
Pretty Girls Need To Be Kissed

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
I've mentioned Light Blue Mini Dress Vietnamese Y. before. From now on I'll refer to her as Blue Y.

I window shopped her on Thanksgiving 11/27. Then I returned on Xmas and asked about her. Then I did a second session with a girl at a neighboring shop. This other girl, Chinese K., had been good. But this time she wasn't really. In retrospect I think she was PMS.

But the boss at the other shop, who I had talked with on Christmas, was putting on a show for me, pulling her dress up and showing front view and back view, in the window. I call her T. She is interesting. Pulling her dress up for me deserves a session. So I came back the next day and did one with her. She is extremely responsive, but she has her limits. Seems to have a boyfriend and always seems to be trying to send guys to the other girls.

But doing the session with T., I saw Blue Y. again for the second time. So the next day, now three days in a row out there, I came back. T. had a real young hottie meet me at the front door. But I talked to T. and explained about the one I saw the night before and that she was the one I had seen on Thanksgiving and asked about on Christmas. So T. was very happy with this. And so soon Blue Y. and I were in the session room getting to know each other.

But it went strange. I was actually getting frustrated with Blue Y. I say now that she does not deserve to be called a sex worker because she is incompetent and unethical in the negotiations.

No point trying to convince her of this though, not at this point.

Blue Y. looks like the classic fantasy of the Asian girl courtesan and dragon lady. But in fact she seems to have zero girl friend experience. She does FS and all else P4P, but I say it is crap.

I'm sure that she knows this, but she does it because I guess many guys don't know the difference. And of course for the people who just want Happy Ending, I guess there really is no difference.

But anyway, something strange happened. She had some reason to leave the room. As far as I was concerned she took far too long. I could actually see some of her movements out in the hallway on their security camera screen. I surmise that she was conversing with T.

When she did come back into the room she got up and knelt on the table and then sat up against me. She had been 100% kiss proof. And I'm sure that she realized that I didn't like the way she did anything else either. But now she started a curious speech, "I think if I get more comfortable with you I will be able to kiss you, like next time. I do want to have a boyfriend. And I want to do the things other people do." Her tone was actually rather apologetic, though also quite frank.

Well of course this is most curious. I mean if she really wanted to deliver she would not talk about kissing, she would just do it. But it all sounded like it was probably the influence of T., who is good at what she does, but this time was playing matchmaker.

But anyway, we parted on good terms and she gave me her real name email and her personal cell phone number.

I was still privately pissed about how she'd handled the session and taken the money. But I decided just to see what happens. So I sent her several emails and nothing. Most of these girls are not accustomed to using email.

So I called her on the phone Saturday and we had a decent talk. She lives with her parents and she was working with them to move to a new address. We talked a bit about a few things. Then I told her,

" ( Y.'s name ), you are a very pretty girl."

"Thank you."

"Pretty girls need to be kissed."

"Yes, I know that."

In the last email I had sent her it went even further, saying,

"They need to be taken care of an loved too. But first they need to be kissed."

Back in the session, during her speech, she had even asked me, "Will you take care of me?"

And also, "How much money do you make?"

Viet girls really do ask this sort of thing all the time. I would never though dream of giving a straight answer. They always seem to accept this.

I think you can see here, fantasy escort Blue Y. is not. But Dragon Lady? The demure exterior of Asian girls is just that, exterior. Under the surface they are tough as nails. They see themselves as the upholders of all social codes and standards.

So as it stands now I've got three proto girl friends, all coming out of Vietnamese massage parlors. There is this Blue Y. There is the expert San Francisco styled sex worker who likes to suck on my tongue and my nipples, L/J, and then there is one I mentioned before H.. I will call this third one HA.

And then there are three others in the running who could be promoted with just one phone call. And then just based on the ones I have actually seen in these shops there are at least a dozen others who could be added with just one session. If I considered all the likelys in the South Bay shops, there would be over a hundred. And then San Francisco has huge shops where because it is more out in the open there are more young ones and more who dress the say I like, slutty. So for all the Bay Area's AMPs it could come close to 1000 girls.

And then if I throw in all the civvies I could easily get at it would be many thousands.

Okay, but these are proto girl friends, not actual girl friends. The reason for this is that I have not seen them off site or off of the clock. While the girls I am talking about here are only the ones I would be very happy to be introducing to my friends and waking up in the mornings with, I am still not quite ready for outside contact yet.




