Getting skunked sucks. Whether it's at the strip club, the used car lot or when you're fishing, getting skunked sucks. Often times, the only consolation is the learning experience.
I got skunked this weekend. Not at the sc, but at the beach. The fish weren't biting and the waves weren't smooth. Although there wasn't a learning experience to be had, the sun was shining, the hotties were hot, Dolphins were frolicking, and a day at the beach with the family is better than a day without.
Sometimes, you just gotta look on the brightside. Yeah, you're gonna get skunked at the club, specifically, and life, in general. An old fisherman once said that a bad day fishing is still better than a good day at the office. Maybe we can say the same about strip clubs.
I skunked a black chick. From urbandictionary: "When a guy is fucking a black chick and blows a huge load from the back of her neck to her asscrack making her resemble a skunk."
last commentDon't forget going 26 years without a pennant.
Remember the old Washington Senators motto?
"First in peace, first in war, and last in the American League"
Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat all day and drink beer
"little boy, what are you fishing for"
"Oh, I'm not fishing -- I'm drowning worms"
That's cold Steve....just plain cold.