Had a private last night when the dancer - out of the blue - put her hand on my crotch, looked deeply into my eyes and asked for $100 above the agreed price. A reasonable dance went to shit as she crapped on about rent money and the promise of extras on my next visit. When I suggested making good on her promise during the current dance, she seemed to be offended. WTF? I don't mind tipping well but I'm not going to mercy tip. (I did, however, really like "the leverage" she employed - I give her points for that.)
One time a stripper asked me for $800 for her dad's cancer treatment. Mind you we had been in touch for many days now by texting but never did anything nor saw each other outside of the club. I said no problem that I give you the $ as long as I can meet him....needless to say I kept my money.
@ Jman: Great comeback line! I don't know if I would have been that clever and that quick to avoid such a ruse, had it been posed to me.
I think the worst line I've been fed was, "If I don't come up with $1,100. today, I'll get kicked out of my house tomorrow!" To that I reacted, "I'm only willing to *loan* you $300," which I regretfully did. That was only the second time a dancer hadn't paid back a "loan." Unfortunately, it would take several more dancers' requests for money for me to get the hint: The word "loan" to a dancer, means a "gift" to you and I.
Last night I was with my CF spending quality time.
I felt like I was dragging myself showing the enthusiastic attitude for being there but the real part of me couldn't hide it, she somehow played me like she wasn't or was interested in me.
The worst part was when pulled a SS stunt saying "Would be nice to go on a road trip with you, I'd give you the best time of your life, I saw a nice set costing x amount would be nice if we go get it. I'd take that to our road trip to ____"
I replied "No biggie, we'll get there when we get there."
The mood just went south after that, faster than gravity.
LOL. I am no longer fazed by almost any hustle I hear. I tend to view these girls like children who, as children will, try to get everything they can and who aren't mature enough to understand how silly that they sound. I just move them along quickly when that stuff starts.
Boys, in my humble opinion, your experiences will improve dramatically when you stop taking these girls and their comments so seriously. Sometimes I smile and goof on them a bit, like girls for trying to pull one over on poor ol' me. ;)
LOL. Well, if crediting it to "The System" sounds better than attributing it to a shit ton of nights spent in strip clubs, then sure. ;)
Eyes on the prize boys, eyes on the prize. Getting worked up or offended over a silly hustle just gives away your power. This is just the opening round of the dance. The girl trying such a hustle often does so because she really needs the money or merchandise. I for one prefer to use her need to my advantage instead of getting stuck in my own head.
With respect to cancer girl, I would have told her, point blank, that I'm not running a charity, but I'd be more than happy to give her a chance to earn the money. With travel girl, I'd have made it clear that I could never consider traveling with someone with whom I don't have an established "relationship" of some type.
I do exactly this type of thing each and every time I get a silly pity or promissory hustle. Once I've made it clear that they'll get something when I do, the happy horseshit generally stops. Some get offended and storm away, which simply means that they were crap targets to begin with. Some, however, don't storm away, which sometimes means that I have something to work with. Whether or not they convert the same night is another matter, but either way the foundation is set for future interactions. I've had more than a few eventually come around after these little dances.
When they start that shit, I toss it right back at them with having to chuck out $1200 for a tooth crown or my automobile insurance is due next week, etc.
About 8 years ago; a stripper I knew pretty well outside the club told me her dad had passed away and she needed $$$ to drive back to her hometown about 3 hrs away – I gave it to her but later found out thru her sister that it was a lie – and her sister whom was married and had a better head on her shoulders was pissed that she would lie about their dad being dead in order to rip me off.
Bad experiences have taught me that strippers should not get the benefit of the doubt – they are manipulative by their nature and the nature of their job and sometimes they have no limits to their manipulation (especially if they got big natural tits to manipulate w/ which my stripper did)
I hardly ever get these sort of bullshit money scams. This might be because I'm newer at OTC than most of you, so it's just a matter of time. But I also think it's partially because I pay above average rates and demand above average service in return. The shit some of you get from strippers is hard for even me to believe. But if it comes my way at least I've been forewarned.
Last year, a dancer gave me a long, paced out story of her life -- her loser husband was a shithead; he was emotionally abusive to her; he drained her bank account dry; he was the son of a local sheriff, so she couldn't do anything; she, her two sons, and her mother were now living off the grid with some friends, trying to get away from him.
As I was driving her back home after our OTC date, she told me that what she wanted to do was move back to her home state, but it'd take about $2000 to do that, which sounded about right. But her voice also had that small hinting tone to it. I told her, "Wow. Good luck with that." She didn't bring it up again.
Any talk about how she would show me the time of my life, like on a road trip or such, would be a red flag for me. That indicates that she will be holding back in what we have agreed to. I would be looking for a way to minimize loses at that point.
Best I think is just you move on her and it happens quickly, and for the agreed price.
alabegonz posted: "Why would these girls hustle??? Can't they just turn that knob down to zero and just enjoy the moment???" *********************************************************************************************************************************************
Alabegonz, I'm going to hazard a guess that you are still struggling with understanding where you truly sit in her universe. She is a stripper and you are a source of cash. If she did not need the cash, she would not be with you. She would be with someone else instead, probably someone more age appropriate. She hustles because it works on some guys and the worst that can happen is that you can say no.
