
weekend plans?

Friday, May 16, 2014 4:44 AM
Its friday, which means in just a few hours, the weekend will begin. What plans do you guys have this weekend? I made plans with my "favorite" to pay her $2,000 to fuck another girl (and me obviously). She is on the younger side (sub 21) and has not had sex with another girl she says. Based on her initial apprehension of the situation I tend to believe her - I had to offer a lot of money for her to agree. Honestly this girl is indeed "model/actress quality" if not better. Worth the $, imo. Anyway, should be a good time. I got the usual "party favors" for her and the other chick. I know she's on probation and has missed her scheduled drug testing so she's on limited time but she's been texting me that she wants to get fucked up. And Damn, this girl gets FUCKED UP (in all seriousness, she has a cocaine and pill problem lol). Not sure what I'm going to do Saturday. I might actually GO TO the strip club. Maybe e11even, vivid live or madonna. E11even was pretty cool with me doing blow and smoking pot relatively openly, just had to tip the staff right. In non strip club weekend plans, I might be trading in my daily driver. Gonna go look at cars on Sat.


  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    You know what really gets the girls' motors running LMN my brother? Nope, not money. Nor is it drugs. Apparently, it is a fresh salmon in a garbage bag! I betcha that any large fish will work, but the garbage bag has to be part of the magic. So once...just once...lay off the drugs and have a whimsical weekend. Dress as the mad hatter. Speak only in iambic pentameter. And woo a stripper with a big ass fish!
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Want evidence? Check out trixxi's thread. That chick has Captain Kirk giving her fresh fish in a garbage bag. Pretty fuckin' coo-el if you as me. With a capital COO and a capital EL!
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Not trying to be rude but I read that thread and looked at pics of that dancer. She's not exactly my "type"
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    But the question, LMN, is whether YOU are a Captain Kirk type. Are you? 'Cos only a dude with Kirk-level mojo can get the babe with a giant fish. Any dude can have fun all high and spending money on strippers. But it takes a top notch wacko to have fun and get the chick if you commit to sobriety and decide you'll arm yourself only with poetry and a big ass fish. In a frickin' garbage bag! As brother Juice would say, "Thank about it!"
  • Lookin_for_wet
    10 years ago
    That's one low class stripper , who knows what drugs she does
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    @ lookin_for_wet Are there "high class" women who take their clothes off for a living and have sex for money?
  • Lookin_for_wet
    10 years ago
    U rite but damn that' overboard type shit
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Of course there are. The fact that you don't recognize that is telling, but then we're talking about your fantasy world.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    @jester214 You must the definition of a "pathetic loser." Defending sex workers as "high class" on an online forum. lol. I bet you pay strippers to have dinner dates with you.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    @LMN Is the movie "Less than Zero", one of your favorites?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    @LMN Do you get frustrated and do weird things when your cable goes out?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    @LMN Have you read "By Reason of Insanity" by Shane Stevens? A chilling novel
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    We're doing what we do every night, Pinky. Take over the world!
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Zip: So it must be a babelfish, rather than a salmon?
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    I'm going to spend 2-3 hours this afternoon fucking the brains out of my ATF, all for $300
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    @goonster I assume you live in a very poor area of the country and/or your ATF is a cheap night walker?
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    ^^^No LMN, you're just overpaying. No one on this board pays as much for strippers than you.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    "I kissed a girl and I liked it".
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Well relative to our friendly neighborhood janitor (jester214) they are pretty high class. Now watch him spazz out after I said that. :-)
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    LMN, wrong again. I don't fuck strippers or even try to see them outside the club. I'll occasionally take extras ITC but even then it's BJ's, never known how anyone could enjoy the discreet and cramped sex in a club. Also occasionally will arrange an escort when I travel for work or find a pro in a nice bar or casino if the mood strikes me. I'm not defending "sex workers" as being high class. But there are high class ones, just like there are plenty of low/no class ones. The same can be said for women who don't take their clothes off or fuck for money. Again it's telling that you, who claims to spend so much on women to fuck, isn't aware of this. And if I'm a PL for thinking that then God only knows what that makes you. The guy making up bullshit online which if it was true would just make you look like an incompetent drug addict overpaying for sex.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Jester You seem to have an issue with my lifestyle and myself. If it bothers you that I throw around your monthly income on an average weekend, I'm sorry. If it bothers you that I do recreational drugs, I'm also sorry. Regarding the high/low class thing - there are just ranges of attractiveness and how much they charge, at the end of the day - if you sell sex for money and/or take off your clothes for money, you aren't high class ever. Also to those who comment I overpay - I realize I pay more than the average but you must realize 1) I live in a very expensive area and 2) the benefit of paying so much is the stripper will prioritize you over work, other clients, family etc
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    jester214: "I don't fuck strippers or even try to see them outside the club. " Because he's a homo who prefers guys (preferably in Abercrombie and Fitch sweaters).
