
Dougster's "Don't Ask" System

Since rickdugan, jester2l4, BonedBrother, and zipman68 have all presented their own systems, I feel it's about time for me to finally present my own. This is so people have a wide variety of systems to choose from when strip clubbing.

Now my system works as follows:

- You go to the strip clubs, don't worry at all about how you dress*, forgot all the stupid/sly tricks like in RickyBoy's "system" and just act normally around strippers.

- When you do get dances you, of course, respect their boundaries but you push things at a reasonable pace to let them know what a perv you are (dressing like a perv can aid in this).

- Quite often they will know exactly what is on your mind, and, perhaps to your surprise, will often ask you before you suggest it at all on your own that you should meet them OTC for some real fun.

- Now here's the tricky (*sarcasm for the humor impaired reading this) part. Sometime they don't explicitly ask you, but make very obvious hints about them wanting you to ask them. Examples "So where are you staying?" or "What do you want to do?". Now these might be part of normal conversation, but, from the context and the way look at you you should be able to the difference unless you are completely retarded, and, likely often even if you are. At this point it is a green light to "just ask" them.

So in recent years, I've noticed that not only do you not need a sly RickyBoy "The System" or even to "just ask". You can simply act normally and wait for them to ask you, or give you a very non-subtle hint that now is the time for you to ask them.

What have you guys found? Has this become so easy for you these days that it goes even beyond shooting fish in a barrel? The fish literally jumping out of the water and directly into the frying pan, so to speak, all on their own?

More and more, I don't even bother to "just ask" anymore, it is now simply at matter of "just wait for them to ask you".

* for the super pedantic, yes, you will have to meet the "Burger King Criteria" or maybe a little more for those occasional clubs that have dress codes

** The Burger King Criteria, as originally defined by yours truly, states that the bar for strippers to have paid for sex with a customer, assuming they have sex with anyone is basic binary but not quite so. The are some rare exception which can pretty much all be summarized as "if you could get served at burger king with your hygiene, dress, behavior then you are good to go to pay a stripper for sex)


  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    "What have you guys found? Has this become so easy for you these days that it goes even beyond shooting fish in a barrel? The fish literally jumping out of the water and directly into the frying pan, so to speak, all on their own? "

    LOL, so funny.

    And I'd like to see that happen to me everytime I get into the SC.
  • pineconepartyliquor
    10 years ago
    I read their body language. If they seem turned on, then they will probably have sex with you. For money that is. I think most of these girls that I paid for OTC wanted to do it mainly because they got all horny in the VIP or wherever and they knew they would enjoy it. However, they almost always want money for it because they think, well, if I'm going to do it, I might as well get paid. It's the "this pussy aint free syndrome" that so many girls have these days. And I think somehow they feel less slutty if they get paid. More of a whore and less of a slut.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Dougster is spot on. At my home-away-from-home, the question ain't "just ask" it's "how much?".
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I don't have any system at all. My natural personality seems to work well enough for whatever I'm after. Plus I don't try and convince a dancer to do anything she doesn't want to...I just find a dancer who will, which doesn't really require any skill. Just a couple of Benjamins.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    rockstar: "My natural personality seems to work well enough for whatever I'm after."

    "I just find a dancer who will, which doesn't really require any skill."

    LOL! I think RickyBoy ought to required to re-read that about 100 times.

  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    LOL. And now we've got the "Burger King System." Dress like a bum and have it your way, everyday. Cool! :)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    RickyBoy - reread what rockstar said. Just need your natural personality - no sly tricks like in your stupid system. And "no skill required". Read 'em and weep, you fuckin' poser!

  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I guess that might work for the girls in places like Miami, Detroit and COI, where dicks are routinely sucked ITC anyway. I wonder what the gals in places like NY, CT, WI, AR, KS, etc., etc., would think about that?

    Anyway, I don't want to ruin a good fable with my cynicism. Burger King System it is! ;)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Face it, Rick. You know nothing about how strip club really work in reality. You've been a poser all your life - in the corporate world that you had to drop out of; in your first attempt to marry into money; and finally even when visiting strip clubs. RickyBoy = lifelong fraud.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    The comedic portrayal of an article that was focused on scoring first meet, same night OTC while traveling, as some broad based "system" for all customers looking to score ITC and OTC services, was funny 3 years ago. Now it is just painful and repetitive. Seriously dude, find some new material already.

    Being a known regular at a given club is a different ballgame altogether and nobody is disputing that. Heck, in the clubs in which I'm a regular, I can find pretty much whatever I am looking for, at least for OTC, and I'm sure that it is the same for many guys who drop enough money in their local clubs. And who ever said that one did not need to ask a girl? How else would she learn what you want, telepathy?

    But anyway, enough with this silly diversion into reality and back to the Burger King System! The next time I club in Chicago, I'm going to put this system right to work by wearing my outdoor work clothes, strolling on into the Pink Monkey and then soliciting the hottest girls for p4p sex. I can't wait to see how well this is gonna' work - this should be great! ;)
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Face it, Rick. You know nothing about how strip club really work in reality. You've been a poser all your life - in the corporate world that you had to drop out of; in your first attempt to marry into money; and finally even when visiting strip clubs. RickyBoy = lifelong fraud.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I will continue to mock your stupid system until you admit how stupid and superfluous it is.

    Now since guy's with your particular "personality damage" are incapable of admitting when they are wrong, I predict that will be... NEVER! So great fun to be had... FOREVER!

  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    Why in the world would I ever admit to anything of the kind? If I did, I'd be lying. 14 states, I've lost track of how many girls and cities, and counting. Shit, I've even tested some of my assumptions (especially the clothing ones) for giggles and the differences were amazing.

    But troll on if you need to... ;)
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    ...after all, I doubt that just about anyone is reading this shit anymore anyway. This Discussion board has devolved into a home for dipshit trolls like yourself and horribly written, hamfisted caricatures of real people.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Geee, RickyBoy. Maybe you should admit you are wrong because you are wrong and everyone knows it? But keep posing RickyBoy. You did it in the corporate world, in your attempt to marry into money, and even when you visit strip clubs. So why should thing be any different here?

  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    RickyBoy = lifelong fraud
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