
Adding a new club on TUSCL

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
Seattle, Washington

I just noticed that the feature for adding a club is now phrased, "Add YOUR club" (my emphasis). Previously, it was "Add a club," the best I recall; now it appears that a club owner or manager is the only one who can add a club, since a contact name and club email address is required. (Customers don't usually have that information.) In the past, individual TUSCL members could add a club. I've added a few since joining TUSCL. There's one more I could add now, but I'm not permitted to do so.

See: /addclub.php

I sense that fewer new clubs will be added with this procedure.


last comment
avatar for founder
10 yrs ago

Feel free to add a club. You can just leave the contact field blank

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 yrs ago

Did you try it and have it rejected, or did you see the extra data fields and not try?

I notice the text says that incomplete submissions may take longer, but I don't see anything that explicitly marks any of the fields as required.

avatar for londonguy
10 yrs ago

Yes, I noticed that CG. I will be adding FKK'S Golden Time, Funpalast and maybe Fresh and Babylon in the lovely city of Vienna in next few days.

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 yrs ago


avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 yrs ago

Thanks all. No, I didn't actually try to add a club. But, I know of another strip club website that absolutely will only allow a club owner to add its club. (I tried to fake that I was the owner, and even got all the contact information requested, but the club didn't get added on that site.) So, I was reluctant to try once I saw that change in procedure. It's just a small change, but as I mentioned the addition of the word "your" did dissuade me from trying.

Founder: It might discourage others as well. If anyone can add a club, I suggest your return to the previous wording.

avatar for Dolfan
10 yrs ago

Sometimes I consider the local clubs "my clubs" :)

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago


You don't own a club? The rest of us do. What else are we gonna do with our 350k per year? We can't spend it ALL on lap dances.

avatar for mjx01
10 yrs ago


at the rate London Guy is covering the FKK scene, we're going to have to come up with some kind of most pussy in the shortest amount of time award


avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

"Most pussy award"

You see, me and my homies like to play this game....

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 yrs ago

Motor: If I owned a club, my screen name would be Club_Owner.

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago


avatar for gawker
10 yrs ago

Change is hard.

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