE where YMMV with 20$ but that's just about it AFAIK
I absolutely agree with Papi_Chulo (as I so often do) that clubs with two-way lappers at $10 get more customers who spend more so that the girls make more. Everyone wins (except, possibly, club management -- tragic, I know). I know I tend to buy at least twice as many dances at $10 as I do at $20. I was spoiled early in my strip clubbing career (1990s-early 2000s) by $10 lap dances at all times at the Hip Hugger in Kokomo, Silver Bullet in Urbana, Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy, and 6th Avenue Dancers in Terre Haute. Now the last three have gone to $15, $20, and $20 and only the Hip Hugger in my regular rotation has held the line at $10.
$12.45 and not a penny more. ;)
The most I would pay for a good 2way dance is $25. Anymore than that and someone is getting most cases it's usually the customer.
you have to account for the club standard for attractiveness and also whether it's bikini, topless, or nude. if the club has a high standard for who they hire $20-$30 is fine with me. if they hire anybody willing to strip naked on stage, then it better be closer to $10 or $15. bikini clubs shouldn't charge more than $10. $20 for topless and $30 for nude. but there are too many factors for it to be clear cut. also have to account for contact rules.
Seems I club in a great region of $10 LDs, and $20 in VIP. But despite what you get, or should get from a dancer for a LD, I really hate paying $10 for 3 minutes of time. But until I find a club charging $1 per minute, I'll keep paying the going rate.
I like getting lots of dances.
Pretty much all South Florida mixed clubs are $25/dance – to have a good time, I like getting b/w 3 and 4 dances at a time and that will set me back b/w $75 and $100 for just 10 to 15 minutes at most of entertainment – that’s just too much f’ing $$$ for so little entertainment – under these conditions I would see why some SCers bypass LDs and just go for extras.
In the Miami black dives – full-nude very good contact $5 floor dances are the norm – I will often get b/w 4 and 6 dances in a row from a dancer and that will set me back just 30 smacks vs $150 for the same # of dances in a mixed club – fuck that’s a HUGE difference.
I personally do feel that $5 for a good dance is too low – I always used to pay the dancers $10/dance even if they were $5; but over the last year or so I’ve done so much SCing and burning thru cash that I’ve resorted to paying the going-rate of $5/dance – but I make sure to get b/w 4 and 6 dances at a time from a dancer and always tip and extra $10 on top to make sure she at least makes a little something.
Although I like getting lots of dances; in the $25/dance clubs; I find myself often times being a spectator and more wary of pulling the trigger on a dance(s) – whereas in the $5 clubs (and even if they were $10) I have a “let the good times roll’ attitude.