Not sure what to think - I got propositioned for OTC

avatar for endlesstempo
Sooo, hey guys. Been a while. Some of you might remember me, but I didn't try to make myself known (or hated) like some other folks on the boards. Kind of a long post incoming but I'd appreciate if you guys help me out with this.

Anyway money has run pretty tight for the last several months, and I've had to cut back on the clubbing experience which is why I haven't been around. I know my own lack of self-control and didn't want to get tempted by reading this site. A few nights ago I went to my local favorite club for one last hurrah, ready to empty my load (of cash in my wallet, of course). I was PLANNING to have it be my last foray into the strip club underworld for the foreseeable future, until the dancer I selected propositioned me for OTC.

She assured me that she'd never done anything like this in the club before (which I don't believe of course), but that for financial reasons she needed the extra money, and figured me to be a safer choice than the other patrons in the club so she made me the offer for OTC. I've never seen a dancer be quite so forward so I was caught a bit off guard, but I rolled with it and agreed.

After we finished a great VIP session she wanted to talk to me further about it and asks if I'm going to stick around. I don't usually hang around the club long after a VIP like that but figured it'd be a good call to do so just this once. So she vanishes into the back and I'm waiting in the club. Sure enough she comes back and asks for my number so we can stay in contact. I'm ready to give her my number, so she says she will look for a pen and paper and come right back. Twenty minutes pass. I catch the figure of a girl who looks like her, dressed in plain clothes, carrying a duffle bag and scurrying out of the club like she's in a hurry.

I figure that even though it looks like it was her, it can't possibly be her, after all why would she pass up the opportunity for extra earning? Another twenty minutes pass and still no show. By this time the club is about to close, so I ask the bartender if she's still here, to which she replies that no, she has already left. This confirms my suspicion that it really was her that I saw leaving earlier. I left immediately.

Now I'm kind of confused. Been thinking about it all weekend. What was the purpose of stringing me along? Just to get me to go back? Maybe she was being honest about never having done it before and got cold feet? Embarrassment?

Then I got to thinking, or maybe OVER thinking, but it almost seemed too perfect. You know the saying, "when something seems too good to be true, it probably is" - did I narrowly miss a run-in with LE? Isn't that entrapment?

So what's my next step? To come back to the club and try to pick up like nothing happened?


last comment
Dancers are flakes. Someone texted her with a sure thing, so she left. She can proposition anyone at the club any time; there was nothing special about you. Just forget about it and move on.
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Didn't you just say that was your last hurrah for a while. If the defi ition of good time in VIP was sex, then don't sweat it. Now go away and don't go back for a while since your saving.
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
Best to forget since she left without following thru. This happens a lot.
Strippers some times use this ploy to get you to stay around the club and spend more money on them.
I concur with Rockstar. I sense that in the first 20 minutes after she agreed to get your phone number, she somehow found a way to get the extra money she needed. I also think that it was an immediate opportunity, which is why she left the club. She was more comfortable with handling her situation that way, than being a first-timer with you.

I suggest you continue to go to the club. When you see her next, wait to see if she brings up the subject of why she didn't follow through with you. Then, react accordingly.

As for my own sensitivity to situations like that, once a dancer doesn't follow through on something she's said she'll do with, or for me, that's the last time I'll spend money on her.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
If you were to go back, she'd have some story about how her mom and her dog were in a car crash, and she had to rush to both the animal as well as the people hospital. There's a fair number of customers who see becoming a dancer's regular as a preliminary to OTC. Many, many dancers believe that they can keep a regular longer by giving him hopes he can get OTC.
@ilbbaicnl: Even my ATF used the sick relative excuse once when she blew off an OTC date. They must teach that in Hustling Men 101.
avatar for sclvr5005
11 years ago
Yeah sounds like she found a sure thing and you were kicked to the curb. I wouldn't take it personally, but like Club_,Goer said if I ever saw her again I would ignore her and not drop a dime on her.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
That's the clubbing life. No need to think or over-think. Float on.
Neglecting to give you her phone number is a damn sight better than standing you up after you've gotten the room. Don't sweat it.

If she brings it up, just shrug and say "shit happens, don't worry about it." If she doesn't, wait a bit, like a visit or two, and then just casually mention "you still want to give me your number, or has that ship sailed?"

If you get it, great. If not, and you're happy with the way she's treating you in the club, fine. Even if this *wasn't* your last hurrah for a while, you're out exactly nothing either way.
Strippers are as reliable as public transportation – you just have to accept it for what it is (and what is not).

When it comes to strippers – it’s better just to roll w/ the punches - when one can have a good time with them – great; enjoy the moment – when shit falls apart; then hook up with another stripper or if you can have a good time with the same stripper at another time; then enjoy that time/visit.

We can’t make/take it personal – the service they provide is more like an auction than a business transaction – i.e. one makes an offer but there is no guarantee one will end up w/ the product.
avatar for Gucci_Mane
11 years ago
Toss mo money mo money mo money !

I just tossed 10 stacks and i didnt even know it !
avatar for looneylarry
11 years ago
What everybody said. But you should have a thicker skin. You just got trumped, no more, no less. There is a pecking order and you just found out you are not at the top. Nothing tragic about it. It could be a long-time crusty, an old friend, a Daddy Warbucks, a girl-on-girl possibility, who knows what. But did you really think that you'd hit the walk-off homer right off the bat? It was too good to be true. Next time she may just settle for you, or for somebody else. No rhyme or reason.

Like golfing. You swing hundreds of times and then that one time you hit the ball perfectly and it flies true to the pin and the clouds part. But there is never an explanation for why that shot was any different. But it would be foolishness to go bankrupt trying buy lessons, bags, memberships, clubs, accessories, and obsess over replicating that perfect shot.
These bitches be crazy. You can't expect them to act like normal human beings.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Jack-You've been watching reruns of Friday, haven't you? I can't wait for the next one.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
I agree with everyone else here.

I'll add that you had better get your head on straight about OTC with this honey or you will end up spending a small fortune for very little ROI.

Best of luck.
avatar for sofaking87
11 years ago
I agree with the rest, she's a flak, she must have found someone with more cash.
avatar for GCMan
11 years ago
Strippers are crazy. Don't try to understand them. I've been OTC with 8-10 the last 5 yrs since I really got into clubbing. A couple of them I saw on a regular basis. Every week. Multiple times. One I was with over 2 yrs. We probably dated is what most people would describe it as. But to me she was always a stripper. I was never gonna marry her and I sure would never intro her to my child. So more than likely your stripper wanted to hook up with you for money reasons. But the guy she has been seeing asked her to meet up and she bolted bc she knew what kind of money was waiting for her. I do it all the time. Tell my girl get dressed I will see you at Hampton Inn within the hour. Don't read too much into it. You can prob have her the next time.
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