And before you start with some comment about the long view, I suspect that for most of these girls there is no long view. For all she knows, you could fall in lust with someone else tomorrow. So if she has a chance to score today, why wouldn't she take it?
If you want someone who you can just enjoy time with, you may want to seek out a civilian GF. Just a thought.
"you are still struggling with understanding where you truly sit in her universe."
It's really interesting this thing that is going on here.
Let me explain.
Two days ago, I did a long drive to pick-up her Dad, the daughter and her.
They were loading stuff in the trunk and the ex-husband approached me and we had this short conversation about her. He told me stuff that I need to be aware of, sort of like tips on how to handle her.
Something I can't help but notice but he said it anyway was...
"We look almost the same, tall and well built, we have the same body type, we hit the gym pretty much everyday, that's how she likes men, men like us. But beware of her, she chases men that look exactly like us."
"Yeah, since you opened it up, we look almost identical in body type."
"Just do not let her get into you that much, she'll fuck your head til you can't think anymore."
Oh boy alabegonz, that is even worse. You've been sucked into a romance hustle. I would tell you to run, don't walk, to the nearest exit, but you're not going to listen anyway. Guys who are susceptible to the romance hustle often crave the attention, drama and excitement so much that they get addicted to it. They also assume that they are different because she has let him on the "inside", but these types of girls don't view boundaries the same way that we do and the other adults involved on her side of the equation are often know the score and play along.
It is easy to lose your mind when you are caught up in something like this, but just let the occasional SS or hustling that you get from her remind you of what you really are to her.
Dougster once asked me if I am speaking from experience on this topic. Fortunately not directly, but in my earliest days of clubbing, I watched a very smart and talented vixen drain a recently divorced friend dry, over 3 months, using this hustle. She even had a mechanism by which to artfully disengage him from her life when he went bust. It was amazing to watch and you could just see him standing on the tracks as the freight train approached, but he was too caught up in it to get out of the way before it was too late.
I never forgot the valuable lesson paid for by my friend. I also saw this hustle employed to great effect by a few girls in one of former Queens hangouts. In my opinion it is only a substantial minority of girls in this business who can pull it off, but the ones who have the skills and the shamelessness to do so are deadly for lonely guys who do not know better.
I generally go the same four clubs so I am known as a no SS man. I have said as much when it starts and have been called heartless more than once. Money will always reopen the discussion. The girls I frequent will spread the word and any newbies find out soon. Business, strictly business.
Just don't have a CF and you won't have to deal with SS. I saw a new girl 2-3 times and she was going to be my new CF but she started with all this SS so I've moved on. I used to get hung up on a dancer and was an easy mark, but with age comes experience.
I've had a few minor ones over the years, but nothing major. I wouldn't give a dancer anything outside an agreed upon price for service (not counting a possible tip). That goes for the dancers I don't know. Those that I've come to know have ever asked for money. Would I help them out, possibly, but I'd know the the details first.
Clubber, somewhere out there is the most beautiful Korean girl you've ever seen, and she'll have you paying for her mom's surgery, her kid's clothes and a large chunk of her cocaine habit! And you'll say it's worth it too. BTDT!
The only SS I remember in the last few years was a dancer overcharging me for a couple of dances. They are probably so used to hearing me say no, that they never start much.
Alabegonz, you're still her lap dog? When you went quiet for a while there, I had hoped that you got away from her, but it sounds like you haven't. Please, learn from the mistakes of these other guys -- and RUN!
"Alabegonz, you're still her lap dog? When you went quiet for a while there, I had hoped that you got away from her, but it sounds like you haven't. Please, learn from the mistakes of these other guys -- and RUN!"
Yes, I still am a lapdog.
I hate it.
But you know what, I think I accidentally asserted myself two nights ago, when I said.
"This is getting old, I had a good life before committing a ton of my time to you. But now, my life seems kinda down there."
No text or calls from her.
That's probably it.
By the way, I got a text from another dancer just now, she wants me to go see her. I told her about my CF, showed her the pics and said I should run away from her.
I've only loaned one dancer a substantial amount of money once. A dancer in Phoenix convinced me she really wanted to go back to school but was unable because of a previously unpaid student loan. I had her send the documentation to me and I gave her a cashier's check payable to the institution. No sweat off my back since I was flush with cash at the time and I felt good about supporting education. I never did get repaid though, but I never really thought I would any way. Never loan (or gamble) any money you can't afford to kiss goodbye. My phikosoohy on money and SS.
last commentI think the worst line I've been fed was, "If I don't come up with $1,100. today, I'll get kicked out of my house tomorrow!" To that I reacted, "I'm only willing to *loan* you $300," which I regretfully did. That was only the second time a dancer hadn't paid back a "loan." Unfortunately, it would take several more dancers' requests for money for me to get the hint: The word "loan" to a dancer, means a "gift" to you and I.
