
Looking up an old girlfriend

layin low but staying high

So I recently looked up an old girlfriend from high school. She holds a special place in my memory. We dated for about two years. She was the first woman I ever fucked, and she gave me my first blowjob too. She wasn't particularly beautiful, but most of you would rate her at least a 7. I rated her an 8 because she had huge breasts with big nipples that she let me suck on every night. I actually considered marrying her as I could imagine myself enjoying those young tits for the rest of my life. But she broke up with me eventually cause she found another guy and we went our separate ways.

So I was thinking about this girl recently. In particular, I was remembering her blowjobs and wondering if there was any chance 30 years later for a repeat performance. So I looked her up. It's incredibly easy these days to find out details about anyone. As I read through her Facebook page, she sounded like a really cool person. Funny, smart, and fun. Just the way I remembered her. Plus there was no reference to a guy in her life, so it looked like my hope of a repeat performance might be possible.

But one thing was really weird. There was not a single picture of her posted anywhere. There were pictures of friends and family, but not a single picture of her. So I kept searching. I finally found a single picture of her on her sisters Facebook page. Oh my God! She was hideously ugly and unbelievably fat. 400 pounds if she was an ounce. I stared in disbelief at what I
knew as a 7 that was now undeniably a 0. A complete and total 0. Got to be one of the hundred ugliest women I've seen in my life. I still can't believe it. It is impossible to imagine anything sexual with her ever. Sometimes I want to go back and look at that picture again just to be sure, because nobody could be that ugly who started out life so cute. But I don't and I won't. It was her. She is that ugly.

This experience taught me several things.

1. A guy in high school once gave me some good advice which I totally dismissed at the time. He said if you want to know what a young girl will look like when she gets older look at her mother. If you can't imagine living with her mother when you get older then don't marry her. The mother of this gf was very fat and ugly when I dated her, and I remember wondering after I heard this advice if she could eventually look like her mother. But I just couldn't imagine that happening. My cute young thing with the wonderful breasts that I so loved to suck could never become her mother. But she did, they look identical. That guys advice was right on point.

2. It is hard to believe how far some women fall in the looks department as they age. I've seen it before obviously but it never ceases to amaze me. Sure men get less attractive with age too, but not to this extent. Plus women like money and maturity so some men actually improve with age. I don't think any woman after the age of about 21 ever improves with age in the eyes of men. This is one of the reasons why strippers are such a great option -- they never age. Just when they start to turn ugly and older they quit dancing and a new crop of young dancers moves in. You always get them in their prime before they deteriorate too much.

3. I sometimes make some really fucked up choices in life. What if I had actually married this woman? How horrible it would have been to watch the transformation take place. How does a guy live with a woman who is this ugly? Just the passing thought of her picture makes me go limp for hours.

4. I owe the guy big time who stole this girl from me. If I ever meet him, I'm going to buy him a VIP dance with his favorite stripper.

So that's my story. Anybody else have a looking up the old gf story that they want to share?


  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    Similar story. I had this huge crush on a girl in HS although I never dated her as she was WAY out of my league. She was the clean cut cheerleader type...I was the skinny, acne faced pot smoking guitarist. She had an eye for the football players. This was 40 years ago (OMG). I looked her up on FB recently and now I'm way out of her league! I'm way better looking than she is now; I've put on muscle, my face is pleasant (I'm told) and I don't look nearly my age. People think I'm in my late 30's or early 40's. She looks older than she is and is also fat; just goes to show.

    Buy hey John, if you'd married her, you'd just be spending more time at the SC's!!
  • joewebber
    10 years ago
    the other thing to consider is that if you had married her, maybe she would have been happy enough in your marriage not to let herself go. i've seen pretty girls get into unhappy relationships and they end up putting on weight, and not caring for themselves.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I use to hook up with, shall you say, hoe-ish gals in high school. Still do. Funny thing, even though most of these slutty sluts had kids early, the ones that I run into every now and then still look pretty good. And still slutty.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    The near nympho of my high school class is still good looking. She's added some padding, but it looks good on her.

    And she's still into sex in a fairly big way.

    Several of the girls who were hot in school are now my Facebook friends, and most of them still look pretty damned good.
  • bvino
    10 years ago
    My high school girl friend was 5'8" with long blonde hair and a 36C-26-36 figure. Gee we had fun. She dumped me after two years for a bum with long hair and a guitar. I looked her up and she has become a doctor with about 150 more lbs. on her and she looks a fat hippy. Her mother was hot,go figure. My current main squeeze is 5'6" with a 36D 32-38 and her mother is 87 but still thin and still active and still concerned about her clothes and looks. Vanity and insecurity are wonderful motivators.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    This thread reminds me of some of the girls I went to high school with that I have on Facebook that clearly don't look as good as they did back then. Don't get me wrong, they don't look as bad as the girlfriend you described in this thread--their looks haven't diminished THAT much. But they still aren't as cute (many of them put on lots of pounds) as they were in high school and this was only 10 years ago
  • slaux_pas
    10 years ago
    So your stalking isn’t limited to just jerikson40. Alrighty then.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    My high school years were pure misery. No girl friends and lots of fights with the guys. I have made no attempt to reconnect with any of my former high school classmates.

    I hope to live long enough to piss on their graves.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Slaux, no stalking involved. She's too ugly to even consider it.

