
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night

Detroit strip clubs
It is snowing here in Michigan. The snow has been falling slowly but steadily since last night, and as the roads are plowed they fill up again with snow. Since it's Saturday, I did not need to go out in this mess.

A stripper had texted me a few days ago, asking if I would come see her today in the club. I said I would try. But once I looked outside this morning I decided I would stay at home and read a new book on my iPad.

Late in the afternoon the stripper texted me and asked when I was coming. I replied that I was going to stay safe and warm inside.

I'm impressed by this stripper's dedication. She drives about an hour on a nice day to get to the club, and must have spent longer on the road today. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this stripper from the completion of her appointed rounds


  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I wonder if it’s dedication on her part or flat out desperation/need – I’m thinking the latter.

    Or perhaps she was required by the club to be there.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    I've only had one experience like that. I visited Toledo, OH one year right after new year's. There was a mild snowfall of a few inches. IT was their first snowfall of the season. I asked the dancer that I traveled there to see about that. She said only if it's really blizzard conditions is that considered an acceptable excuse to miss work. The club certainly was full of dancers and customers in the following few days.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I had something like that happen once. A favor wanted me to come in when it was extremely cold and snowing when I lived an hour from the club. I had a broken ankle at the time. I did not go
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I remember during the Northridge Quake of 94', one if the clubs was ruined. The gals still had to show up. They were dancing in front if the club. They were using street sign poles and bus benches. Serious.
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago

    You should have gone. I'm sure the price would have ridiculously low.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    One day late last winter I drove 130 white knuckle kilometres through the worst blizzard of the season from Nisku to Red Deer for a SC visit.

    Admittedly, the real purpose of the trip was business. I stopped at the SC hoping that the blizzard would let up for my return drive. The club was quiet with nothing happening. The blizzard was still raging when I left the club and the return trip was even worse driving than the trip down to Red Deer. In fact the horsemen had closed Hwy 2 and I was forced to use back roads to make my way to Edmonton Int'l.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    So art, what the stop at the SC at least a pleasant one? :)
  • Otto22
    11 years ago
    Was in Memphis one evening during one of their famous ice storms. The electric power was out in much of the airport area and the SCs were all closed. The enterprising girls simply moved to the hotels that were still open and offered blow jobs in the parking lot.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    @Slick - sounds like something that the Rhino chain would do!
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Probably missed a Fire sale! LOL
  • farmerart
    11 years ago

    Nah, that particular SC visit was totally worthless. The driving was horrendous. The only saving grace for the entire day was one of the business deals I was able to finalize. Excellent results for me from that deal at a dirt cheap price.
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