When a Dancer's Real Life Interferes

avatar for JacksonEsskay
So I am in town for one night, but won't be seeing my CF as planned because she texted me a few days with the news that her roommate (most likely BF) had been shot and critically wounded. I was able to verify the details through LE and news reports, so this is not SS. He was shot during a daylight, home invasion robbery (call me jaded, but to my mind this has "drug deal gone bad written all over it") and as a result it has totally f'ed up the dancers life to the point that she has not been to work since.

This little intrusion of real life into the dancer client relationship is bound to have an effect. Maybe it a sign that its time to move on?


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avatar for ButterMan
11 years ago
Yea i prefer my strippers as low drama as possible..LOL! I might have to leave that one alone.
avatar for rickdugan
11 years ago
Guess that depends on how good a favorite she is and what you are willing to tolerate. If she is normally reliable and shows you a great time, then I'm not sure I'd be so quick to flush her just because she has an unusual situation that is keeping her at home in this instance.
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
Esskay, does in town for one night = in Richmond?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“… This little intrusion of real life into the dancer client relationship is bound to have an effect. Maybe it a sign that its time to move on …”

Glad to see you are seeing things clearly – no need to worry with that nonsense about someone getting critically shot and how that is affecting a person close to them (the dancer).

avatar for jestrite50
11 years ago
Our personal life interferes with our work all the time. This is not unusual.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
The amazing thing about human beings is how you can get every unexpected combination of characteristics. On of my favs was a bat shit crazy ex-con, but she had a lot of dignity in her own way. Too proud to be crying on my shoulder about her problems. Where as other favs who had no real serious problems would totally fuck their money by whining at me so much.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
BF "shot and critically wounded." A prudent man would take that as a sign to move on.
avatar for Anabellaohio
11 years ago
Could have been someone who knew she was a dancer and kept a lot of cash at her house. I know quite a few girls who were robbed by roommates or friends of friends because they were foolish enough to leave their cash in their place and tell people where it was.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Might put a damper on future OTC activities, especially if she suggests meeting at her place.

If we're just talking ITC, I would give her another shot, er, I mean chance.
avatar for tumblingdice
11 years ago
Fuck it Jack,roll those bones.YOLO.
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
Sounds like SS to me but you say it's verified. She's mixed up with some pretty unsavory people so I say move on. What will you do when she has you drop her off or pick her up somewhere and there's more gunfire? Pack some heat and shoot back?
avatar for gawker
11 years ago
One time I picked up a dancer who had lost her license and we were on our way to a hotel and she asked me to stop at a friend's house. She went in and 5 minutes later came out to get me saying it was going to take some time.
Apparently they had cocaine, but needed to cook it to make crack. The cook showed up and insisted I assist, getting the baking soda, ice chips,etc. talking with the guy, I learned that he'd just been released from prison (manslaughter). My attempts at making crack were poor at best and I quickly realized I didn't want or need to be associated with these people
If you lay down with dogs you'll get fleas.
avatar for juiicebox69
11 years ago
wuff wuff !
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
avatar for SuperDude
11 years ago
Why should any guy working for a living and spending money on dancers get involved in their confused, disorganized, erratic and, often, criminal existence? You risk getting shot by an ex-con boyfriend, badgered by "damsel-in-distress" calls all hours of the day and night and being treated like an ATM. Keep it light and fun, paying for OTC if required. When it stops being fun, move on. Yeah, I know--some of them actually appreciate the help and support and are trying to straighten up and fly right. Most don't care to use the support and loyalty they are given to stabilize their lives. They are just passing time until they are too old to dance, whereupon they will become escorts, waitresses or bus drivers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
11 years ago
“…Why should any guy working for a living and spending money on dancers get involved in their confused, disorganized, erratic and, often, criminal existence? …”

b/c we are PLs
avatar for JacksonEsskay
11 years ago
Papi -- your observation concerning my priorities was properly critical, given the information I provided -- but actually misplaced. I have lent both moral support and helped the dancer get in touch with Victim/Witness Assistance. I am not uncaring about her situation, but that does not mean I cannot also consider how it effects mine.
avatar for 59
11 years ago
In the stripper world:

roommate = boyfriend

boyfriend = fiancée

fiancée = husband
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