  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Can you provide a Cliff Notes version?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I have trouble believing you don't do any drugs, SJG.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    I thought this was a Strip Club site? Oh, well.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Obviously I just skimmed the last 2/3 of your post. But my sense of what's going on is that you are spending an inordinate amount of time, money and effort to kiss some Asian massage girl who doesn't want to kiss you. I would evaluate this complex situation and try to give you some advice, but I have to go watch water drip in the bathroom sink for a few hours.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    Yes, Blue Y. was a frustration. Fortunately only some AMP sessions are like this. But these places still don't promote themselves as GFE. And as anyone can just walk in, including LE, it would be ill advised to start posting explicit reviews.

    AAMPs, at least while RedBook was running, were full throttle GFE. But AMPs, particularly in SouthBay, have never been like this.

    San Francisco is different. Because they are more openly FS, they are also more competitive in GFE and in slutty dressing too. So when you walk in, they make you understand what sort of a place it is, right away. These secondary things are not actually illegal, but where you find them you also find much more FS. So they don't want to do it like that in South Bay. And lots of regular AMP users still don't understand that it can go way beyond Happy Ending.

    This is one of the reasons why I have said that in both SC's and AMP's, the best thing is to start kissing the girl before you've handed her much money. In some South Bay places I've seen that it can get very close to this if one plays with the girls a bit.

    But anyway, Blue Y., being coached by T. playing matchmaker, shifted the session into discussions of quite civilian matters. Like I said, I wasn't pleased at all about how she had taken my money and how that aspect of it worked out. But in the long run, maybe it doesn't make any difference. In introducing that sort of discussion she was already taking herself off of the clock.

    So Saturday when I talked to her on the telephone she invited me in for another session next week. I told her that I think she and I should talk some and get to know each other better first. I was just repeating what she had said in the session room. She agreed.

    She said that she and her parents were that very day moving to a different house. What I wanted to do was to offer to help. I would have said, "How much more do you have to move? I have several different types of trucks that we could use."

    I know JS69 that you will laugh at this. And again, I never did help Purple Dress Donna wash her car. But today in the same situation I would.

    About the trucks and all, that would not be true today, but soon it will be true.

    What I have also said is that before I was married I did not go far enough with AMP girls. I did not see them off site and get them off of the clock. Then once I was married I felt that I really couldn't and shouldn't.

    Well today that is different, well sort of.

    It turns out that I still have to keep my life partitioned. It is not that the women would be an embarrassment to me. I don't engage with a girl unless I would be happy introducing her to my friends and waking up in the mornings with her.

    It is simply that right now I continue to be fully immersed in some extreme forms of political and legal activism. These are ongoing and fully encompassing operations, and I am obliged to protect their security. So even though I am no longer married, when I deal with the girls it still sort of feels like I am, as I have serious limits I have to stay within.

    Once I have completed the things I need to, I'll be getting these girls off the clock at once, usually at closing time after our first session. Of most of those I have sessioned with from Thanksgiving till now, I believe they would have jumped at this kind of an offer.

    Not with this current group, but some years earlier there was one who was holding both of my hands with both of her hands and jumping up and down, "Oh please, oh please!" trying to push the idea that she had introduced that I would take her to a restaurant.

    And what many laughed at when I first started posting on TUSCL is that my own experience with strippers, mostly in the Sunnyvale no touching clubs, and given that it is the ones I am getting along with and spending a lot of time talking with, is that they are just as eager to be unclocked and taken off site and then promptly bedded.

    I say these three Vietnamese are proto girl friends, because of how they are talking to me and how they are with me in the session rooms. But they are still only protos as I am not yet seeing them offsite.

    Right at this juncture, mostly what I want to do is try and maintain communications and contact. When I was married I could not even do this. It still gets the girl emotionally involved.

    I do notice though that the girls do seem to accept me as unattached, if not actually fully unencumbered with intense responsibilities.

    As far as the unreliability and unpredictability of what goes on in AMPs, and in SCs too, I plan to be living like Jestrite50. I'll be handing them money, sometimes more than they ask for or are used to getting. The money will be just a friendly gesture, like buying them a drink or taking them out to dinner. I'll be passing the money out free of obligation. Then what ever happens happens. And then as I will likely be getting the girl unclocked and offsite, what ends up happening will probably be phenomenal.


