
ATF exclusive

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 11:45 AM
When you're at the club with your ATF, do any of you only get dances with your ATF? I've been doing this, but at the club she works there's like 5 other hot dancers I wanna get dances with. I think next time I'm gonna get dances with the 5 dancers I want but just skip my ATF. In the past a couple of my CF's have gotten mad when I got dances from other girls. I had to tell them, "you're not gonna tell me how I'm gonna spend my money". Surprisingly when I got dances from other girls the future dances from the CF's were better.


  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I used to have the same issue. The key is that your ATF knows you'll do X number dances with her no matter what, so if you dance with others she won't feel like you're spending "her" money on them.
  • Alucard
    10 years ago
    I am ALWAYS exclusive with my ATFs.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I never got dances from others while my AYF was in the club and she never got dances from any other customers while I was in the club. Here is a quote from her. "Commented May 12, 2009 Lol Shadowcat...I do not mind spending my time with you. In fact, I come in on the days you are there to see you. To clear up some of the replies here. I do not stop him from getting dances from other girls in fact I encourage it. I have no problem sharing as I know he has been dancing with quite a few of us for years and his newest addition is a very nice lady. As for the wonderful guy talking about drama. I am a very drama free person. I will not argue or fight, I will however stand up for something I believe in. I hope your comment was meant in an unknowing way and not a bad way. I would never force anyone to spend time with me, the moment someone said they wanted to move on I would get up and go away out of respect for them and myself. I think with me and Shadowcat we have a good understanding. Shadowcat stop worrying it's like How said unless you see a problem I have no problem. See you on the 15th:)"
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    I get dances from other dancers, but lately my "fav" has gotten my money simply because I still find her incredibly hot and sexy and despite a billion or so dances she always seems to have another level to reach lately.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I got dances from my future ATF a couple of times, but when she became my ATF, no more dances.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    I consider 3 or more visits with the same dancer as going steady, so yes.
  • Subraman
    10 years ago
    Like Shadowcat, once I have an ATF, I dance with her exclusively when she's in the club, she sticks with me exclusively when I'm in the club, and we often sync our schedules (she comes in on whatever day I'm free). Partly, I do this because I just enjoy it that way. Partly, this is because for her to make it to ATF, I have to love hanging out with her, and she has to be really tearing it up in the VIP, so she's the one I'd rather be with anyway, even if there are other cuties in the club. And partly, it's because -- at least for me -- I get way more mileage for way less money if I make a tight connection (yes, even though the connection is stripper/customer). For example, out of my last 4 ATFs, all of whom I stuck with for a year or more, I: - Went OTC with all 4, - with 3 of them, that included overnights at my place or a hotel, - and of the 4, 2 never charged me for OTC, one charged me sometimes but not other times, and one (the one who refused to do overnights) charged me what I consider a token fee -- $200, no matter what we did. Could I have gotten OTC with those girls if I didn't ATF this way? Yeah, probably. Could I have paid $0 to some of the hottest girls in the club? NFW. Maybe some of you tuscl male models could, but I could not. Sometimes, there are other girls I at least want to take for a test drive, which I'll do on a day my ATF isn't there. But, pathetic as it sounds, I'll still text my ATF, "hey, it turns out I'm free, last minute, and heading to the club. Can you come in?" Of course she can't, because it's last minute, but I want her to look at me as being above board and transparent, rather than me sneaking around behind her back (the girls will tell each other when their regular was in without them), and again, I think it gains me points. If it leads to free OTC sex and sleepovers, I'll happily play this game
  • Clackport
    10 years ago
    Good stuff subraman
  • alabegonz
    10 years ago
    Never had an ATF/CF, which is probably the best thing because of OTC. So, keep posting fellas, I need to read more about your ATF one-itis adventures.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    I have a hard time with the concept of the ATF. It not only literally says "all time", but there's a belief that there should never be any other dancers at all. I go to strip clubs to get as many different girls as possible, for the most part. In fact, I don't recall the last time I went to a club and hung out exclusively with one dancer the whole time, at least on a weekend visit, which most of mine are. Most of them who have taken the time to know me know they will get some of my money, but know I like to spread the wealth around. I know one of my current faves at my #2 club struggles with that notion, although I wonder if there are other factors at work there.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    @DandyDan - personal preference should rule, some guys like to sample the buffet or try the latest craft beer. Others stick to a favorite drink and meal. It's all good.
  • Draper
    10 years ago
    Think Subraman said it best: "And partly, it's because -- at least for me -- I get way more mileage for way less money if I make a tight connection (yes, even though the connection is stripper/customer)." That's a big plus for me at least and worth the exclusivity on my part. I don't think my ATF would care much if I tested the waters with other dancers, but I probably should have done it earlier. I don't want to rock the boat at this point and potentially screw up a good arrangement.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I like to stay a few hours and if my ATF only danced with me she'd go broke! I'm probably her lowest spending regular not being a rich man compared to the millionaires she seems to attract. In fact she must like me as a person at least a little or she wouldn't even give me the time of day for what I spend on her!
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I'm hot chick exclusive. Keep those mamasotas away from me.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    When my ATF was working, I pretty much only spent money her, even if it was only a drink or two. But there was no way I was going to tell her she couldn't get dances from anyone else, given how little I spent in the club after we started seeing each other OTC. She knew I wasn't going to bail on *that* just because she was trying to make money *in* the club.
  • BigTuna1
    10 years ago
    Think Subraman said it best: "And partly, it's because -- at least for me -- I get way more mileage for way less money if I make a tight connection (yes, even though the connection is stripper/customer)." Amen
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