Pasties Clubs

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
Can any of you describe your experiences in "pasties" clubs? (Quality of dancers, mileage, etc.) Here in Seattle, a new club is due to open soon. It looks as if it will be a pasties club. It will serve liquor, which no other Washington state strip club does. It's actually due to be a re-opening of a club that was closed a few years ago after a short tenure, because it didn't meet the zoning requirements. See:…

I sense that with pasties being worn by the dancers, this second effort, by the same owner, will attempt to circumvent the zoning requirements for an adult-oriented business. It was located too close to both a school and a church the first time around to be allowed to continue operating. I don't know why the owner, then, thought he could get away with it.


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avatar for impala
10 years ago
Use to be here in PA that if you served alcohol pasties and bottoms were required. As far as mileage and quality of girls, really doesn't matter on pasties or not as so much as who and what management allows.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
A couple of clubs here in Louisville have gone the pasty route in order to comply with the recent law changes, while others have gone bikini, while others have pretty much ignored the "no titties and customers in the same room" rules.

It hasn't made an appreciable difference in mileage for any given club. It did at first, as everyone was, ahem, feeling out the new regulations, but it's since gone back to it's former state, with public spaces being the only place it's observed. In all but one club using pasties, the girls will take them off in the back.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I don’t have much experience w/ pasties clubs except a black dive I used to visit while I lived in Dallas.

I don’t like pasties but def prefer them to bikini tops.

w.r.t mileage & pasties:

+ one “opinion” could be that if the local ordinance is strict enough to require pasties; it may also be strict enough to limit contact

+ contrary to the above – it may be that pasties actually allow more contact since the dancers are not technically nude

The pasties black dive I used to visit in Dallas; it was not that well enforced (was kinda enforced sporadically from time to time) and the mileage was good.

I guess you will have to TOFTT when the club opens and report back the results of your research.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
Indianapolis (maybe all of Indiana, I don't know) has some stupid law on the books that states that dancers need to cover their nipples. I've seen one dancer use what felt like Scotch tape, another some sort of nipple glue, and another small circular Bandaids (I think I might've accidentally swallowed one of those Bandaids, too). Largely, though, it's something that hasn't been enforced, at least to the best of my meager knowledge.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
I've only been to one pasties club and that was by accident. (They advertise as topless but girls wear pasties.) IMO, it's only ever so slightly better than a bikini bar (which I also don't understand the point of) with respect to stage scenery. The availability of a grind will be a crap shoot like many other places.
avatar for shanny72
10 years ago
In Tampa, all of the topless clubs are pasties. An unfortunate reality if you wish to drink alcohol in the club. However, I find the clubs to be a better experience with alcohol. I find extras a bit easier to come by because the girls usually partake as well. If the pasties really put you off, I find most will take them off upon request as long as you're in private and paying.
avatar for mjx01
10 years ago
^^ shanny's post is exactly why TUSCL is valuable. Those clubs should be listed as pasties not topless then.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I don't think there's any pasties clubs in Portland.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
Here in the Omaha area, both of Omaha's bikini bars are totally a waste of time, but in Council Bluffs, they have pasties, but I'm not sure they always enforce the pastie rules, at least at Bottoms Up. At Lipstix, however, I'm told they have pretty good mileage and OTC is readily available. I really don't see anything out of the ordinary with that club, other than the pastie thing. I'm not sure it's always enforced there, either, but I don't go to either of the CB clubs enough to know for sure, which can be chalked up to being pastie bars.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Pasties are an invention straight from the depths of hell. Breasts were made to have nipples on them, not fucking band aids. Plus when I take them off in the lap dance area the nipples are all sticky. I can't suck on that! Why the hell can the government tell us that we can't see a woman's nipples and drink alcohol at the same time. I may vote libertarian for the rest of my life.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Thou shalt not defile a young woman's nipples. I think that's in the bible somewhere.
avatar for Otto22
10 years ago
Local ordinance requires them at a club near Ypsilianti, MI. Once you get used to them they are not an issue for me. The girls usually remove them in the VIP.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 years ago
Thanks for all of your input. I don't recall that I've ever been to a pasties club. The most interesting comment, that a couple of you made is that the dancers remove their pasties when in the VIP. But, if their nipples are sticky upon doing so, maybe it would be better if they left them on. Again, I'm not certain that this club due to open soon, will be a pasties club, but there are two indications presently that it's headed in that direction.
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
Actually, JS, it is. Hezikiah 3:28-28.
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
A place in San Mateo, Club Ante, went that way. It was because of restrictive local ordinances and the alcohol rules. Eventually they dropped it. And today it is long closed anyway.

Pasties are of course a problem because they are sticky. If the club is bikini, then in the private booths and rooms, the tops can get slippery. Pasties ruins this.

For myself I actually prefer pull over tops instead of bikini tops. Pull over shows less skin, but it is not a harness like bikini tops and bras are. Pull over tops can get very slippery.

Pasties is more of a gimmick, just having the bare minimum of coverage that the law can enforce. But because it is based on adhesive, there is no slipperiness.

They should instead call pasties "adhesive tops".

avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
Pasties! We don't need no stinking pasties!

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