I prefer to avoid weekend day shifts, if I'm going clubbing to scout out new talent. They seem to be the slowest, and least productive periods. But, most of my club-going is to see my faves. So, I go to clubs when they work. One works day shift, only. One of her days is Sunday afternoons. Sometimes, I'll go to see her then, but I'm usually disappointed with the rest of the lineup at that time.
If I am art home 98% of my clubbing is done on Sat or Sun afternoons. I am retired so that has no affect. What drives my visits are the drive itself. It is 42 miles from my house to my favorite club and the most direct route is I-85 right through down town Atlanta, the 7th worst U.S. city when it comes to rush hour traffic. If I don't leave the club by 3PM it will take a minimum of 2 hours to get home. On weekends, I don't have to watch the clock.
Only weekdays for me, and usually not Thursday nights either. Smaller crowds drive this preference...I like having more choices regarding available dancers and seating.
I prefer Saturday or Monday early-mid afternoons. It's a little slower, there are less people and the daytime ladies are generally still on duty on those days, so extras are easier to come by since it's slower and there is less management keeping an eye out.
I don't have a preference, but will go when the best dancers are on duty. This obviously varies by club. My favorite in Atlanta, Follies, has the best looking dancers during the day shift. Most clubs have the "A" team on nights, especially weekend nights.
I aim for weekdays. I seem to get better value for the money, and there isn't a huge crowd. Most clubs near me seem to try and funnel their weekday traffic into one or two nights by advertising specials. This seems to attract the better dancers as well, without increasing the crowd too much. In my experience, this has worked out better than weekend clubbing.
Pretty much Friday and Saturday nights, and only because I work overnights, so I sleep a good portion of the day, and working overnights kills any possibility of going in the afternoon, although having only one club in my area open in the afternoon doesn't help things either. (And that place is a waste of time.) That doesn't mean I won't take a day off once in a while to go to a club, but those types of visits are few and far between these days.
Since I rarely make a planned stop and stop by when out working, almost every visit is an afternoon or very early (before covers) evening one. Could be any day, but I tend to skip Mondays. Perhaps a "Case of the Mondays."
I have pretty much zero pattern as far as weekend/weekday. I generally prefer dayshift, or early evening like Clubber. I work a 9-5ish kinda job during the week, but if I have a few hours on an afternoon with nothing on the calendar I can not return from lunch without answering to anyone. Some clubs have weekday night specials that bring in extra girls without bringing the club to weekend levels, so I check those out too. Its a good chance to see the night shift without having to deal with the weekend crowds. I'll also go weekends days or nights as the mood strikes.
I find a lot of clubs have drastically different feels different days of the week/time of day. I kinda like the variety, its almost like going to different clubs. Some clubs I won't go to at certain times, either because they're too busy, too slow, to ghetto, etc.
I work most weekdays and am often sleepy in the evening. Since it is much safer to fall asleep on my sofa rather than driving, I rarely ever go out on a weeknight when I didn't necessarily sleep that good. I have an hour drive to the nearest club and that drive is usually very quiet and boring with very little traffic in the late evening. I'm glad I'm not trying to sleep at this moment. some neighbor has a chain saw and is cutting down a tree or something. I do have ear plugs though. I think I do not sleep as good when I fall asleep on my sofa with the tv on all night. Falling asleep without realizing it scares me if I think I might do it when I'm driving. Thus I do not travel far at night if I think I might not be well rested.
I tend to be a mid shift guy, arriving typically at 6 or 7 pm on a Friday or Saturday night. I have arranged daytime visits with either dancers or fellow PL's but that doesn't happen to often.
@clubber - Monday was my go to day for a spell ($10 dances didn't hurt, but mainly because of a fav's schedule). More than once I showed up early in the afternoon and was the only customer, lol
If I want good QoS; I opt for a weekday visit – but often times is the weekend when I have the most free time and I will often hit a SC on a weekend eve b/c I have nothing better to do (beats sitting at home).
I also prefer quality treatment from the dancers thus why I lean more towards weekdays – for the most part; I’ll take less hot dancers and better service over hotter dancers and crappier service.
I tend to go whenever the specific dancer I want to see is working. Unless I don't want to see any of them; then I'll just go when the mood strikes me.
I go when the mood strikes me. I find going according to a schedule or just to see one dancer to be contrary to the buffet of dancers waiting for my hard earned money.
last commentFridays are kinda crazy for dancers as they are in a different mood. I like to see them relaxed and friendly and Friday is not.
I find a lot of clubs have drastically different feels different days of the week/time of day. I kinda like the variety, its almost like going to different clubs. Some clubs I won't go to at certain times, either because they're too busy, too slow, to ghetto, etc.
Correct, just that Monday's seem to be as dead as a club can get. Although, there was this one time...
@clubber - Monday was my go to day for a spell ($10 dances didn't hurt, but mainly because of a fav's schedule). More than once I showed up early in the afternoon and was the only customer, lol
If I want good QoS; I opt for a weekday visit – but often times is the weekend when I have the most free time and I will often hit a SC on a weekend eve b/c I have nothing better to do (beats sitting at home).
I also prefer quality treatment from the dancers thus why I lean more towards weekdays – for the most part; I’ll take less hot dancers and better service over hotter dancers and crappier service.
whatever day I can pull it off when traveling.
I did the same for a few Mondays, but I don't count going for a specific dancer the same as just going to a club.