"Dirtiest" Locations for Clubs
What do you think are the most extras-prevalent/"dirtiest" areas of the country for clubs to be in? e.g. where would it be relatively impossible for a stripper to make a living if she did not want to have sex for money?
I am in Miami and strip clubs here are basically brothels. I don't think it would be possible for a stripper who would not have suck/fuck to make any money here.
I am in Miami and strip clubs here are basically brothels. I don't think it would be possible for a stripper who would not have suck/fuck to make any money here.
My experience in Miami is every dancer will have sex for $. By dirtier do you just mean they will do it for a lot less?
The LDS hotties are especially willing when there are weddings in the temple and the Jesus Jammie crew has just exchanged their secret heaven names!
Yep...if you want some twisted dirrrty fun the place to be is SLC!
But - it’s nowhere close to what I’ve heard about Detroit, COI or East St Louis.
Also, she was pretty much a rarity in S. Florida, Asian. I would bet a cuban dancer (so common) would have to go much further for the same income.
From my reading on this forum, sounds like Detroit is the number 1 destination. Counting TJ doesn't seem fair, as it's not in the US and prostitution is legal there. Then of course there's COI (personal experience confirms). I've heard East St Louis. And of course there's Follies, but from what I've read that club is an anomaly in Atlanta, since the rest of the clubs are air dances.
What are some others?
easy quick cash on the side by being a male dancer at a popular gay dancing hall several nights a week. There were usually 4-6 of us guys that danced there. I would generally leave at 1am and easily take home $200-300 in cash and would always be hit on, asked to go out to dinner or offered to go on vacations and was asked countless times to have sex. Many times I accepted and never had a problem.