
SC manager

I started managing a sc about 6 months ago. Its funny when people say you have the best or coolest job ever because they are so far from the truth then theyd ever know. My life has been totally taken over by the club and I guess you could say taken a piece of me. The owners are fresh in the biz and have not a clue how to deal with females let alone strippers. Ive always been good in that department. They started me as a dance coordinator and were manageing the girls, bookings, and drama themselves. It wasnt working very well. Im extremely minipulitive and can read and pursway people very easy. I started to thrive. Before I knew it I had a booking phone bought by the co. an office a new laptop and three pay raises. They couldnt believe how I could have such control over the girls. And how they'd listen show up on time and all that stuff,for the most part ne way. Being the perfect mix of an ass hole and a nice guy is key. You gotta smile while being meanish have a stern but yet friendly tone and just the right look in your eyes while going about managing and diciplining these girls. They cannot be trained by ne means the drama is astronomical along with attitude and all that. I call it controlled chaos. Most nights are good with your typical stripper bullshit but then theres nights like last night that take the cake and im sure theyll be worse too come but all hell just breaks loose with customers employees and dancers by the end of it you feel like ripping out your hair or just..... well I cant really explain it but it feels as if though im living in a movie. Its not normal at all its a life most couldnt handle. I enjoy the chaos slightly I wont lie but Ive honestly never been so stressed in my whole life. I made the mistake of sleeping with one of the dancers being new and all. WHOLEY SHIT!!!!!!!! BAD IDEA!!!! I found a way out of that one though and wouldnt reccomend it to ne sc mnger. Ne one else that can relate pr ne pointers tips or tricks from some SC mnger vets? Cuz somedays I just wanna go fuckin bat shit.


  • SuperDude
    10 years ago
    If you have an open mind and will consider some of the comments on this board, you may gain insights on what customers like, don't like, will support and will reject. We expect you to make money and give the owners ROI. That's fair. We hope that you know people well enough to tell the difference between a customer trying to get away with something and one who is really a victim of a ROB dancer. I can only guess about the level of stress that comes with being a SC manager. Customers know that you have your hands full, but still expect to be treated with respect. Most managers these days let dancers get away with anything, causing customers to leave and not return. The attitude that a club can charge anything it wants and PLs will keep coming is being tested in a troubled economy.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Im extremely minipulitive and can read and pursway people very easy"

    You do seem to be highly qualified
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    steve, very good!
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    1. If I deciphered your use of "English" correctly, you didn't tell us anything we don't already know.

    2. I suggest you learn some basic English: That includes spelling, grammar, and particularly paragraph breaks.

    3. There is at least one strip club manager (former, actually) that writes well. See three years of his writing samples at: http://stripclubhound.blogspot.com/
  • S.T.
    10 years ago
    I'm not looking to be an English scholar, Club_Goer. I'm looking to get advice on managing a SC. The owners have absolutely no experience or idea what they got themselves into and could not handle the drama and obviously since im assuming you manage a CM, you know everything else that comes with it.If your not then im assuming your just one of those club rats who thinks they know everything about running a club. We are full nude and full liquor club. Im managing the facility quite well but not even close to its full potential,We have a beautiful club. Its the cleanest, classiest, Wisconsin North woods club by far hands down. I just want to see it thrive. Just looking for positive feed back so I can bring it to its full potential.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Put out relish trays. Put a brandy old fashioned sweet on the menu. And prime rib. Huge portions of prime rib.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^^ yes, do that.........and give the place a sporty, hunting club type of vibe. Goes with the territory.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    10 years ago
    You don't have to be an English scholar, but some command of the English language is essential for success on an English-dominated website. In your response, you showed much improved skills.

    Also, I would add to your story (actually, make that "subtract" from your story) that if you're attempting to demonstrate that you're a leader in the club you purport to manage, then I wouldn't brag about your subordinates that you're fucking.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    Okay, assuming your serious...

    TUSCL member inno123 wrote a whole series of articles on "Building the Perfect Strip Club" that you should check out.

    Part 1 is here:

  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Bacon, lots of bacon. And hire Vin Scully as the DJ.
  • steve229
    10 years ago

    *your = you're

    Sorry, Clubber
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I know one guy who started from the ranks of strip club here in PDX. He rose from the ranks and is now managing a branch here. We have a good buddy relationship and he would always greet me and we would chat for a good number of minutes.

    He's pretty good talking with all kinds of customers and dancers don't give him shit. He is still there working and I think he is at 4 to 5 years there now.
  • jestrite50
    10 years ago
    Rule #1 DO NOT SLEEP WITH THE DANCERS! That's our job. Respect them but do not even be their buddy. If you do you will lose control of them and find yourself in the middle if some deep shit. "Familiarity breeds contempt !"
  • Estafador
    10 years ago
    and have a fucking degree in writing. HOLY SHIT, what the fuck is up with your writing skills man? is this how managers really write or are you bullshitting us?
  • rattdog
    10 years ago
    c'mon leave the guy alone. if he can't spell he can't spell. anyway yeah most likely 80% of strip club managers do write like that. but then again I've never in my entire life seen holy shit spelled WHOLEY SHIT!!!!!!!! what the fuck is that?

    based on the clubs I've to the responsibility of the manager is to:
    -see if the bar is properly stocked
    -make sure girls pay club fees and show up whenever they are scheduled. if a no-show the issue a fine to each one for each infraction
    -if a club is known to provide some extras managers are cool to look away if a customer is a steady regular. otherwise they will intrude if custy is not an established regular.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Accepted and appreciated!
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    You're a SC manager?
    Ya got my sympathies.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I might add be on the lookout for red flags where dancers steal money from customers. There aren't many who do that but they will cause a club trouble or drive away customers. Dancers can see suspicious things and might not bother to report it to the manager. Having a lot of extra money when a dancer didn't do very many dances is a red flag. Customers losing wallets etc after a lap dance and it's always with the same dancer might be suspicious.

    I'm not a manager but I've spoken to them and have seen many things. One is a customer getting in a dispute with a dancer about money owed. Probably Happens a lot when the customer pays after the dance but then some ROB's promise dances for a price and charge in advance and either claim they did extra dances or cut short how much they dance.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Good luck. I think if I had that job, I might not want to visit any strip clubs when I travel.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    ST: It looks like your job is 90% dealing with the girls and only 10% making the club better for customers. I've found this is typical: from the customer's point of view the manager is usually counter productive to his enjoyment. I understand how dealing with a room full of flakes must be really difficult but if it's consuming all your attention you should hire an assistant.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    Never in a thousand lifetimes would I choose to manage a strip club. It's like being a cop, you surround yourself with a bunch of daily b.s. that whittles the mind away, and soon you have a disillusioned view of the world where u can't trust anyone.

    Choose a simpler peaceful life where u can choose excitement on your free time. I've been doing way less clubbing because of the same b.s. at the club has wore me out. Some people thrive on the adrenaline, which is why I assume why so many people(women and men) like to work their. Good for you, because I can admire from afar.
  • Joe from NJ
    10 years ago
    This is a blog. Why are we worrying about speaking the King's English? I read for the stories, not for correct typing.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    We're not worried about the. King's English, we just like to be able to comprehend what's written. That requires more work when the grammar is all fucked up.
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