Ok my fellow mongers - I'd like to get your opinion on this. An out of town escort that I have been dying to see is here in town for a few days and I am set to see her this week. We have been sending alot of emails back & forth, and we seem to have clicked quite well. Anyway....she asked me if there are any stripclubs near me, and of course I offered up my fave local club. I inquired as to why she was asking about that (was she thinking of auditioning there?), when she replied that she wanted me to take her there (off the clock) before our date. Now at first I was drooling at the thought of having this gorgeous lady accompany me to my favorite haunt, but then I started thinking - was it really such a good idea? I mean this club is my favorite hunting ground, and I have been very successful there. What would the dancers think seeing me with this woman? I am a solo clubber 99% of the time, so it will not go unnoticed. It's not that I really care what they think about it personally - I fear that it will somehow come back to hurt me by possibly sabotaging any future opportunities. Would the dancers that know me be put off by it? Would they be threatened? Or would they generally not give a shit one way or another?
Anybody ever take an escort to their fave club where many of the dancers know them? Was it a decision that you later regretted?
Many strip clubs do not allow unescorted females because they want to keep the working girls out. She may be wanting you to get her in so she can do some hunting of her own.
Lmao impala....how long have you been here that you still don't know that lopaw is a girl? I don't think anything that you posted would apply to her question.
As to bringing an escort to a club....mixed bag. Might turn out great, but I can see how it might go south. I have never tried it. I say go for it and be sure to report back what happens.
I've never taken an escort, but I've taken a few dancers to other clubs while they were off the clock. Reactions were decidedly mixed, but not really unexpected. Some cleaner dancers at lower mileage clubs quickly read the situation and were visibly shocked. It didn't really change the status quo though, the next conversation was a little longer than usual while we talked about it, but it was mostly just a curiosity for them. They were more than happy to continue to pick up where we left off. At those same lower mileage clubs, the sight of me with a dancer outside the club gave a number of sluts the courage to come out of the closet. Girls I was sure weren't any fun turned out to be just that.
At higher mileage clubs the reactions were much the same. Some girls didn't flinch, some were clearly hesitant to approach, some were drawn in like flies. Again, there was not much in terms lingering effect though. A couple visits later, and it was like it never happened.
Basically, I've saw all of the reactions you mentioned. I get the impression it opened more doors than it closed; I can't be sure I didn't miss an opportunity because of it, but I don't feel like I did. There really wasn't any immediate drama or lasting effect either way. I'd say, if it seems like fun then go ahead and do it.
There's a local monger who brags about taking or or both of the local darling escorts (they're twin sisters, identical, or would be were it not for the enhanced boobs on one) to clubs. Apparently it hasn't huet his operations much at all.
@Dolfan - The thing that makes this even a bit different than bringing a dancer that you know to a club is that I will be meeting her for the first time probably at the club, or on the drive over to it. Even though our emails have been great, it could wind up being really awkward.
Honestly lopaw, I probably wouldn't take her to my favorite club. Perhaps you could take her to your next favorite club instead? I'm sure that it won't matter that much to her either way, but it could end up mattering to you. Why muddy the waters in your favorite hunting ground when you can just as easily take her someplace else?
In any event, go through with it. Either at your favorite club or another. I sense you'll have a great time. This is a really unique situation of "mixed modes (stripper and escort)." Please promise us that WHEN you do, you'll write another thread about it, or even an article.
Thanks for the thoughts, guys. It's something to ponder. Not sure if I'll do it, but if I do you guys will be the first to know about it (an article would be perfect, Club_Goer).
@ilbbaicnl- Getting out of it now wouldn't be too hard...I could just tell her that I only have time for our playdate, and no more. I'm sure that she'd be ok with that. And no effin' way would I ever post anything over on SW. That place is dead to me. I don't give a shit what any of those delusional cunts over there think about anything.