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Dougster Perhaps it's because after spending his whole cash advance on a bj in the club, he's not in a position to pay for otc. Jester strikes me as the type of guy who thinks raising minimum wage is a good idea.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Lol, I don't have an issue with your "lifestyle" because like everybody else on here I know you're full of shit. Just like Dugly, another sad/lonely person trying to convince people on the internet he's a big shot. Now don't get me wrong, I think that is pathetic and sad, but it doesn't bother me. I'll call you on it because that's my nature, but feel free to continue the rantings. I'm financially and emotionally secure, so the rantings on the internet of someone who is neither really don't bother me. As far as raising the minimum wage? I guess first we'd have to establish what minimum you were talking about. Assuming it was something in the $10 range that is being tossed around currently then I'm somewhat ambivalent. An increase of that nature would effect a pretty small amount of people an really not bring about that much change in lifestyle to those it did. It's a political bone that's easy to sell to the masses. What's insane to me is the fast food workers demanding $15/hour and unions for a job that takes 0 skills. Now what I could get behind is a raise in the federal minimum wage for tipped employees, mainly waitresses. Not so much because I think they deserve more, but because the law is so widely abused by managers/owners.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Lol @ you feeling "ambivalent" about a $10/hour minimum wage. Proof you are deeply in the lower middle class that it won't affect you. And keep telling yourself I'm lying if that makes you feel better. Enjoy life in the suburbs.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    I've never claimed to be a "bigshot" jestie. Just said I put in trades on average of a few hundred thousand at a time. That's actually quite modest, although I guess for some whose income is as low as yours it must seem pretty astronomical. If I was a bigshot I would say it was in the millions. Nevertheless, my challenge is always open to you jester214. Come watch my trades in real time and then see how "full of shit" I am. I've challenged you on this many times, and you just duck and run each time. I guess you your hate gives you some strange kind of comfort, and it's something you need, so I'll know you'll never take me up on this challenge (notwithstanding that it's unlikely you even have a brokerage account that you could use to watch them from). So go ahead and take solace in your hate - guess it's what little you have.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    jester214: "I'm financially and emotionally secure" Lol! Well if you don't count your depression and passive aggressive personality disorder, perhaps. :-)
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    Wow y'all r some Internet tough guys aren't u #MakeLoveNotWar
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Anyone who thinks trading securities in the hundreds of thousands is indicative of being a "big shot" is definitely a broke, uneducated loser who knows nothing about trading. If you want to make MONEY trading, you need to be in the 6 figures. Unless you think pulling in a few thousand here and there is impressive. If there's something I know besides fucking strippers and doing drugs, it's finances. And clearly this jester guy, has none.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    Mr lmn do u think jc penny's stock will do a turnaround?
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    As for jestie's "nature" that's actually code he is using for his passive-aggressive personality disorder. If you read up on it you'll see that one of the causes is inconsistent parenting. So I guess a close family member of jester214 had random and dishonest behavior and was an aggressive little. jestie now tries to "get back" at them here with all his false claims that others are lying (displacement). He has falsely accused me, carolynne, ranukam, and now LMN of this (probably others I don't remember at the moment) just because we claimed something that was a little atypical about ourselves and he didn't like us. He always has that "fuzzy logic" thing going.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    I would pay to fly jester in to Miami and have him sweep the bathroom of one the businesses we own. I'd take pics. Jester would receive a free trip to Miami, hotel paid for.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    LMN dude...rather than further encourage the trashing of ol' jester-dude, which isn't that amusing, I'll make a suggestion for a charitable activity. SUPPORT YOUR TUSCL BROS!!! Pay your strippers an XXXtra grand or two -- chump change to you I'm sure -- to take some groovy super dirty pics and post 'em on your profile.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    Hey mr lmn answer my question about jc penny? & since u got money too blow 💨💨💨👃👃👃 I will take the sand trip you offered jester
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    One super coo-el suggestion. Have one of the strippers shove a dildo up her ass and have the other stripper hold up a sign above said strippers ass saying "We're partying with a dude that does more blow in one evening than Stevie Nicks did during the entire '70s" Or perhaps just "LMN party" You will become LEGEND-wait for it-DARY on TUSCL my brother!
