
How often do you see your ATF?

layin low but staying high
I see my dream stripper approximately one time every week. However, the money and time that it takes for me to get to her city every week is a burden, so I can see a situation developing next year where I might only see her once every two weeks on average. I'm wondering if this is a good pace or not.

For my former ATF, I only saw her about once a month because she lives a very long distance away. That pace was really too infrequent to maintain the ATF relationship long term.

On the one hand, if visits are too frequent, it seems like you would get tired of each other and spend too much money on her. On the other hand, if your visits are too infrequent, you both would probably move on to other dancers/PLs and loose touch.

I was just wondering what the experience is of others as to how often you see your ATF, and what a "healthy" visiting interval would be.


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    When I had an ATF she lived 200+ miles away and we would get together once a month for 2/3 days. Since she had an OTC job we had to coordinate work schedules. We didn't have to worry periods because she had had an early hysterectomy.
  • azdd
    10 years ago
    I live a couple of hours from my ATF, but fortunately my job gives me plenty of excuses to make the drive. I typically see her 2-3 times a month, but have also had gaps of a couple months or more. I can always tell if I haven't seen her in a while because I get pretty cranky.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Last ATF was about once a week. I miss her a little, but it's nice to have money again!
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Monthly, but I used to have two before my all favorite moved on.... I'm sad missing our weekly visits.
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    It was weekly
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    Once every week or two. I don't think it makes sense to "calculate" how often you should see her ("once a week I might get sick of her but once every 2.5 weeks we might lose touch"). Instead, just go by how fresh it stays, and whether things are getting stale, or staying super exciting each time -- there's no fixed right amount of time for everyone. For a while, I had an ATF who I saw twice a week -- once a week at her club, once a week for an all-day OTC, every week. It worked great, since I had the time and money on my hands at the time. My current fave, who is a beautiful little sweetheart but a bit shy and quiet, I think things would get stale quickly -- I see her once every 2-3 weeks, and that feels about right
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Not often enough or alone, the last few times I saw her.
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    As often as I travel to her city. But I don't see your ATF nearly enough.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    When she was here, two or three times per month OTC. ITC once a week on top of that.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    For the first 3 years of our "relationship" at least once weekly OTC plus once weekly itc. Then for a year or so once a week OTC except one month when she was on a bender and 3 months when I sent her to Hawaii to dry out ( unsuccessfully). Since then, phone and text 4-5 times weekly and about every other week OTC. She's currently in a 1/2 way house but I'm authorized to take her for court appearances, etc.
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