Midwestern extras

avatar for MrDeuce
What are the best clubs in the Midwest for reasonably priced BJs, say $50-100? I know about Detroit and East St. Louis and have found willing providers at a club in Indianapolis and another in the Youngstown area, but what else is there in the old Northwest Territory plus adjacent states (western PA, WV, KY, MO, IA, MN)?


last comment
avatar for jack0505
11 years ago
Not happening ITC for that price
avatar for Digitech
11 years ago
Iowa - In a little town called Hamburg there's a place called Shotgun Geniez.

In Kansas City, you can go to Temptations on the day shift.

avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
$50 to $100. Better look for lot lizards.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
11 years ago
You could try CT's in Gary IN: Dances are 3 for $50 plus ale-carte menu items (50-100-150 respectively I am told)and usually a choice of three dancers. No stage show private dances only.
They also offer a adult theater ticket with free patron provided, line up to take your turn, group entertainment.

You could try The Rising Sun, 117 West Main, Madison WI

Where in Indy. Although I have not clubbed in Indy for quite a while, I seldom found any club that had girls doing ITC much less enough privacy for ITC. I used to go to Harem House, Dancers Show Club, PT's(before it went to crap), Rick's and Brad's Had several offer OTC at a high cost and a couple of others looking for a sugar daddy. I will be back working in Indy soon and would like to check it out once again.

avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
Most any of the Gary clubs offer cheap extras if you can stand the ghetto ambiance.
avatar for MrDeuce
11 years ago
Thanks for the responses! PM me if you want Youngstown or Indy details.
avatar for SamPerkins_420
11 years ago
If you're in IL, try Chantilly Lace or Exclusive Lingerie Botique in Rockford (both are on here).
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