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Lol. As usual Dugly is forgetting/ignoring what information doesn't suit his current sentiment. It's one of the many factors that makes him a lamentable student of history. The he tosses out some pseudo-psychological observation based on absolutely nothing. Unless feeling unambitious, which is normal, and resorts to such wit as "your a homo" or "your a janitor". Which leads us to the leading difference between ole' Dugs and myself: When I question the veracity of someone's statements on here it's because I truly don't believe them. For Dougster it's simply a matter of how he regards them.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Do you guys really want me to take pics of these chick's degrading themselves for this forum? It may cost me like another couple bills each one lol but I'll try. Funny idea. Regarding JCP I'm too fucked up to give you a coherent answer
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    ^^^it seems like your worried about yur 💴💰💵💷💶 flows...maybe u don't have enough cash as u thought u did...sort if like a Bank of America but yur a big time wall streeter so u should no that. Maybe yur liabilities r more than you imagined... What is yur debt too equity ratio...what about your quick ratio?!?!
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    I need some answers now LMN!!! No time too think about it
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Jestie running from my challenge yet again. Run, jestie, run!
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    No lmn u cannot look up the information too figure out what I am talking about !! I need some answers...quit thinking about it
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    If I wasn't using all my vacation time this year between Europe and Vegas (Dugly can use my gambling to give you some more psychological insights) I'd be happy to let you pay for a trip to S. Florida. Got good friends in Ft. Lauderdale who I rarely get to see, when I'm down there it's usually for work.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    ^^^that should be an interesting meeting between Hester and lmn...like the montagues and the capulets
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Fuck that. I'm Escalus.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    In all candor, it's mostly lower class in ft lauderdale/broward. Not saying that to be rude but that's the truth. Let me know when you want to come to South FL. I'd be happy to pay for your accommodations on South Beach if you are ready for some serious partying. That stripper on this board didn't take my offer.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    ^^^LOL can I bee mercutio?!?!
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Yep LMN dude...I think all of your TUSCL bros would dig a lil' window into your life. A photo or two -- or more -- of strippers doing something twisted would make you a legend! But at least one has to include on of the strippers holding an impromptu sign with something unique -- suggestions above, "TUSCL is coo-el"' etc
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    No googling shit up or photoshop...the sooner the better yur hores should bee there by now. No time too think about it
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    C'mon TUSCL bros...give LMN suggestions for photos. What would you like o see him pay strippers to do on film (well, digital camera)
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    Well we obvious have different ideas about class, for instance I would consider you extremely low class. But for all I know they don't actually live in Ft. Lauderdale, but that's where I fly into to see them and I'm to lazy to go check my address book. Book me a room at the Delano for a week and we'll talk. Ocean view.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Oh, conveniently, jestie is "too busy" to take up LMN's challenge and be proven wrong. Funny how "big" he talks then when someone puts a test to dismiss his theories he isn't up to it... Guess holding onto that hate is too important to him. Run, jestie, run!
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    Something like screech did on his video...but it has too include tuscl in it somewhere...screech's video is copyrighted and we don't want any copyright infringement lawsuits now do we?!?!
  • goonster
    10 years ago
    @LMN - nope. I split my time between San Francisco, where I work, and my home town, Phoenix. She ain't a street walker, rather, a very hot lady in SF. You're over-paying.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Well, I guess that LMN will throw his poor TUSCL bros a bone by shelling out another $1K or $2K for some groovy photos tonight. I'm with Monsieur CapriSun... do the Dirty Sanchez! Make it dirrrty!!! Have on of the strippers bend over and write "For LMN only" on her ass in sharpie, then take a "sharpie in the pooper" pic. The caption could be "For LMN (or his sharpie) only" All of us destitute TUSCLers could use some vicarious twistitude.
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    I'm supposed to go clubbing but the exCF called so I'm here with her now.
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    Still waiting LMN
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