    Does your Stripper Without Blemish own a car? Who washes it? Are you going to volunteer to wash it? How about re-gluing trim strips and the rubber gaskets around the doors? How about lubricating door hinges and latches? I usually use Vaseline for this. How about changing its oil? Drive belts? Timing belt and then resetting ignition timing with a strobe light?

    Have you seen her car? Been to her residence?


    NOLA, Passions

  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    Dougster makes me laugh. I didn't even bother to read the OP post. TL|DR
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, ....
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    I like the premise here Pretty Girls Need to be Kissed. And I kiss a lot of pretty girls. Pretty girls like to be kissed. They like to be hugged they love being caressed and fondled. I was with a dancer the other night whom I had just met. She was a 30ish MILF type with nice boobs and very playful. As she was dancing a 5$ bar side dance for me and flashing her boobs and kitty I whispered in her ear "I would love to fuck you". She became more playful and started giving me some stick shifting through my pants. We started DFKing and licking each others tongues. She offered to go to the clubs VIP if I would like I said yes I would like that. The VIP was very reasonable. 3 songs for $35. I couldn't pass that up. As soon as we got into VIP she drew the curtain took off her clothes for full nude got down on her knees pulled out my dick and started sucking it like she just loved to suck dicks. In 2 and 1/2 songs my dick exploded with cum and shot it down her throat. She swallowed every bit of my cum and licked my dick clean asking if I thought I could cum again. I couldn't and told her so. She had totally sucked me dry. And guess what......she asked for no money.( I had paid the bartender for the VIP time so I'm not sure what she gets out of that.) When I offered her money at first she refused but I was able to get her to take $100 for a tip. She was so happy she hugged me and offered me free dances the rest of the night. THIS ALL STARTED WITH A LITTLE KISSING A LITTLE HUGGING A LITTLE CARESSING A LITTLE FONDLING A LITTLE DFKing A LITTLE WHISPERING IN HER EAR. And the rest is Ecstacy !
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I love it!

    I have not done most of the things Jestrite50 has, but I've done enough to know that his way is the right way. My goal is to be living like Jestrite50 does now. The money is just a gratuity, not contractual. And the best way is to get the girl playing with you and open tongue kissing and then DFKing at the earliest opportunity.

    Jestrite50's posts should be collected together and assigned chapter and verse numbers.

    I just sent an email to Blue Y. explaining about how I wish I could have been there to help she and her parents move to a new address.

    Blue Y. was a bit unusual. Most of the time once they decide that they like me and the idea that they might be my girlfriend starts to appeal to them, they start auditioning for the part. Of course it doesn't get any better than this.

    Blue Y. was different. She remained 100% kiss proof. But then she caucused with the boss T. So when she came back she didn't audition, she started interviewing and negotiating for the position. "I would like to have a boyfriend." "I would like to do all the things other people do ( meaning kissing and more natural sex acts )." And going so far as to ask me, "Will you take care of me?" and "How much money do you make?" And promising kissing in our next session.

    This is unusual. Talking about kissing is fine for the telephone. But face to face you don't talk, you just do it. But see, Blue Y. has zero GF experience.

    Even so, after her little speech and our discussion, she did on her own initiate a limited form of kissing.

    Blue Y. is probably someone who would be found to be a bit depressive, compared to other girls. She is different. I know that sometimes people find me a bit depressive too, mostly face to face.

    T. seems to see it as her job to steer people to the other girls. So when I came in to session with her she did try to send me to another. This other was the only one dressed slutty, with a mini dress altered so that it barely covered her nipples.

    But T. had the day before been pulling her dress up for me in the front window, so I was going to do her.

    But after, she suggested that I might like more, one of the other girls. Especially given that T. now had experienced how much I like to kiss pretty girls, and how good I am at it, thank you, and how good I am at steering the emotional dynamics so that it happens, thank you, she probably would have put the word in for me with the slutty dressed girl. It could have been great.

    The third girl there was Blue Y., but this would have been the 2nd to last day of Aunt Flo for her.

    So when, after a nights reflection, I came in again, T. saw me coming and had yet another girl meet me at the front door. Usually at these places you just open the door yourself. But T. sent this new girl out, with a great deal of spring in her step, and already looking like she was close to being giddy. T. had probably put in the word for me and it probably would have been really good.

