Are there a lot of dancers who are actually lesbians with no sexual attraction to men at all and see men as stupid walking talking wallets only? Have you discovered any such dancers? I will never spend any time or money on any girl I find out is a lesbo. Actually, I used to think that most strippers were lesbos until I spent some time in clubs and now I am not sure that they are common among dancers at all. I have only dealt with a couple I found out about in 20 years. In both cases I started avoiding them completely.
First of all not all dancers are lesbian. I have encountered about 10 in my exploits in stripclubs and believe me i look for them. Most dancers are either straight or bi (or bi-curious) and what does it matter anyways? As long as they sell it for the duration of the song and she's a good actress who the fuck cares? If I refused to get dances from all of the straight dancers that have asked me I would have had a very small pool to select from. Get over it already.
It's easier for a lesbian to be a stripper or escort, because her girlfriend doesn't get jealous. The girlfriend knows the stripper is not getting any real arousal from her job, so no reason for jealousy. A lesbian was my #1 fav for a while. It was nice, because I didn't have that lingering guilt that her doing her thing for me was making it harder for her to find someone nice to be serious about.
LOL! Cody seems to think that straight strippers and lesbian strippers look on the customers differently. I got news for him. For the most part they all look at us as stupid walking wallets.
I've met several bi strippers. I believe many thought they were lesbian. They did nothing to change that impression among those they didn't care for. One of my favorites used to be bi. We could talk about some of the same things. Other hot dancers in the club, videos on YouTube or whatever.
While I've met my fair share of dancers who were turned on by women, I don't know that any of them would call themselves lesbian. I had a couple of old favorites who liked DATY as much as I do, but they still prefered cock to pussy. The more I think about it, the less I really know what makes one a lesbian, other than a woman declaring herself to be one. And the women who say they are lesbians don't seem inclined to strip for guys. Besides, if they were really lesbians, would they really tell you?
I've met a number of lesbian strippers, a lot of what appear to me as honest bisexuals, and a fucking shitload of those who claim to be bisexual or at least open to the idea. Most are reluctant to admit being lesbian, presumably for the reason you mention.
I'm really curious why it would make you avoid them. I've seen no correlation with poor performance from lesbians vs heteros. I imagine there is very little difference in the level of attraction most have for me. Of all the reasons to avoid/seek out strippers sexual orientation is damn near the bottom as far as I can tell.
Tofu chili? Hey, I'm making chili this weekend and maybe I'll try it - GAG, yuck!
One advantage if you are married is that they are a safe option. There's no chance that you will fall in love with her and have to deal with the fallout.
Somehow the OP got the impression that he has a chance with the straight dancers rather than the lesbian ones. That's pretty funny. Here's a news flash for you - even the straight ones only want your cash. To ALL of them we are all walking wallets.
First of all, I do develop friendships with these girls and are not just a wallet to them. That's because I am nice and actually treat them with respect rather than being a tool who sees theses women as just sex objects and treats them rude like most men Girls have told me a lot of stories about how bad the other men are and I am really taken aback! But anyway, I have occasionally gotten OTC sex from a dancer, so YES, I DO have a chance with some of them! And while I am perfectly okay with a bi-curious stripper, the lesbos can go to hell!
And the ones I find are too obvious about strictly being about money and don't really want to talk to me much or get to know me, I kick them to the curb too. Ain't nobody got time for that! I have NO TROUBLE saying no to those I also won't get a dance from a girl who constantly talks to me about a boyfriend/husband..Fuck them, they ruin the fantasy!
@slick I hate to one up you buddy, ol' pal of mine. But dancers tell me all the time they see me as no such bank account. They see me as a donald trump stock
@Cody my lesbian former fav was perhaps the one of my favs who was the least fake with me. Unfortunately, things would have worked out better had she pretended to be less batshit crazy.
Ironically, my guess is that she was the one who was the most into my caresses as non-sexual massage.
How can you tell when a stripper is lying ? Whevever her lips move...