I felt like I was dragging myself showing the enthusiastic attitude for being there but the real part of me couldn't hide it, she somehow played me like she wasn't or was interested in me.
The worst part was when pulled a SS stunt saying "Would be nice to go on a road trip with you, I'd give you the best time of your life, I saw a nice set costing x amount would be nice if we go get it. I'd take that to our road trip to ____"
I replied "No biggie, we'll get there when we get there."
The mood just went south after that, faster than gravity.
The hustle never ends.
I'm just so tired of it.
Boys, in my humble opinion, your experiences will improve dramatically when you stop taking these girls and their comments so seriously. Sometimes I smile and goof on them a bit, like girls for trying to pull one over on poor ol' me. ;)
Eyes on the prize boys, eyes on the prize. Getting worked up or offended over a silly hustle just gives away your power. This is just the opening round of the dance. The girl trying such a hustle often does so because she really needs the money or merchandise. I for one prefer to use her need to my advantage instead of getting stuck in my own head.
With respect to cancer girl, I would have told her, point blank, that I'm not running a charity, but I'd be more than happy to give her a chance to earn the money. With travel girl, I'd have made it clear that I could never consider traveling with someone with whom I don't have an established "relationship" of some type.
I do exactly this type of thing each and every time I get a silly pity or promissory hustle. Once I've made it clear that they'll get something when I do, the happy horseshit generally stops. Some get offended and storm away, which simply means that they were crap targets to begin with. Some, however, don't storm away, which sometimes means that I have something to work with. Whether or not they convert the same night is another matter, but either way the foundation is set for future interactions. I've had more than a few eventually come around after these little dances.
Anyway, just one guy's opinions fwiw.
Bad experiences have taught me that strippers should not get the benefit of the doubt – they are manipulative by their nature and the nature of their job and sometimes they have no limits to their manipulation (especially if they got big natural tits to manipulate w/ which my stripper did)
As I was driving her back home after our OTC date, she told me that what she wanted to do was move back to her home state, but it'd take about $2000 to do that, which sounded about right. But her voice also had that small hinting tone to it. I told her, "Wow. Good luck with that." She didn't bring it up again.
Best I think is just you move on her and it happens quickly, and for the agreed price.
I just wanna go out last night and have fun, she somehow ruined it by pouring a ton of hustle on me.
Anyway, she at least has more four guys like me who she can hustle.
Why would these girls hustle???
Can't they just turn that knob down to zero and just enjoy the moment???
Alabegonz, I'm going to hazard a guess that you are still struggling with understanding where you truly sit in her universe. She is a stripper and you are a source of cash. If she did not need the cash, she would not be with you. She would be with someone else instead, probably someone more age appropriate. She hustles because it works on some guys and the worst that can happen is that you can say no.
And before you start with some comment about the long view, I suspect that for most of these girls there is no long view. For all she knows, you could fall in lust with someone else tomorrow. So if she has a chance to score today, why wouldn't she take it?
If you want someone who you can just enjoy time with, you may want to seek out a civilian GF. Just a thought.
It's really interesting this thing that is going on here.
Let me explain.
Two days ago, I did a long drive to pick-up her Dad, the daughter and her.
They were loading stuff in the trunk and the ex-husband approached me and we had this short conversation about her. He told me stuff that I need to be aware of, sort of like tips on how to handle her.
Something I can't help but notice but he said it anyway was...
"We look almost the same, tall and well built, we have the same body type, we hit the gym pretty much everyday, that's how she likes men, men like us. But beware of her, she chases men that look exactly like us."
"Yeah, since you opened it up, we look almost identical in body type."
"Just do not let her get into you that much, she'll fuck your head til you can't think anymore."
It is easy to lose your mind when you are caught up in something like this, but just let the occasional SS or hustling that you get from her remind you of what you really are to her.
Dougster once asked me if I am speaking from experience on this topic. Fortunately not directly, but in my earliest days of clubbing, I watched a very smart and talented vixen drain a recently divorced friend dry, over 3 months, using this hustle. She even had a mechanism by which to artfully disengage him from her life when he went bust. It was amazing to watch and you could just see him standing on the tracks as the freight train approached, but he was too caught up in it to get out of the way before it was too late.
I never forgot the valuable lesson paid for by my friend. I also saw this hustle employed to great effect by a few girls in one of former Queens hangouts. In my opinion it is only a substantial minority of girls in this business who can pull it off, but the ones who have the skills and the shamelessness to do so are deadly for lonely guys who do not know better.
But good luck, lol.
Guilty as charged, IF she comes along. :)
Overcharging is a ROB. That isn't really SS, IMHO.
Yes, I still am a lapdog.
I hate it.
But you know what, I think I accidentally asserted myself two nights ago, when I said.
"This is getting old, I had a good life before committing a ton of my time to you. But now, my life seems kinda down there."
No text or calls from her.
That's probably it.
By the way, I got a text from another dancer just now, she wants me to go see her. I told her about my CF, showed her the pics and said I should run away from her.
That's where I'm going tonight.
See you boys later.