
Sam's Club or Strip Club?

Atlanta suburb
Think that men are nothing but cheating dogs who hate shopping but love the plush stripper booties? Well, according to a new study, that's not the case for the majority of men at all!

According to The Chicago Tribune, Esquire Magazine conducted a poll of over 1000 men across different demographic divides online. And the results were surprising:

•More than 75 percent of men polled don't like going to strip clubs; half of the men polled enjoy shopping
•Men over the age of 45 aren't likely to have sex more than twice a week; for men under the age of 45, it's not unusual to have no sex at all
•Black men (26 percent) are more likely to get manicures than their white counterparts
•The average man cries at least once a month
•It's not unusual for a man to tell a woman that he loves her
•While men commonly use moisturizer, hair products, and cologne, they rarely dye their hair or use spray tanner

And according to The Sydney Morning Herald, these results surprised everyone at Esquire.

"A lot of men have sneaking suspicions that what they say or do is not normal by traditional definitions of manhood, from how much they care about sports and cars to their taste in music and movies," Richard Dorment, senior editor at Esquire, said in an interview. "The thing that deeply surprised us, that we have the statistical data for, is how the definition of conventional, masculine behaviour has expanded to include all the things that up until a few years ago were considered totally alien. [But] there are some things about manhood as it existed in previous generations that are still more or less the same, particularly the interest and emphasis on sports and the excitement that men get from watching and playing sports


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I'm flabbergasted. Staxwell, you know what we need to save...
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    I admit it! I love shopping - as long as it's at Woodcraft, Home Depot or Lowes.

    And, of course, the current lineup of cuties at the local SCs.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    If I can shop on my own terms then I don't have any issue with it, depending on what I'm shopping for I probably do enjoy it.

    At the same time shopping for 3 hours in Belk with a woman is a form of hell.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    The 7th circle, at least!
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I like to shop at the gun store. I cry when I can't get any pussy.
  • AnonymousJim
    11 years ago
    I wonder how many of those 75 percent have been to a strip club. And what percent are religious or not, our what percent had to take the survey with their SO listening/watching.

    Also, I hate shopping. Get me in and get me out.

    The rest doesn't surprise me, notably the manicure part. I once read that the late Bernie Mac thought getting his nails taken care of was the most important part of his grooming routine and he knew he wasn't the only one in his crew who felt that way.

    Honestly, you should take care of those nails, guys. Let's just say that your hands can give a lady a lot of pleasure if you use them right, but in the most sensitive of sensitive lady parts, pointy corners or rough edges down there don't feel real good. Raise your game, gents.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I have hair products. an electric razor and a comb.
    I go shopping for food but don't enjoy it. I try to go when the store is least crowded so I can get in and out as quick as possible. If I go to Walmart, they are always out of something so if I want the items they never seem to restock or are out of stock on a given day for weeks, then I end up making trips to other grocery stores even if it costs more. It sucks.

    Maybe guys enjoy staying home and getting all their shopping done online. I rarely buy anything online. They didn't ask anyone I know about this stupid survey. I hate shopping.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I guess if you include looking over strippers in a strip club, checking out the merchandise, then you could argue I like shopping. I like comparing their tits and merchandise and finding a great bargain. Then I buy. I like finding those hot items.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I get the impression this survey didn't represent guys who work or live near me.
  • bang69
    11 years ago
    I'm with jackslash on this one.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    More than 75% of men DON'T like going to SCs?

    So...were wives/girlfriends in the room when these questions were asked?
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Those 75% of men have shock collars tied around their balls.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Those 75% also said that they never jack off.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I read the article in brail.
  • ATACdawg
    11 years ago
    So you did it til you went blind, despite your mother's warnings? Tut, tut!
  • VeryBigDawg
    11 years ago
    Any possibility of turning that ghetto shopping center across the street from Follies into a nice Sam's Club? Would save me a trip! Not to mention giving the girls alternate employment when they get periodically fired or suspended from Follies for doing something incredibly stupid.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    My favorite place to shop is Cabellas!
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Hey VBD - This way you get a taste of Tijuana. :)
  • skibum609
    11 years ago
    I read the same article and it made me feel out of touch until I read it was an esquire survey so who friggen cares what a bunch of Progressive metrosexuals do. Stuck in New England, but a redneck at heart, I buy and never shop. A visit to the store, including the drive is 15 minutes. My sports bar and my neighborhood bar are both strip clubs. I even have a favorite dancer to watch Patriots games with and sat in the same seat in the same club for every game 7 during the Bruins cup run. Sex less than twice a week would be grounds for my wife divorcing me and as swingers I get more partners in a year than my single friends. I tell my wife I love her a minimum of once a day and cry when I watch movies and not just Old Yeller, because I even cry at the end of Von Ryan's Express. I never use hair products, get a manicure and last used cologne in 1980, finding that soap and water works wonders. I do admit I will dye my hair this spring, but only because at 56 I am wrinkle free and need to remove the grey for my job search. Will miss my beard, but younger people seem to like men who don't look like men and that means no f acial hair in case the hiring partner is in their 30's.
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