    But I asked to speak to T. and talked about the girls from the night before, and that #3 would be the one I window shopped on Thanksgiving and had asked about on Christmas.

    Being the one who picks them, instead of them picking me, is important to me. And I know that it goes a long way with the girls too.

    These other two girls would have been welcomed to work in any of SJ's Viet Coffee Shops, and the standards there are high. They would have been welcomed in any strip club I have ever been in too. Though I don't think they would like that, as there is a temperament difference in the Asian girls. These girls have likely been here from say about age 8, if not earlier. They will be permanent residents if not citizens. They will speak English better than Vietnamese.

    But no matter, I wanted to complete the story of the one I saw on Thanksgiving. So I will see how it plays out.

    Often the most fun one can have in an AMP is just to take a turn or two with each of them. All the better if you can start with the boss, as I have. The girls end up competing to see who can deliver better. It is exquisite.

    @Dougster, I have never gone along with the idea of drugs. I see no reason why people should need them. I certainly don't.


  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    A small excerpt of something I sent to Blue Y.

    "I think about you. Lots of beautiful girls are all visuals and silliness.

    When I first saw you back on Thanksgiving, and then again almost two months later, I sensed that there was also a serious, and even a darker, side to you.

    I feel like you must be an eldest child.

    Actually taking with you, the one you remind me of is former SJ City Council Member and Mayoral Candidate Madison Nguyen. She is very serious and very dutiful."

    Blue Y. does strike me as a rather dark and serious persona, and not just the flirty bombshell she has to be for her job. She does seem like a probable eldest child.

    I am not yet at the point where I am trying to convert any of these protos into real Girl Friends, and certainly not expediently.

    Eventually I will be walking in, making the best session that I can happen, and then directly trying to get them offsite and off the clock, like talking them out to eat that very night.

    So how things go during the session, and how GFE it is, and how much it might cost, won't really be important.

    But this is not what I am doing now. Now I am just trying to do some sessions, with preliminary window shoppings and flirtations to get the girl loosened up for some GFE, and then maintaining communications.

    Blue Y. does strike me as a probable first born, and very different from the part she would have to play if she were to be a good P4P.

    As far as Madison Nguyen, I actually find most of what she says to be pompous and offensive. And she does strike me as a typical Asian first born.

    Madison is very small. Vietnamese standards for female beauty are high, and she falls way short. I am sure she knows this and it has influenced her path in life.

    But I tell you something else, once long ago, before she was married and before she announced her campaign for City Council, without she knowing who I was and without I knowing who she was, she was coming on to me.

    Then some months later when I first saw her campaign posters, I looked for her web site to try and find pictures of her. Yes indeed, it was the same person.

    I believe though that Madison is still educable. She can learn that the narrow lense by which she looks at things it not necessarily a good vantage point.


    Blue Y. is much more of a turn on and much more of a dolled up hottie than Madison is. And in the rest of the message I make sure that she knows that I know this.

  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I talked to Blue Y. on the telephone yesterday. She invited me in for another session.

    Aunt Flo is probably visiting right now. And besides, I've got others who do better sessions lined up, and like Blue Y. suggested, we need to get to know each other better first.

    My recent experience with these Asian RA's is that they don't use email. Some have given me their email addresses. Some have promised that they are going to open email accounts and contact me. But it doesn't happen.

    What they do do is what I don't, cell phone and texting. In part I think they go for this because it is more convenient. And of course with them often being tied up in sessions, the text message is a great way to invite them to call.

    But I also think some of it is a power thing. I have noticed that most young hotties don't want to do email, message boards, email groups, or even typing in a web address.

    Of course one of the major achievements of Myspace and Facebook is that somehow they have been able to get lots of young women involved. But again I think this is mostly about power. They thing that by getting involved they are making themselves part of a social elite.

    But most of the time they just want to use the cell phone and texting. I think that because it is more immediate and more interactive, it also puts them more in control, as they can sit in judgment of what they guy is offering. Email, being slower, is more abstracted. They want the guy to be right there, temporally in their space.

    So I see now more what is up with Blue Y. She realized back that night in January that our session was not going well, and that what I wanted was much more than what she was experienced in giving. So she caucused with the boss, T., whom I had sessioned with the night before. Then she came back and gave her little speech.

    Well, as I have said, my best AMP sessions over the decades were always Girl Friend Auditions. Y. could have done this. But she didn't, she went all verbal. Remember how I said that Viets seem sweet and demure, but underneath this they are really hard headed.

