
Ever participate in a gang bang?

Atlanta suburb
Sunday, November 2, 2014 11:40 AM
I was offered the opportunity once back in my late 20's but passed. The girl was gorgeous. At least a 9 in most guys books. A quasi friend of mine in his 40's was dating her when she was only 17. he knew that in order to fuck her he was going to have to marry her. Much to my surprise her mother gave the legal consent and they got married. Of course he was fucking the shit out of her and not long after she turned 18, she had a baby. We'll he had been thinking with the little head and could not cope with being a daddy. So he abandoned her and the kid. Drove from California to Boston to never be heard of again. He did leave a trail wrecked motel rooms along the way. Well she freaked out and decided to get even with the guy by fucking all of his friends. I was given an invitation but passed. One on one with her I would have jumped at the chance but I'm not into that group shit. I did get a report from one of the guys that went. There were 5 of them. At one point one of them was about ready to shove it in her ass when she turned her head around and angrily shouted "Watch it buster. I just had a kid". There were no strip clubs back in those days or I could imagine her becoming a stripper. I did run into her about 2 years later working behind the counter in a deli. She was up to about 200 lbs. Just sign me, not sorry.


  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    No. And I'm with you, no thanks.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @shadow - you say this happened back in the late 1920's?
  • aroundtown
    10 years ago
    Had a 3some, 4some and 5some. All with me being the only dude. I rather be with 1 or 2 girls. Not interested in a true gang bang, ie sword fight.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I have never participated in a gang bang, nor have I been offered the chance. I am interested in this though. So am I understanding your correctly, the motive of this girl for going along with this was to get back at her ex by fucking his friends? So she was the primary organizer then? I have heard of women who have gang rape fantasies. One was a local stripper I spent much time talking with. SJG
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    SJG - You understood correctly. She told one guy to tell all of his friends where & when. I know another guy that was invited by a stripper to be the 3rd of 3 guys for her birthday celebration. She basically wanted him to video tape it. He declined.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I've fucked in front of other people but always just the chick n myself. Been with two chicks but never shish kabob'd a broad.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Yes, me and 20 other TUSCLers participated in a gang bang... of txtittyfan's daughter!
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    @Shadowcat, then I think this girl must be kinda nuts. I had read years ago in the Spectator ( local newspaper about SC's ) of some guys advertising themselves as a Gang Bang Team. For quite a few women it is a fantasy, I mean without there really having to be consent. SJG
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    ^^^ That's some crazy ass shit there! Did all your dicsk fall off?
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    I have never done this and I dont plan on doing it in the future
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    ^^^ That's some crazy ass shit there! Did all your dicks fall off? DOUGSTER
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    "There were no strip clubs back in those days or I could imagine her becoming a stripper. I did run into her about 2 years later working behind the counter in a deli. She was up to about 200 lbs." Crazy how that is so true these days. The vast majority of all the hot bitches in high school and college are now fatties, and the nerds I never even knew personally back then are gorgeous.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Shit! You're right! We better all get tested now!
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    No crypts or bloods
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Never done it, and not on the bucket list. I do good to keep my concentration on one woman, and no fucking way I want another dick in the room with me. Interestingly, I was talking to a dancer the other day who told me she went to a swinger party and was in charge of the gang bang. She told everybody where to stand, what to put in what hole, etc. etc. She said she didn't participate, but just directed. I knew that porn movies had directors, but wasn't aware that non-video gang bangs did as well. I guess it makes sense. With so much flesh, it would be chaos without someone to direct it.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    no, not me. Closest I came to it might have been when I really did not want to visit a massage parlor next to a strip club but two girls recognized me and forced me inside. Then it came down to me arguing with the girl in charge and a few of the females standing around watching. She got aggressive and reached inside my pants and started stroking because she wasn't getting the answer she wanted. I guess I was going to get massaged whether I wanted it or not. I had a hard time getting to the strip club.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I was in a threesome once where my buddy and I DP'd a chick we met at a regular bar once. I don't think that really counts as a gangbang, though.
  • Dolfan
    10 years ago
    Gang bang? No, not interested. 2 guys, 1 girl, yes. 2-5 girls, 1 guy, yes. 2 guys and a handful of girls, a couple of times. I'm not a big fan of more than 1:1, but group sex is better than no sex & in my experience group sex often leads to one on one later. For example, the time I was with 5 girls at once I ended up sleeping with them all individually and in smaller groups over the course of the next couple of months. Without the group sex first, I would have most likely (okay, pretty damn certainly) only slept with the one I was already sleeping with. The general gist of the proposition was a handful of girls were doing the 'girls night out' out thing when one of them mentioned her BF wanting a 3some. She was in to it, but nervous that she wouldn't know what to do, blah blah blah. They were drunk & I didn't ask too many questions, but basically the girl I had been seeing really liked being watched and knew I didn't mind. So, she offered up a little show with the option to participate if she wanted. It sorta snowballed from there; with another girl offering to be the third to make it an accurate demonstration, another one wanting to watch too, and the last one just kinda got peer pressured into coming along. We started out sticking to the plan, but after a while the peanut gallery started asking a bunch of what if questions and had to show us what they meant & at that point we were all naked and fucking.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Multiple women = good. Multiple men = not good.
  • GACA
    10 years ago
    Safe to assume none of you were in a frat
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