Yesterday the adolescent juveniles on local sports talk radio were all a-giggle about these items.
I had to go to Google to see what they looked like and how they are used. When my laughter subsided I read more about these devices and learned that many females who lead an active outdoor lifestyle swear by them.
Gotta love the scene in Natural Born Killers where Juliette Lewis(Mallory) is squatting, pissing, and having a conversation with Woody Harrelson(Mickey).
A few years ago, there was an attempt to manufacture a female urinal for use in conventional indoor ladies' restrooms. It had an extension, similar to the shewee, built onto something that looked like a conventional (men's) urinal. It was named the "she-inal." I can't imagine that had great success. The outdoors version, above, looks very practical.
i wonder what goes through the mind of the woman in the adjacent stall when she looks at the feet of the person in the adjacent stall and sees they are pointing the wrong direction. will she think a man is pissing in the woman's restroom? lmao
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