@Bullwinkle - well, she is from out of town, only here for a couple of days with no intention of staying here, so there is no fear of her trying to front by having me get her into a club. I'm definitely going with the 'freak' thing ;)
I gather the SW burned you or someone decided to cause trouble for you over there lopaw ?, I am new to this site and that one so I do not know much about the place except a few have said they have issues with people there.
@Eagle1191 - SW used to be OK, but the dancers that post there are the most bitter, resentful bunch of twats that I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. There is just so much hate that they openly display for customers (women customers especially) that it became impossible to stay. It's just too toxic. And the white knights there didn't help any. Every once in a while one of them will wander over here to spew her garbage, and once she's kicked to the curb here, probably runs back to SW to report her findings. The place has become a sad joke , dominated by cam girls more than dancers now. There are probably more members here that have been banned from there, than there are active members left.
Maybe we could get Founder to host a site called www.airdancersretirementhome.c… and it would pull all those really really bitter chicks off of stripper web. There were some really interesting dancers over there, like Charley and Athena. But yeah, definitely a huge flock of screeching harpies that can be hard to screen out. The ironic thing is that it's not the harpies that are the ban-happy one. They have a dynasty of nelly queen male moderators who ban everyone.
Lopaw, just a couple ideas -- okay, probably more like guesswork.
1) The escort could see the stripclub sort of as foreplay for the two of you. 2) She might want to get an idea just what type of woman and activity starts your engine running. 3) Like others have suggested, she could be scouting the club for other potential clients for her trip. 4) She might have ideas of recruiting a dancer for a threesome, for both recreation and possibly some business. 5) Following up on 4, if she does establish a dancer as a contact, that could be her ticket into the club and potentially other patrons as customers.
Like I said, just some thoughts. Here's hoping everything works out and you have a blast!
Lowpaw, I think it would be okay. The girls know you there and unless you have an exclusive arrangement with one of the dancers in particular, I wouldn't worry myself. I've found that bi dancers are usually quite accepting of 'joining the party' so to speak, and if they aren't then that's their problem. You're the customer!
It's not that uncommon from what I have seen. I have seen several escorts who advertise locally, show up in a club, some times two or three times a month with their customers, just as I have recognized several current and ex dancer's photos in escort ads. Personally I don't see why you would bring an escort to a strip club, but hey to each his own.
last commentI don't think anything that you posted would apply to her question.
As to bringing an escort to a club....mixed bag. Might turn out great, but I can see how it might go south. I have never tried it. I say go for it and be sure to report back what happens.
At higher mileage clubs the reactions were much the same. Some girls didn't flinch, some were clearly hesitant to approach, some were drawn in like flies. Again, there was not much in terms lingering effect though. A couple visits later, and it was like it never happened.
Basically, I've saw all of the reactions you mentioned. I get the impression it opened more doors than it closed; I can't be sure I didn't miss an opportunity because of it, but I don't feel like I did. There really wasn't any immediate drama or lasting effect either way. I'd say, if it seems like fun then go ahead and do it.
You're going to have fun with the escort, not hunting. Different priorities probably mean different club needs.
Did she give you the impression she wants the dancers to know she's an escort and you're her custy?
Wouldn't stripperweb be a better place to ask this? Of course, if you're not already banned, asking this miight get you banned.
@Bullwinkle - well, she is from out of town, only here for a couple of days with no intention of staying here, so there is no fear of her trying to front by having me get her into a club. I'm definitely going with the 'freak' thing ;)
1) The escort could see the stripclub sort of as foreplay for the two of you.
2) She might want to get an idea just what type of woman and activity starts your engine running.
3) Like others have suggested, she could be scouting the club for other potential clients for her trip.
4) She might have ideas of recruiting a dancer for a threesome, for both recreation and possibly some business.
5) Following up on 4, if she does establish a dancer as a contact, that could be her ticket into the club and potentially other patrons as customers.
Like I said, just some thoughts. Here's hoping everything works out and you have a blast!
Yes yee creator of topic, leteth us knoweth thine great adventure Wich thou might hath with said hoodrat...
@Eagal I think you meant to say 'Poster' or abv 'OP' original poster.