avatar for Nigel


joined Feb 2004last seen Mar 2010

Comments made by Nigel

discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for skdii
Which club has the best website?
www.clubexpose.net in San Diego is a very nice site. They recently updated it to include a list of the girls currently dancing and have lots of photos (tho' without names). Pretty nice club too.
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for Kyle1111
Too Good to Be Real . . .
I usually don't care for "bolt ons". My ATF has a very nice set, but I am crazy about her, not just her boobs. I knew another girl who had the most perfect pair I've ever seen, and on a very petite body. I figured they had to be great implants, but they were so wonderfully soft. I never got the nerve to ask her, but when she told me how guilty she felt lying to her family about going to the gym when the new muscles really came from dancing I realized they had to be real. She's out of the business now - good for her, not for me!
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for pinhead
What is the furthest you have travelled,
San Diego to Anaheim. Doesn't sound to far, only 90 miles or so, but one time it took about 2.5 hours (So Cal drivers in the rain). She was worth it.
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for Clean and Sober
Clean and Sober
Amoral media, lowlife fans, spoiled athletes and beer...... important lessons ..
I'm with Fondl on this one. This whole recent discussion on morality is amazingly misguided. I can't believe that moderate Christians allowed themselves to be used by this ungodly immoral administration. I voted striclty on moral issues as well, and it sure as hell wasn't for W!
discussion comment
20 years ago
avatar for casualguy
What are the strangest comments strippers have said to you?
First thing she asked is if I had braces as a kid. (No) Said that because hers are crooked she always notices people with straight teeth. Personally, I think she could have saved some money on the GIANT boobs and got the braces.