
8 Reasons Most Guys Actually Hate Strip Clubs

Detroit strip clubs
Do you think the author is a faggot or a major faggot?



  • Mal2
    11 years ago
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Neither. The dude said this...

    Single guys seem desperate. Taken guys seem like they’ll have some serious explaining to do. Groups of guys seem obnoxious. Guys like me seem shifty-eyed and like they’d rather be at home with a Wendy’s frosty. Desperate, guilty, obnoxious, and asexual: Nice, gents—we really came with our best in this room full of beautiful women.

    So I'm voting that the dude is actually a creepy version of Sheldon Cooper (not the actor who plays him, but a stupider version of the character).
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    I think that he is just a poor, delusional pathetic loser, who listens to a lot of other PLs spouting crap.

    Maybe he would enjoy going to the Blue Oyster!
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Shit head
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    He's a writer trying to make a buck. He got your interest.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I read his other articles-

    8 reasons why men hate tools.

    8 reasons why men hate sports.

    8 reasons why men hate cars.

    8 reasons why men hate fishing.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Very cool Slick. LMAO
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    I hate TOOLS? I hereby revise my earlier assessment. He is an un-American, unmanly despicable PL!
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    The Problem with the author among others is that he believes a survey from esquire. I do not know of any normal guys who subscribe to it. Telling me they did a survey is like telling me out of 100 guys who subscribe to this one magazine, 68 guys said they don't like strip clubs. duhhh. That's like asking 100 guys in a march against something how many guys oppose xyz.

    If you ask 100 single guys who want to have a little bit of fun what would be a good choice?
    1. a movie
    2. visit some hotties at the local strip club
    3. staying home and entertaining yourself with tv or video games.

    I bet over 50% would say the local strip club if they said they were single and looking to have fun.
    Survey results are misleading depending upon the question and audience asked.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I do agree if I had to visit strip clubs with one creepy guy from work, not so much fun.

    As far as expensive, where else can I see so much for only a dollar? Without looking online that is. He's a dumbass if he's spending over 100 bucks making it rain if he's not rich. He mentions $600 on one dollar bills, that's mega super dumbass or he's Donald Trump or a rich rapper or drug kingpin.
  • AnonymousJim
    11 years ago
    Let's do a Tosh.O-style breakdown, item-by-item:

    1. Clubs are as creepy as you make them. If you're gentlemanly, they're not creepy. You can be polite, well-mannered, thoughtful and intelligent -- as long as you're open-minded about sexuality and pleasure, and your dancer is as well, it's not creepy. If anything, it's more real about what our instincts are than everyday life! Now granted, if you're there in a group and you know not everyone is comfortable, then it's creepy. But this is why the only time I was ever at a club in a group (with a bachelor party of friends) I felt awkward, whereas by myself, no problem.

    If you're looking to the other guys in the club to see how to act, you'll feel like the place is creepy. If you feel like a creep, you'll be creepy. If you know what you want to do isn't what the dancer wants to do, or try to push her to do things she doesn't want to do, it's creepy. If not ... then it's not creepy.

    Item 1 -- wrong.

    2. Again, it's as degrading as you allow it to be. No one forces girls to strip. Do some do it because they feel they have to and don't want to? Sure. Those are generally the ones I try and avoid. There are ones that actually enjoy it, work at it and are good at it.

    I have money earned elsewhere from my talents and skills, you have talent and skill I would like to purchase. I make you happy by giving you what you want. You make me happy by giving me what I want. How is this degrading to anyone?

    Item 2 -- wrong again.

    3. OK, this is true. But if you toss #1 and #2 and you consider what you're getting: A beautiful woman, doing exactly what you want her to do, in private, with basically no concern of it ruining your marriage, relationship, job status, whatever, which it might if you did it in public? I'd say that's worth a lot of money. The market plays itself out perfectly, if you ask me.

    Item 3 -- right, but those who are cheap will end up getting the $13.50-worth of enjoyment 'Frozen' gives you, versus the $600 worth of enjoyment a CR with a 9/10 and maybe something extra will give you. You get what you pay for, and my friend, I will have walked away from life a lot happier for spending money on what I spent it on than you did for watching animated movies.

    4. ... seriously? Do you consider sex to be uncomfortably intimate? Guess what? If you want someone to do things to you in places on you they might think are a little disgusting, then you might have to deal with things that are a little disgusting. Grow some you-know-whats and deal with it.

    Item 4 -- I don't even think "uncomfortably intimate" is possible with an attractive woman. Dana Carvey as John McLaughlin: Wrong!

    5. Take a shower and wash your clothes afterwards and it'll be fine. This kind of goes back to #4. Ever been with a woman, author? It's wet and sometimes kind of sticky down there if you're doing it right, plus, while it shouldn't smell like a sewer or bread, it also won't smell like a flower, either. But that's not disgusting. You realize the enjoyment she's getting and say, "That's glorious." What you get in return far outweighs what you deal with.

    Item 5 -- true, but again, missing the point.

    6. ... huh? There are some dancers that are really, really good on the pole, and they tend to be really, really good with LDs and CRs, too. This just in: If you feel like they're being ignored, it's because YOU'RE IGNORING THEM! If that's what you're into, tip her on-stage then take her back for ... oh yeah, #3, you're too cheap to actually reward the girls who are worth rewarding, which is your own damn fault.

    Item 6 -- no they don't. Wrong.