One club I've gone to several times has a website with dancer profiles/pics. One item in profile is sexual prefernce. By a ~55/45 ratio, most dancers were straight, rest "bi", none lesbians. I'm skeptical on the later. IMO, dancers are in this as a business of sorts. Since a vast majority of customers (online, and in the club) are straight males, virtually no dancer would admit to being a lesbian for fear of alienating potential customers. Probably more than a few dancers who listed themselves as "straight" did so under the presumption that some customers would think that one listing themselves as "bi" is a copout for a dancer not wanting to publicly list as lesbian.
IME, I take this with a grain of salt as I've encountered roughly equal proportions of (uninhibited, stuck up, nice/engaging, put offish) dancers of either sexual preference. I've seen dancers listing themselves as straight take couples back to VIP. I've also seen dancers listing themselves as "bi" eagerly approach male patrons (solo, and groups.)
I think it matters if she lesbian, a lesbian lady wouldn't care if you happy as long as she get your money. I would never get a dance from a 100% lesbian unless she pay but I never encountered one but I ask specific questions b4 I get a dance
Most of the dancers I know are bi. The like sexual relationships with men and women. Many have been hurt by guys that have abused either as children or adults and find safety and satisfaction in relationships with other women.
I was in the process of getting a private couch dance one night when I noticed a few feet away a female customer was also getting a couch dance and the girl that was dancing for me said, "they're kissing...and that's supposed to be MY girlfriend. I got to have a talk with her after work tonight" For the most part I think most dancers do what they can to increase they're income and may "play around" with other dancers or with female customers because they know lots of guys consider it a turn-on and it will bring more money their way.
I've known about a dozen openly, and demonstrably, bi-sexual dancers. Some of them preferred pussy to dick, but they almost *all* said that pussy almost wasn't worth it sometimes, because the drama with women was *so* much greater than it was with men.
Personally, I don't care what her sexual preference is. If she's *acting* convincingly like she's enjoying what she's doing with me, that's good enough.
I also don't care about a strippers sexual orientation as long as I get a good dance. Gay or straight they are there for the money. They aren't there for their own sexual pleasures. The OP is delusional if he thinks he has a chance especially with his shitty attitude.
last commentKind of like going to the gay men's club and telling everybody "I don't suck dick".
I'm really curious why it would make you avoid them. I've seen no correlation with poor performance from lesbians vs heteros. I imagine there is very little difference in the level of attraction most have for me. Of all the reasons to avoid/seek out strippers sexual orientation is damn near the bottom as far as I can tell.
A can of O'Douls
Fat-free cheese
Tofu Chili
Arena Football
A Toyota Prius
A Deja Vu Free Pass
Justin Bieber
One advantage if you are married is that they are a safe option. There's no chance that you will fall in love with her and have to deal with the fallout.
they're all like that, duh.
lmao! Bitter much?
Rest assured that the lesbian dancers feel exactly the same about you. Have a nice trip!
Ironically, my guess is that she was the one who was the most into my caresses as non-sexual massage.
One club I've gone to several times has a website with dancer profiles/pics. One item in profile is sexual prefernce. By a ~55/45 ratio, most dancers were straight, rest "bi", none lesbians. I'm skeptical on the later. IMO, dancers are in this as a business of sorts. Since a vast majority of customers (online, and in the club) are straight males, virtually no dancer would admit to being a lesbian for fear of alienating potential customers. Probably more than a few dancers who listed themselves as "straight" did so under the presumption that some customers would think that one listing themselves as "bi" is a copout for a dancer not wanting to publicly list as lesbian.
IME, I take this with a grain of salt as I've encountered roughly equal proportions of (uninhibited, stuck up, nice/engaging, put offish) dancers of either sexual preference. I've seen dancers listing themselves as straight take couples back to VIP. I've also seen dancers listing themselves as "bi" eagerly approach male patrons (solo, and groups.)
other women.
Personally, I don't care what her sexual preference is. If she's *acting* convincingly like she's enjoying what she's doing with me, that's good enough.