    So in effect, she was inviting me to audition. And this is still basically what she wants. She must realize that in encouraging outside and email communications she was setting up a situation inconsistent with doing her job. And she also screwed their house, as what she has set up prevents me from sessioning with any of the others too.

    So she wants me to audition, and to enter inter her realm of cell phones and texting, and to give up on email.

    Eventually I will be converting all of these girls that I can keep in my sphere into real girl friends. But not now. So I am not auditioning. But she is not extending herself further emotionally.

    Oh well. I really can't go further with her now. And besides, she is not in my opinion competent as a sex worker.

    So I'm just going to keep stringing her along. The good ones get more sessions, but the one's like Blue Y. get strung along, at least for now.

    Later they will all be offered instant upgrade to real girl friend status, that night, when the shop closes.

    Now some TUSCL members might question why I would want to do this? My answer is this, before I decide to session with a girl I have fully scoped her out and baited her with a few attempts at conversation. By the time I agree to session with her, I have already decided that she is candidate girl friend material. I like women. In general I don't want to be setting up emotional barriers between them and I. If I didn't like her I would not be exploring her orifices at either end, I would not be handing her money, and I would not even be alone in a room with her. Why would anyone session with a girl who has not passed these tests?

    My contention has long been that it is mostly circumstantial external things which limit how much womanizing a man can do. It does not really depend on being rich, famous, or handsome.

    So soon, I will have a rotating cast of lovelies keeping me warm at night. But just not yet.

  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    jackslash: That IS the Cliff Notes version!
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    This girl, Blue Y., I'm also letting contact with sit, for at least a while.

  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Thanks SJG. We were all anxiously awaiting word on what happened to "Blue Y." Now I can finally relax and go back to work.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @SJG posted -> "So soon, I will have a rotating cast of lovelies keeping me warm at night. But just not yet.


    ^ Three years later and how's it been working out for you?

    How did it work out with "Blue Y"? Did Aunt Flo finally stop cock-blocking you from her?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    When I saw the title of this discussion - it was immediately Uber-creepy! It reminded me of the title of a James Patterson novel - like Along Came a Spider.

    Maybe it’s just me but - Pretty Girls Need to be Kissed - sounds like a comment from a guy with body parts hidden in his basement...

    Sorry for the interruption. I’m guessing things went nowhere fast with Y.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    LMAO Cashman1234 there was a horror/thriller movie with Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd called 'Kiss the Girls'. Life imitates art.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    SirLDAlot - that must have been why it sounded so familiar. That movie was based on a James Patterson novel.

    In terms of SJG - I’d say his existence is far creepier than fiction.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @Cashman1234 far creepier is an understatement. It is clear in these early SJG threads that these AMP whores really want to avoid him but yet he embellishes the story and uses it to convince himself that he's getting all of them to eventually be his GF because they like him so much. The reading about it is one thing, but I can imagine the AMP whores think he is creepy as fuck IRL.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Creepy guys need to be punched.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Creepy threads need to be bumped.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Cashman1234, You need something to close up your anus.

    4", see if this does the job.


    HK Bar Sweetie. She has what many girls lack, enough ass. And she knows that besides for the bed, high heels are also for the shower. As @n0tmyf1r5t explained, the shower is the place for anal.

    Another HK Bar Sweetie

    Lot Lizards

    TJ Street




    Rev. William Barber: U.S. Policies on Healthcare, Poverty Are Immoral & a Threat to Democracy

    Jet Strip Cabaret, Lennox CA, pricey

    Erwin Kreyzig

    Analogy Simulation Environment in Python

    Analogy delivers simulator, redefines strategy

  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    ...but, but, but... what about Blue Y? Did she ever email you back or text? Tell us how you got her "off script", treated her like a civilian, and ensured that it was "time for your pants to come down" regularly.

    Or are you just talking out your ass?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    SJG - are you offering your services? If you’ll buy me a few glasses of Chardonnay - and you’re gentle...
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Cashman, are you like this f2f, asking for some kicks in the face?

  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Kicks to the face? What sort of depraved homosexual violence are you into? I was just asking if you’d be gentle - and that’s your reply? Wtf!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No one would let you get away with such stuff f2f.

  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Most folks would know I was joking - and they would laugh along with me. You don’t seem to get the joke.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Creepy guys need to get a clue.
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