    As for jerikson, I wish she would post some pictures of herself so we could all decide whether she's worth stalking or not.
  • magicrat
    10 years ago
    Well guys I married my high school sweetheart and what you say transpired. She put on about 50 pounds before we split, and another 50 afterwards. Sometimes it's good to be dumped! It's all good now, but the it was an expensive lesson for sure. Oh, and her mother was thin and good looking...she took after her father.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    Like magic, I had just gotten out of HS, but my sweetheart was still there at 16. We married after she graduated and I had acquired good work. Here it is 44+ years after we married. We've both put on a few pounds, buy nothing like 50. She DOES remind me of her mother, but that's not a bad thing.

    So, there is a flip side to some of the stories above.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    IME – girls w/ big tits when they are young often become whales later in life – also; obesity can def distort a person’s looks – often times obese people that lose significant weight often look like a completely different person; especially women.

    BTW – that was a very warm and sensitive story you told – I encourage you to post it on stripperweb as I’m sure the ladies would love to read it and would agree w/ your points :)
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    My high school sweetheart's family moved from Mass. to Wisconsin during my senior year of HS. She was blonde, buxom, and 2 years younger than I, but talk about eye candy! I used to play with her tits every time we went out and while we did some groping below the waist, neither of us was ready for sex. When I was 20 I drove out to see her and she was even more beautiful. She had won the Miss Teenage Wisconsin trophy and her mother could have passed for her sister. During my first night sleeping on her parent's couch, she crept downstairs in the middle of the night wearing a transparent peignoir and within 5 minutes had my raging hard-on in hand and just as her lips touched the head I erupted with a splooge to remember all over her face and the couch. We later learned how to fuck and yet the miles between were too many to overcome. Despite many searches on line I've never found her again.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    My high school sweetheart for 2 years dumped me 2 months before prom for a guy with more money, a doctor's son. I have no desire to look her up.

    The bitch that I did marry got fat like her mom. we've been divorced for 10 years. I have no desire to look her up.

    Viva les Strippers.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    First of all, my time in high school was miserable. I got forced into moving to the Chicago area from the Twin Cities area. I didn't have a lot of friends in high school, and most were the outcasts who didn't date anyone, although I was jealous of the one guy who did, because his girlfriend was hot, or at least cute. I did have a few crushes on some ladies and all of them turned out to be disappointing in some way. One time, after I moved here to the Omaha area, I went back to my old home town and went walking around downtown and had the pure dumb luck to run into one of the girls I had a crush on in high school. Of course, it took me a while to recognize who she was, because she had to be 300 pounds already and I remember her being somewhat average in the weight department. Hell, she was part of the dance squad that always did halftime at high school basketball games. The cool girls were on the dance squad and not cheerleaders at my school, at least that's how I remember it. I don't want to say I found her ugly, because it takes more than just weighing 300 pounds for me to find some girl ugly, but I was severely disappointed.
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Papi, good idea, but I'm pretty sure that jerikson already shares all of our good stuff with the ladies on the pink site.

    Gawker, for gods sake keep searching. When you find her post pictures.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    ^ Gawker I believe is 69 y/o – doubt his H.S. gf is boner material :)
  • JohnSmith69
    10 years ago
    Damn, I'm surprised he still remembers his hs girlfriend from that long ago. :) Never mind on my picture suggestion.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Not so fast to forget. Not all of us are youngsters. I'm seen quite a few "old women" that ARE "boner material". EX: Sophia
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    At my 50th high school reunion at the Roostertail in Detroit, September 2013, I saw the ageing beauties. One girl I had a crush on was actually prettier than she was 50 years ago. Although she dumped me for the guy she's still married to, she seemed to be flirting. My high school sweetheart of three years, dumped me as soon as we went away to different colleges. Found her on facebook. Still married to the guy her friends say was the dude who helped her get over her guilt for dumping me for her first fuck. Still has a friendly face. Her curvy high school figure has disappeared into a large blob. My uninformed opinion is that some high school cuties who dump "nice guys" feel a twinge a guilt as they move on with the new dude. Over the years the fascination with the new guy, who might be her husband, wears off. The competition from younger women gets fierce. Some of them may be getting attention from the husband. Insecurity and depression have her looking back, sadly, on what might have been if she had reciprocated the loyalty she received from the high school flame. So she starts watching lots of tv and overeating. What's left is a depressed blimp.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    Like Art, my high school years were miserable, too. No one wanted anything to do with me. I figure why would I want anything to do with any of them now.
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Over the course of 30 or 40 or 50 years, hot young women grow old and fat and ugly. But every year girls turn 18 and start dancing in strip clubs. That is proof that God loves us.

  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… hot young women grow old and fat and ugly …”

    Yeah I know – whereas we men become more interesting w/ age – at least that is what the dancers tell me
  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    Dancers love mature men, of any shape, with lots of money.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    SD nailed it!
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    if this isn't the most awe inspiring threadsI have ever seen. One of those rare gems that make tuscl worth coming too. I remember back when I was in 9th grade, there were these two kids, a handsome young man and the envy of of many women of a girl in my same grade. They were so good looking people thought they were a couple which they did become later. Anyway, they used to tease me for being a nerd and scrawny, but it was eventually in good fun because they knew I didn't have a problem fighting you. Anyway, I don't know about the dude but the girl has become fat as fuck and is only 23...or is she a year older. And has a kid and NOW wants to bring up her life. Meanwhile, I'm already working at big name corporations and stay fit and trim and looking good.

    @JohnSmith69 why not say hello to her to see how her life is going, just for giggles. Don't gotta get head but just see how far she's fallen down the totem pole in terms of success.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Should you take Esta's advice and contact her, and it goes a bit further, be sure to bring some flour for her,
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