The ATF who formerly had no SS now has a new form of shit. I'm setting up a date with her for this week, and she's good to go except she now says no oral sex. This is a woman who usually sucks me dry, swallows, and has been very oral since the first day I met her. But now we can do everything else but oral. And she wants to be paid the same. WTF?
The only explanations I can think of are:
1. She feels a herpes outbreak coming on. But wouldn't that mean that she's looking out for my well being and not herself?
2. She sucked off some PL recently and caught something and that scares her off. This is possible but she definitely didn't catch anything from me.
3. She is taking me and my money for granted and feels like she no longer needs to work as hard. Maybe but if so we have a problem. I enjoy oral and pay her enough to provide it. Over the long term this would end her ATF status.
4. She cancelled our last date 3 or so weeks ago at the last minute. I wonder if the two events are related.
I will talk to her at the club tonight and ask for an explanation but who knows if I'll get the truth. In the meantime, I was wondering if anybody has seen this before. Is there another possible explanation that I'm missing?
#5 Maybe she's on crack which explains the lack of motivation for sexual activities.
Any of the above show signs of decrease in interest, definitely worth the time to reconsider options.
Not that I would discount an increase of interest in other men, it would only tell she is chasing more money than you hand out, the simple reason is out right there staring you, what her actions tell is the truth.
"She is taking me and my money for granted and feels like she no longer needs to work as hard"
Well, John, if you had been paying closer attention yesterday you would realize that this is merely the first step on your ATF's transition to the new, no-extras/no-OTC stripper economic paradigm being fueled by the Obama economic boom's 54 straight months of private sector job growth. You're just lucky she hasn't passed her real estate exam yet or you would really be out of luck.
"You're just lucky she hasn't passed her real estate exam yet or you would really be out of luck." probably should be more like "You're just lucky she hasn't sold her first commercial or residential property yet or you would really be out of luck." this is assuming that there are already a dime a dozen girls that already have real estate licenses.
anyway sounds like #'s 3 and 4. if I were you I would back from otc dating, go back to the way it was and try to resume the sucky-sucky stuff w/her itc. if she still won't suck-suck well the I guess you have a decision to make.
Come on cowboy, try growing a pair and just tell her pimp that if he can’t control his ho then you are going to take your money down to the next street corner.
I guarantee that after he does some convincing she will be sucking your dick like there is no tomorrow.
Hell, if you want she’ll bark like a dog or even pretend to be bi-curious - not that anyone could be dumb enough to believe her.
On the more innocent side, any idea if she's having any dental problems? Oral infections, chipped or broken or loose teeth, and other dental problems might put her off from any oral until she gets it taken care of.
last commentAny of the above show signs of decrease in interest, definitely worth the time to reconsider options.
Not that I would discount an increase of interest in other men, it would only tell she is chasing more money than you hand out, the simple reason is out right there staring you, what her actions tell is the truth.
Well, John, if you had been paying closer attention yesterday you would realize that this is merely the first step on your ATF's transition to the new, no-extras/no-OTC stripper economic paradigm being fueled by the Obama economic boom's 54 straight months of private sector job growth. You're just lucky she hasn't passed her real estate exam yet or you would really be out of luck.
Damn that Obama!
Too funny! Spazz, Steve, spazz!
I drop favorites quick if they flake out on me.
probably should be more like "You're just lucky she hasn't sold her first commercial or residential property yet or you would really be out of luck." this is assuming that there are already a dime a dozen girls that already have real estate licenses.
I guarantee that after he does some convincing she will be sucking your dick like there is no tomorrow.
Hell, if you want she’ll bark like a dog or even pretend to be bi-curious - not that anyone could be dumb enough to believe her.
Right off the bat she's more believable than you are, cowboy.