    7. Not every guy in the club is desperate. If there's nothing that appeals to me on a given night, I will leave and save my confederate dollars for another day. If you know what you're doing, you will commit to only spending on what or whom you feel is worth spending on and pass on what or whom you feel you can pass on. Clubs only represent "dudes at their worst" if the dudes themselves decide to be at their worst. If anything, I feel like I'm at my best in a club because I'm dressing nicely, being respectful and honest and giving my money to some hard-working folks who deserve it.

    Item 7 -- wrong.

    8. ... [headshake]. Why are you thinking about whether or not you should have a boner? What kind of a self-conscious PL are you? Are you looking to see if other guys have boners? If you are, then maybe you should be at the club downstairs with the beefcake guys stripping. Do you think anyone else cares if you have a boner? No. Do the dancers care if you have a boner? NO! Their job is to give you a boner! The thought being that if you have a boner, you are feeling good and should feel appreciative to the dancer for making you feel that way and tip accordingly.

    Item 8 -- if your dick wants to get hard, and your brain is telling you it shouldn't, it's not your penis that's confused, it's you. So. F'ing. Wrong.

    Net sum from what I get in this article: If this is truly a representative view of the supposed "majority" of American men who "hate" strip clubs (I hope not), it begins to make sense to me why most people are so messed up and, frankly, dumb. We are human beings -- smart, but still animals, and animals have an instinct to look for attractive traits in the opposite sex and want to mate. Sure, sometimes there are slight mutations in that instinct -- take the 10 percent of the population who is not heterosexual. Fine. Follow that instinct then. And there's probably a percent of the population who's asexual. Fine. I'm OK with letting those folks be who they are. But I'll be damned if there isn't a large section of the population who would love clubs if their heads weren't screwed on so damn incorrectly, be it by religion, spouses, overbearing parents or what. And they're the ones that make it so difficult and expensive for the rest of us who are more in touch with what really makes us happy.

    Screw this guy and his F'd-up thinking. If it were up to him, the most fun thing we'd get to do would be to take our buddies and kids to go see 'Frozen'. What an asshat.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    Shadow said it, he's a writer pandering to his audience. Which in this case happens to be women.
  • Dolomite35
    11 years ago
    Sixty eight percent of the guys polled were asked in front of their girlfriends/wife. Even when I didn't consider this a hobby, I still would take an evening at a club over an evening of boring.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Bottom line, a survey can be given (asked, worded, whatever) to get most any result wanted.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    In another related survey, 32% of the guys asked didn't think their wife/girlfriend would slap them if they said yes to the other survey.

    Another 30% said yes they like strip clubs but after their wife/girlfriend knocked the beejazus out of them, they said no, I don't like that. Where did you get that idea?
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    1. Yes, everyone (custies, strippers, staff) is creepier than average.
    2. Complex issue. Sex is degrading, distracting from the human ideals of love and reason. But so are eating, pooping, and other behaviors we share with other animals, and cannot realistically refrain from. A major norm for women in our culture is that they must give men sexual pleasure only in exchange for love and/or long term economic support. When women choose to give men and lopaws sexual pleasure in exchange for sexual pleasure for themselves, or "short-term" economic support, our culture encourages their degradation. And that is the source of the vast majority of the degradation of strippers.
    3. Yes
    4. Only for dorks.
    5. Not necessarily.
    6. Not necessarily.
    7. See number 2.
    8. Hurricanes, boners, and farts happen when they happen, you just deal as best as you can.

    Bottom line, SCs have there pluses and minuses, and like most things, best to allow a free people to choose what's best for themselves.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I do hate the fact that most strip clubs are only set up for teasing.

    There is no sign up front saying Blowjobs $5, Full service $15 plus tips.
    In some strip clubs, you can't even get close enough to touch a dancer, or at least some clubs used to be like that.

    I believe it's only degrading if you think being naked is degrading. Obviously many Americans are prudes and think being naked is degrading but it is part of nature and what we were born with. Not accepting that is like denying you are human. If there was another intelligent race of beings around, some would probably call it degrading to be classified as human denying their true nature.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    In a way it is degrading to men to be seen throwing money around irrationally just because a pretty girl went up on stage. I heard men act irrationally when they see something they believe is beautiful. However most women never complain when men act irrational except when they are married to the guy and it's not her that is getting the money.

    Men get called stupid,irrational, etc.etc. and we just ignore it for the most part. Then we hear all the crap about how it is degrading for women to be naked. It's only degrading if you think being naked is. If you think the human body by itself is something to be ashamed of, I see why you might think it is degrading. To an alien who wouldn't care if you were naked or not, it would not matter at all. That just tells me the thought of something being degrading is all in your head.

    If you thought tipping naked girls on stage was degrading, then it's in your head and that's what you believe. If you thought actually doing manual work was degrading, then that's what you believe. If you thought women should do all the work around the house and that men only need to eat, do yard work,and watch tv and anything else was degrading to men, then that's what the men would believe. It's all in your heads.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Sometimes we can reach a consensus belief of what is considered degrading and that is what it is, just a consensus of beliefs among people. When someone throws up a hundred dollars in ones and the dancer has to crawl around on her hands and knees to get all the money, I think that looks degrading clothed or naked. I believe strip club management often agrees having bouncers come over to help collect the money. Unless they do not and are simply doing it to get the girl off stage faster to keep their line up on schedule. I'm not really sure.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    The money broom is a sword that stabs through the heart of stripper degradation.
  • joker44
    11 years ago
    AND he's a male writing for Glamour, a magazine that features these stimulating sections:

    CELEBS & TV!!
    HEALTH & DIET - oy!
    GET INSPIRED - oy vey!
    LIVING - is it?

    nuf said.
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